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Be friendly
by ramesh on Mar 16, 2007 01:03 PM  | Hide replies

I can't understand why some north indian friends having so much hatred towards south indians. born with a dark color is not anybody's mistake and they compensate it by excelling in other abilities. moreover they are not posing any threat to nation by cultivating terrorist culture, which is the immediate threat to our nation. so spend your energy to criticise those who are trying to sabotage india. let south indians live their life..

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RE:Be friendly
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 01:49 PM
Color has nothing to do with hatred. North Indians are also brown and black. It is the adamant attitude with is nerve breaking. Go to Chennai(It was madras, I wonder why they changed it?) and they dont appreciate hindi speaking people there. Why the hell should South indian people then expect respect from North Indians?

People are scared to go to chennai.. even kannadigas..

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Karuna Rajamanickam
RE:RE:Be friendly
by Karuna Rajamanickam on Mar 16, 2007 01:56 PM
but no one can live in bangalore(i think bangaluruu now).u don't hve rites to talk ,blr is the worst place interms of hating other state ppl..

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RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 02:04 PM
nishu, don't talk like stupid. In chennai or anywhere, if the person who you are talking to, knows hindi, he will reply in hindi. Otherwise, what the hell you can assume Chennai don't apprciate hindi. Do the north indians appreciate Tamil or any other southern languages ? Looks like you people like the places known for serial killing and rapes. And one more thing, have you wondered why the name Bombay changed to mumbai or when calcutta changed to kolkata ? Don't talk rubbish and get lost.

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chaitanya kumar
RE:RE:Be friendly
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 01:56 PM
they changed the name of the city for same reason why they did to mumbai and calcutta. To give it a indigenous flavour. People are not scared to go to chennai. Autowallahs are scary though. And tamilians move with fellow tamilians and assert their identity everywhere and i hate that too though a south indian, but that can be dealt. India has bigger problems to worry about. Like maoists, islamic jehadis so on. No point in abusing decent people with some mindset problems about their regional identity though it must be corrected.

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RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 05:03 PM
>> And tamilians move with fellow tamilians and assert >> their identity everywhere and i hate that too though >> a south indian, but that can be dealt.

Chaitanya kumar, I appreciate your comments except the above sentence..When Tamilians move with fellow Tamilians, whats wrong in using Tamil language and asserting their identity ? Its OK in this scenario. It is NOT OK only if you talk with some one who don't know Tamil.

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RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 02:33 PM
I think we should change Delhi to Dilli. and New Delhi to nayi dilli. Do you support this thought? Well atleast we dont bother to rename city just to satisfy our regional desires.

I read that Tamil wanted to get separted froom India in 1960s and 1970s.. Tell me, isnt this correct? Karnataka and kerala didn't support the move else it might have been a "dravidan rastra".

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 02:41 PM
nishu, since you are deviating from the topic,let me say this to you deaf ears.
It would have been a definitely a better choice to have Dravidian rastra..instead of living with morons/rapists/serial killers like people in your city.

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by expat indian on Mar 17, 2007 11:19 AM
ya sandeep... i am a dog and u are a flower... let me lift my leg and give u a shower...

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by expat indian on Mar 16, 2007 06:56 PM
arey of north indians had not been rapists, how wud south indians have been born?

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 07:36 PM
arre M.F expat_indian, are you not ashamed of calling yourself as rapist of your own mother ? You are disgusting..No wonder..your mother is b*t*h.

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chaitanya kumar
RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 02:41 PM
yes, they wanted to be separate, but it's because of all the messed up dravidian movement which they embraced which they according to them means tamils are separate so they must not be exploited by hegemony from rest of India. But they didn't separate and i don't see they doing it.

About changing name of delhi to dilli, it's good and upto people who have the power to do it. It's good to have indian names to indian places. When you see through a national perspective that is the right way but actually people do it due to regional preferences. So maybe there must be a national consensus.

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by expat indian on Mar 16, 2007 06:57 PM
you are right.... dravidian movement has started.... thats why dravid is moving in world cup...

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chaitanya kumar
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 03:11 PM
They did not bother to ask before renaming them, but that is the problem with India right now. People have regional mindset and give more preference to their region. Maybe it will improve. But national consensus is good if it is poosible in future.

they are embracing hindi slowly. It's better than 1960's. Many of them watch hindi movies and many other things. But i would have preferred sanskrit as national language and many will agree. Hindi represents something a bit alien. It was formed after foreign conquests and includes arabic and persian flavour. So it isn't as much an indian language as bengali or marathi or telugu or tamil. It's good if Hindi is sanskritized a bit more or if people are encouraged to speak in "shuddh" Hindi. But for now, it's better if everyone learns Hindi and improve on it.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 02:57 PM
Dravidian movement didnt glorify tamilians. fine, lets not bother to talk about past now.

