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Deepika cheers Yuvraj in Australia

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sharath amm
it is their personal life
by sharath amm on Jan 06, 2008 08:51 PM

Why people are bothered about personal lives of cricketers and actors?.Their work should be appreciated and criticized rather than their personal lives.It is rather unfortunate that Indians are also going the British way of scrutanozing th personal lives of celebrities.Look at the death of Diana

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Samia Baig
Three cheers!!
by Samia Baig on Jan 06, 2008 08:33 PM

He he... we have all seen what effect her cheerings have had on him

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explains the loss of form
by YamChuk on Jan 06, 2008 06:26 PM

He is under stress to impress his new found GF ,
I think for the sake of the Indian Cricket team Deepika should stay away from him

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by halfbloodprince on Jan 06, 2008 03:58 PM

let their parents what the kids are upto.
Yuvrajs's father helped Manu Sharma escape police custody.
Yuvraj Singh ditched Kim Sharma when she slapped an australian women for racist remarks against india

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hard 2 c cricketing balls
by chakde on Jan 06, 2008 12:10 PM  | Hide replies

its vry hard fr yuvi to c cricketing balls nowdays today again 1 more zero

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Be carefull !!!
by Manyu on Jan 06, 2008 12:08 PM  | Hide replies

Yuvi, Be carefull!! Dhoni is going to hit 6 sixers in an over pretty soon.

You will be in trouble ;)

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RE:Be carefull !!!
by Rakesh on Jan 07, 2008 11:11 AM
Rediff dont post such unnecesary messages.........not required for anybody

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Maneesh Agarwal
Yuvraj should concentrate on batting
by Maneesh Agarwal on Jan 06, 2008 09:57 AM  | Hide replies

Is she cheering single digits scores by Yuvraj?

This is the reason of Yuvraj's performance. He wants to spend most of the time in stands.

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Suresh Ganti
RE:Yuvraj should concentrate on batting
by Suresh Ganti on Jan 06, 2008 11:08 AM
You are right.... deepika is cheering this single digits and yuvi indeed looking to accompany her in stands. indian players cant prove their abilities outside india. indian selectors must concentrate on selecting efficient players who do not permit their personal life to effect their play.

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ChandraMohan Gupta
RE:Yuvraj should concentrate on batting
by ChandraMohan Gupta on Jan 31, 2008 05:54 PM
Neither is Yuvi planning any such rubbish to stay in the stands.Even Dravid has not been performing in the past test series because everyone goes through a bad period in thier lives.So,it is better not to abuse people and prove how foolish u are..............

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