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SC stays proceedings on Shilpa

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Madhuri Singhi
Proceedings Against Shilpa.
by Madhuri Singhi on May 15, 2007 01:54 PM  | Hide replies

Ihave visited numerous contries and have seen very dignified programs. In none of the places, which are reasonably graceful, you can find such kissings. It was not kissing nor show of affection, a bizzare expression by a lowly actor for a lowly actor in the name of expression of freedom.

If you urinate in public, it does not show sophistication, even in some parts of the world it could be common.

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hitesh sharma
RE:Proceedings Against Shilpa.
by hitesh sharma on May 15, 2007 02:03 PM
You really seem frustrated.... The kiss was really funny... not even passionate one nor vulgar....there was laugh all around....

Stop moral policing..... if you have morals keep it with you.

What will you do if a group of men attack you just because you are wearing sleveless T shirt... you may call it ok dress i call it cheap exposure....

where moral policing starts and where it end no one knows.....

Let adults be adults..... Shilpa and Gere will lose fans if they did something wrong.....

Police and courts should focus on real cases not silly incidents....

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Lekha Menon
RE:Proceedings Against Shilpa.
by Lekha Menon on May 15, 2007 02:37 PM
Right said Hitesh. But no point in lecturing people like Hemang, these morons are in the majority. Liberal, cool, independent-minded, forward thinking people who believe in live and let live are few in this country.

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Hemang Doshi
RE:Proceedings Against Shilpa.
by Hemang Doshi on May 15, 2007 02:00 PM
but in our country its not common thing, its uncommen.
ok dear
Behave like Indian.

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Astro San
RE:Proceedings Against Shilpa.
by Astro San on May 15, 2007 01:59 PM
You must be insane..

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RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by ARIJIT MITRA on May 15, 2007 01:56 PM
Indian culture cannot be imposed... It has to be accepeted by your own free will... I dont think the youth of today blindly follows western culture... I can see them celebrating as much in Dewalli as in New Years... And what Indian culture are you talking about... If I remember correctly we gave the world the Kama Sutra...

Just realize the fact that people are having a more global outlook now... So they themselves are mature enough to decide whether to kiss in public or wear ghungat... Who are we to file cases against them???????!!!!!!!!!

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shivendra jha
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by shivendra jha on May 15, 2007 02:36 PM
dear mitra sir,

indian culture is best culture in the world & only this culture has a clear view about what should be do in public & what should be in private place.

if u think the indian youth have a balance mind & can do the right decision then please go through the news & current affairs.

only 1% of indian youth use their mind and others follow blindly western culture on the name of freedom i.e. rave parties, dancing & drinking in bars etc.

KS is a significant book for making relation with your partner in house not in public.

please go through ks then comment on it.

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Bhavana Rao
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by Bhavana Rao on May 15, 2007 03:22 PM
Mr Jha, It seems you are really desperate that you could not kiss anyone, forgt in public, also in private.

take a break, be yourself.

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madhavakannan m
RE:RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by madhavakannan m on May 15, 2007 02:12 PM
KS is not for public show man!
it is art to be performed only with Wedded partners in-house!

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Lekha Menon
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by Lekha Menon on May 15, 2007 02:39 PM
well said Arijit

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Injun Abhi
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by Injun Abhi on May 15, 2007 02:05 PM
absolutely right Arijit. With you man.

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RE:RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by Sameer on May 15, 2007 01:53 PM
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!!

We have another moral guardian amongst us. Lets tar and feather him :-))

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sridhar babu
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by sridhar babu on May 15, 2007 03:28 PM
Morals are learnt starting from childhood by mother(moral Police),Father(Moral police)and by teachers(moral Police),if anybody dont have morals,he is not a good son,good student and good citizen and dead for society.if u cant behave well u dont expect from others also.Right heroes.

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xyz abcs
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by xyz abcs on May 15, 2007 01:56 PM
it was a kiss on the cheek! how was it vulgar? if u find this vulgar, shrek, the animated movie would be like porn..loll

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madhavakannan m
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by madhavakannan m on May 15, 2007 02:11 PM

y dont u try kissing your partner in cheeks in our roads!

it wil be a free road show!

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Ashok Gupta
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by Ashok Gupta on May 15, 2007 02:29 PM
How come the moral keepers dont object to eve teasing and vulgar comments made to women ?
or when acid is thrown on girls faces is acid ever thrown on boys faces by girls ? This is trivial issue and finally the SC has put the lid on it and brought a end. Yes the moral keepers also have the knack of bringing in sisters and mothers into reference - are they your sisters and mother then ? If yes then protect them from the many strocicities and dowry deaths and rapes which happen including "Sati" which is allowed to be glorified.

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abhay jadhav
RE:A Decision that threatens our Culture...GOD SAVE INDIAN CULTURE
by abhay jadhav on May 15, 2007 02:01 PM
If you say so. Then if next day if your mother get kissed by someone. What will you do?

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Francis Mark
Three cheers for India
by Francis Mark on May 15, 2007 01:43 PM  | Hide replies

I guess Our country definately needs to be given three cheers!!! Cos such things can ONLY HAPPEN IN INDIA MAN!! the land of mystery and freedom for all!!! Say what you want, do what you want... all things are possible and only in desperate cases you may... may have a little problem... You want to get in to lime light just shout someone's naked or the Indian culture is threatened and you... i assure YOU, you will be in the 9 O'clock NEWS.


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ganesh  shyam
RE:Three cheers for India
by ganesh shyam on May 15, 2007 01:49 PM
jobless idiots they r actors & in movies they perform more than this in front of camera with atleast few of the unit guys/gals watching...