Exactly, the point here is national consensus. Did anybody bother to ask rest of the India while renaming bangalore or Madras? No, state legislation and it is done. Even ministers try to gain vote on regional basis..people should oppose regionalism rather than glorifying it. And what harm can it make in embracing hindi in TN? Have your tamil..and learn hindi too to get along with rest of India. Hindi being second largest spoken language of world.. Why doesnt TN shun its hypocrisy and accept it. You may feel to talk in english but you wont bother to speak in hindi and then, you talk about nationalism.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 03:35 PM
nisha, Dravidian movement has established an identity for Tamilians and killed the dominating nature of hindi people.

Second, have you worried about renaming of Bombay and calcutta cities..? why are worried about renaming of Madras...Masdras was the name kept by british. Hence we have to change it. No wonder why north indians love western culture

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anilkumar palakala
RE:RE:Be friendly
by anilkumar palakala on Mar 16, 2007 02:05 PM
south indian does not mean only Tamil
they r just 6.5 crores
Andhra People are more in South India around 8 crores

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RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 02:30 PM

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navin kumar
RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by navin kumar on Mar 16, 2007 04:38 PM
miss or mr nishu keep ur hindhi with u only! we r happy with our regional languages!

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by expat indian on Mar 16, 2007 07:01 PM
regional language and SUN tv at nite...i am also very happy...

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 05:51 PM
and nishu, when you people come to southern states, why don't you learn the local language..and you expect the other guy to speak in your hindi language...And this is wrong. First change urself.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 05:40 PM
nishu, what is your problem if we talk in english or in Tamil. It is our freedom and fundamental right.

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by expat indian on Mar 16, 2007 06:33 PM
arey bhaiyon and baaki logon ki behnon... we were talking about rajni in the pic...

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 05:23 PM
Then, Idiot, why are you talking in English. Talk in your language and listen to yourself.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 05:43 PM
And nishu, at the end of the day, it does NOT matter what language you use. It just matters what you speak. So, don't worry toomuch about hindi.

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venkat m
RE:RE:Be friendly
by venkat m on Mar 16, 2007 01:56 PM
nishu, what u r telling is blatantly false, perhaps based on ur own little experience. i have a lot of north indian friends in Chennai and they love the city. if tamils are comfortable with their own language, whats ur problem. u can't impose a language on another. and i like hindi too, for the record.

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RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 02:30 PM
But in Chennai, tamilians impose tamil on outsiders. It is not just my own lil' experience. It is experience of many people who will support me.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 02:36 PM
what a stupid, this girl is....Do you know howmany telugu/mallu/jain people live in Chennai...? Come on..Don't talk rubbish..Have you ever heard of Tamils fighting with Non-tamils in Chennai, as it happens in some other city ?

Tell me, which city you are from...if you have guts.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 03:00 PM
Nishu, you are just deviating the main topic, without any sense.
First thing, don't judge any city by auto walla/bus drivers..They are not 100% educated to speak in Hindi with you. You think, you will get full respect from auto wallas in other cities.

And why you want Hindi to be only language in India. What history does hindi have ? All south Indian languages are more than 1500 years old. Why don't agree for having south indian language as the only language in India. Come on dear, pracically this is NOT possible. Even in USA, there are two main languages (English and Spanish). India is a multi-cultural and multi-language society. Only way of solving the problem is people understand and respect each other instead of abusing even in this forum.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 03:08 PM
Even Gandhi said.."hindi is a language which can bound India" Speak it, respect it. Dravidian language might be old..may be older than parent langauge sanskrit. I dont care. When Hindi can bind people in India why you bother you oppose it.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 02:44 PM
Please don't both to answer me if you cant control your language.
I dont care how many tamilians are there in chennai but this fact that autos wala/bus driver/etc want you to talk in tamil else they dont bother to help you.. this is sick..

What difference will it make if India get tied together with a single and largest speaking language hindi. But regionalism is at its peak in TN. This is really disturbing and unwanted.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 03:23 PM
Nishu, even in north, only few states speak Hindi...First change those states, before coming to South India. In south india, it is very clear. If I want to learn hindi, I will learn it. But I will NOT learn hindi just because some one is forcing me to learn it. And for you information, hindi is just one of official languages in India. So, there is no law in the country which say that one must communicate in hindi only. Let there be a law in the Indian contitution and then let me think about learning hindi.

