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Nathuram Godse
Re: Looks like another piece of CR@P
by Nathuram Godse on Dec 10, 2008 10:30 PM
Please dont insult AIDS patients by comparing them with SRK.

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Re: Looks like another piece of CR@P
by Sameer on Dec 10, 2008 08:15 PM
haa :) barabar bola

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Vishakha S
Ban watching Bollywood movies... check the source of funding and haptas
by Vishakha S on Dec 10, 2008 08:06 PM

government should investigate how money is funneled from bollywood actors to the Dawood gang and other fundamentalist organisations.

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Wonderful Indian Media
by Sameer on Dec 10, 2008 08:05 PM

Sharuf should retire, he is a old puppy now!

How wonderful Indian media is, they treat a old puppy as a King, while causes for thousands innocent dead over terrorism from islamic organisations are given a back seat.

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by oziyana on Dec 10, 2008 08:05 PM

No he is just an actor and far from the real person. His contribution looking to his stature in nations building is so far is zero.

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Joseph Bailey
Looks like another piece of CR@P
by Joseph Bailey on Dec 10, 2008 08:05 PM  | Hide replies

He looks like another piece of cr@p now.

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Joseph Bailey
Re: Looks like another piece of CR@P
by Joseph Bailey on Dec 10, 2008 08:08 PM
in fact, he is looking an AIDS patient.

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Vishakha S
Is this the slick face of terrorism?
by Vishakha S on Dec 10, 2008 08:04 PM  | Hide replies

During the recent mumbai terrorist activity, these bollywood actors were surprising quite !!! no protest no comments nothing. It makes me wonder and probably confirms that these are the people who one way or other are linked to Islamic fundamentalists thru Dawood and gang.

Infact, Shobha De, also wrote about it recently.

“I read ‘Shah Rukh Khan's on BBC Asia’ (reported in a local tabloid) with a great deal of disappointment. The report begins by quoting him stating, "I tried to keep away from commenting on all this..." He later goes on to say, "Youngsters need to understand Islam and respect the religion in the right way...." Yes, Shah Rukh! You are not telling your fans something they don't know! Also, "........no agenda should be attached to any kind of religion.'' Thank you SRK, for stating the obvious. And for being so very politically correct.... non-committal ....during the most violent attack on Mumbai - the very city that has made you. I wanted to hear some words of comfort for those who died; some strong condemnation of those who committed this crime. This report made no mention of any such thing. And it was the only published comment from SRK to date”, wrote Shobhaa De.

The writer who holds a reputation of calling a spade a spade further writes, “SRK is no ordinary Bollywood star. Others from his fraternity have spoken up boldly. Why such a wishy-washy response from The KingBadshah etc etc?? “No wonder they have been so cautious and guarded in their response

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bharat rajput
Re: Is this the slick face of terrorism?
by bharat rajput on Dec 10, 2008 08:38 PM
his new look sucks, look at this hairs they are standing like porcupine, i always knew he didnt cut his hair short for this problem

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hair style!!!!
by pretty on Dec 10, 2008 08:01 PM

say i don't like it will he change it?

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Bollywood is crazy
by CaptJackSparrow on Dec 10, 2008 07:59 PM

Yeha to bhan...do ko bhi king ka naam diya jata hai . hahahahaha...

Really uneducated indian are burden on soul.

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