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vamsi nori
RE:Three cheers for India
by vamsi nori on May 15, 2007 01:55 PM
You sound like a frustrated soul, wishing you were in the place of the unit boys when they are performing more than this in front of camera. Ha Ha Ha. Was such a comment necessary? Isn't movies a profession? Why disrespect that profession by commenting in such a way. After all we all go to movies. That is the only entertainment mode available to us on a daily basis.

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RE:RE:Three cheers for India
by Sameer on May 15, 2007 01:51 PM
I totally agree.

Hey you moral guardians, first get the people who corrupt this nation. Get the politicians who are putting this country to shame!! and ... i would like to know if any of the guys who made a big issue out of this go to the theaters or watch movies.
Dumb Dumb Dumb !!

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Tapan Sanghvi
SC Stay on Shilpa
by Tapan Sanghvi on May 15, 2007 01:41 PM  | Hide replies

I think the SC has used common sense which is most uncommon in the so called moral guardians.I think the self appointed moral guardians and the fellow who filed such a PIL should be brought to book. He is a lawyer from Jaipur who is short of business and has no cases to fight for. This is a lesson for ABVP and RSS by the SC that such bizzare and absurd litigations will not be entertained. And if they are so much bothered, then ask them what have they done for AIDS and the society to fight against this disease? Thanks to SC for taking a pragmatic view.

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Astro San
RE:SC Stay on Shilpa
by Astro San on May 15, 2007 01:58 PM
Excellent point Tapan. What is wrong about Richard Gere kissing Shilpa. She never objected to it as it was a public function..Richard has been working so much in India for AIDS and our politicians have not done enything except burn effigies and break furniture in Lok sabha..

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shivendra jha
RE:SC Stay on Shilpa
by shivendra jha on May 15, 2007 02:47 PM
absoultly right tapan,

this case is totally wrong.

shilpa and gere were only trying to explain about the action which is not a cause of AIDS.

it seems that they wanted to perform the actual action which is a main cause of AIDS but sponsors didn't allow them.

those sponsors should be punished for not allowing them for right action in public.

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It's Official Supreme Court is jobless
by YamChuk on May 15, 2007 01:34 PM

Either Supreme Court is jobless or Supreme Court is looking for cheap publicity to look into this worthless case .
I have seem better kisses than that in Television ,nobody wants to talk about that .

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rahesh kumar
Moral Gaurdians
by rahesh kumar on May 15, 2007 01:33 PM

Supreme Court ... CONGRATULATIONS on such a stay... Can the respected SC also bring the so called Moral gaurdians and punish them so severely that they will forget talibanisation of India and making a mockery of India.

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Anusha R
welldone SC
by Anusha R on May 15, 2007 01:33 PM  | Hide replies

well done Supreme court - also please come out with an ordinance that such type of stupid matters cannot be entertained by the court, unless one of the person involved has a complaint, which will be handed by the lowest court of India...
It would have been shame for us to hear and read that SUPREME COURT OF INDIA is hearing the case of public kissing of an actress...thank God, you the sensible SC saved us from this insult.

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vamsi nori
RE:welldone SC
by vamsi nori on May 15, 2007 01:43 PM
See, Supreme Court has to hear to the two sides before admitting the case. this is a procedure that it has to follow. So no point in blaming Supreme court for that. It is helpless. If the arguments are strong then ti has to admit the case. It can't write off the case, just because it is trivial. Even the judge as an individual knows that it is a wastage of time but as a judge he is tied up to rules and procedures. Just pity the judges who would have ot bear discussions on this issue inspite of their reluctance.

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Prabu Girirajan
RE:welldone SC
by Prabu Girirajan on May 15, 2007 01:57 PM
Technical (legislative)issue.
Hi Anusha,
Can Supreme Court come out with an ordinance. If yes then fine they should if no, then I guess it will be our Hon MPs who will have to pass the ordinance.
Having said that, this is never going to happen.

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Anusha R
RE:RE:welldone SC
by Anusha R on May 15, 2007 02:03 PM
Prabhu - sorry for the error...if not Ordinance, may be a stricture or verdict or a ruling...whatever that may be ...

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vasu kumar
RE:welldone SC
by vasu kumar on May 15, 2007 01:35 PM
Well said Anusha

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Tapan Sanghvi
RE:welldone SC
by Tapan Sanghvi on May 15, 2007 01:37 PM
well said

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Mahesh Rashiklal Mehta
SC stays proceedings against Shilpa
by Mahesh Rashiklal Mehta on May 15, 2007 01:32 PM

Ultra quick stay for such issues while all other important issues takes decades to resolve hope same rapid judgement also given to other national issues concerning common man

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by GEPL on May 15, 2007 01:32 PM  | Hide replies

the courts should not waste their time on all this nonsense values Mr.gere is a foreigner and the scene what he has done is a common thing in the west and as for shilpa she is popular in UK and not india and both of them were doing good cause. such complainants will take us back to the 150 years back stop this nonsenseon celebrities

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balaji sankaran
by balaji sankaran on May 15, 2007 01:44 PM
Gepl, Agreed they were doing that for good cause. But my doubt is, why doesn't Shilpa or Gere kiss a person who has Aids? Do they have the courage?

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by GEPL on May 15, 2007 01:50 PM
definitely they will do it even i am social worker and i dont mind hugging leprosy people or the person having aids and primarily they dont do this for getting financial supports they are doing good job the place they were addressing a rally were of truck drivers can anyone imagine a life of truck drivers most unorganised sector in india

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Injun Abhi
by Injun Abhi on May 15, 2007 02:08 PM
Excellent GEPL. Now where are you hiding Balaji?

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