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navin kumar
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by navin kumar on Mar 16, 2007 04:40 PM
yeah true! it may be disturbing to hindhi speaking ppl but nor for us.. anyway who the hell has asked u to stay in south india if u hav prob with ur our languages!

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by off on Mar 17, 2007 12:28 AM
ahh, as if you don't impose Hindi on others!

Hindi is spoken in few states and just because you guys had majority in parliament for few years, your politicians pushed it everywhere and try to make it easier only for you HIND speaking people to get central jobs.

who cares now,
We are happy to learn Tamil and English, because of which we have PRIDE and at the same time global opportunities.

also, pushing something on somebody never works,
look at the status of Doordharsan now...

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hari pk
RE:Be friendly
by hari pk on Mar 20, 2008 12:36 PM
Why don't you try learning tamil woman...

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by expat indian on Mar 17, 2007 11:20 AM
pls forgive sandeep... he is an abused kid... he was abused by north indians... thats why he calls all north indians as rapists...

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by expat indian on Mar 17, 2007 02:12 PM
so when did the pakis rape u??? how come u r raped by everyone?? do u have an open a** policy?? anybody can come and f**k u??

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeey on Mar 17, 2007 01:10 PM
expat_indian..a paki idiot....

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by varun on Mar 16, 2007 07:24 PM
nishu was a badly paid call girl during her stay in chennai! so she is angry abt tamilians come back.. we will pay u better!

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Be friendly
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 08:17 PM
varun, let us not say bad about nishu. She was just arguing..but she was not using abusive language. Tamilians are known for respecting females. So, let us abuse only those who abuse us (or south indians in general).

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TOCO Planning
RE:Be friendly
by TOCO Planning on Mar 16, 2007 01:24 PM
you are right Mr. Ramesh.

I appreciate your thoughts

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TOCO Planning
We are indians
by TOCO Planning on Mar 16, 2007 12:42 PM  | Hide replies

Dear Rediffmail User,

Some Idiots are trying to spoil our national integrity.

You people never knows the value of Human being. To save you people from Pakistani terror. Many tamilian sacrificed their life. We tamilian have nothing to do with Pakistan terrorist. But you see the patriotism and Love on India here.
Another great who sacrificed his whole life (to save your sister and mother from the Pakistani terror ) is Dr. AB J Abdul Kalam. Brain wise, you see - World no1 Chess Champion. You look the brain of Finance minister. From your state only, people coming as child rapist killer recently. Don't look at colour. Madras was the first place where british people land and they establisted East India company in kolkatta. India's First and Oldest Engineering College from Madras ( 285 years Old). We are Indians. Don't spit fire on our interigity. It is raping like one own mother
We are Indians. Don't spit fire on our interigity. It is raping like one own mother

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RE:We are indians
by Ramesh on Mar 16, 2007 01:59 PM
The best reply to Mr Kapils's post would have been to keep quiet. This guy Kapil is a shit himself...and If you throw a stone on the shit, its only going to fall on you. Forget the North South Divide...We should only screw up people like this Kapil, who really dont know what they write and what they mean.

Jai India

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RE:We are indians
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 01:51 PM
Color racism is not in India. Get your facts right first, then give lectures.

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srinivas  c
RE:RE:We are indians
by srinivas c on Mar 16, 2007 02:54 PM
TRue i agree with u... when all the bollywood beauties are frm south...how will the racism come for color....rt frm waheeda rehman, hema malini, rekha, sri devi, jaya prada, aishwarya rai, shilpa shetty, amrita rao,vidya balan ... n many more lol... they hav ruled n they r ruling... how can b it an issue of color...

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c strangler
RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by c strangler on Mar 16, 2007 11:44 PM
y are north indian heroines devoid of b(.)(.)bies!!!... i wonder if all females there are devoid of them...hehe or is it like 50:50.. OMG!!!!! ..

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RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 07:22 PM
you know one thing...most of the south indian heroines are imported from your city...We use your state girls for fun...and enjoyment..and don't worry..we pay them also.

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by expat indian on Mar 17, 2007 11:01 AM
so u dont even have ur own heroines also... u depend upon north india for ur enjoyment also.....

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chaitanya kumar
RE:RE:We are indians
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 02:01 PM
color racism is there. you should just see it with open eyes.

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RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 02:35 PM
its all there in your sick mind. Only girls bother about colors.

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chaitanya kumar
RE:RE:We are indians
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 01:05 PM
it's you who is sick. Reading your posts only makes one wonder the spite and venom you have reserved for south indians. People like you are worse than ISI criminals and Lashkar-e-toiba. You seem to be more productive in dividing than them. Why don't you just go and blow your brains out.

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sriram kv
RE:RE:We are indians
by sriram kv on Mar 16, 2007 01:05 PM
Damid.. Kapil..dont bark nonsense abt Indian States and Indians.. U shut up all ur holes close for while

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kapil sharma
RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by kapil sharma on Mar 16, 2007 01:11 PM

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chaitanya kumar
RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 01:14 PM
you are just a moron.

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venkat m
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by venkat m on Mar 16, 2007 01:23 PM
kapil kurma, u r an ass. hahaha!

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chaitanya kumar
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 01:24 PM
i don't what is your point. It's not about you laughing or me crying. Your "madrasi" steroetype is too old and outdated. Don't know why you hate south indians. Maybe you don't like the skin, but that would be an immature reason.

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kapil sharma
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by kapil sharma on Mar 16, 2007 01:18 PM
I can still laugh inspite of fighting all king of verbal abuses being hurled,but how about you Madrasi's ... do u have the spirit/courage/attittude. I say something you guys become so sensistive, you say something I laugh off...Ha Ha... that's the difference...

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TOCO Planning
RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by TOCO Planning on Mar 16, 2007 01:23 PM
I think your Mother is a bitch. You know your father initial. I am ashame to scold you but no option because you are cancer for india.

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TOCO Planning
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by TOCO Planning on Mar 16, 2007 01:54 PM

Change your name first. Don't spoil the great name. He is still legend of Indian cricket. But you MF spoiling that name.

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chaitanya kumar
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:We are indians
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 01:26 PM
you said it. People like him are no better than anti-national traitors who divide people and gain something from it.

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chaitanya kumar
North-South dhamaka
by chaitanya kumar on Mar 16, 2007 12:41 PM

People still like fighting over silly reasons. This is why foreigners came and ruled for 1000 years and still are in many ways because people fight state by state, region by region.

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i luv rajni
by kasak on Mar 16, 2007 12:32 PM

i feel rajni is the most humble personalities in indian film industry.Rajni is an institution for new comers all over the world.

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Jerry Kurian
Bangalore is in South?
by Jerry Kurian on Mar 16, 2007 12:18 PM  | Hide replies

All those abusing South India forget that India is today respected because of IT and specifically because of its brand identity Bangalore, and last i checked, Bangalore is in South.

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TOCO Planning
RE:Bangalore is in South?
by TOCO Planning on Mar 16, 2007 01:28 PM
Yes I agree.

Bangalore is a great city in india. Everyone lives and It gives all states to lift india name to Top in the world. Am I right- Jerry

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TOCO Planning
RE:Bangalore is in South?
by TOCO Planning on Mar 16, 2007 01:29 PM
Yes I agree.

Bangalore is a great city in india. Everyone lives and It gives all states to lift india name to Top in the world. Am I right- Jerry

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RE:Bangalore is in South?
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 12:24 PM
Idiot. Bangalore moved to north. check again. its only bengaluru now.

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c strangler
RE:RE:Bangalore is in South?
by c strangler on Mar 16, 2007 11:49 PM
hahah... i guess nishu or 50:50 as the name suggests or wat ever is one mentally retarted screwed up nut...dont know wat she/he/it is writin...hahah get a life u sick deseased livin on marijuana!!!

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RE:RE:Bangalore is in South?
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 12:26 PM
and bengaluru isn't such a great city that you cry in sake of it for eternal.

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venkat m
RE:RE:Bangalore is in South?
by venkat m on Mar 16, 2007 12:30 PM
name change doesnt imply it moved north. wishful thinking.

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RE:RE:RE:Bangalore is in South?
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 01:46 PM
Isn't it obvious? Name change itself shows regional favoritism, which itself partition India. Bangalore isn't specific to south Indians.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Bangalore is in South?
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 03:59 PM
yes..we change the name. What is your problem ? Go and ask why bombay name is changed to mumbai.

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Bogi Chako
by Bogi Chako on Mar 16, 2007 12:15 PM  | Hide replies

Rajni has his share of fan clubs...another guy in the same league is Telugu Megastar...CHIRANJEEVI.
Chiru for millions of fans...

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venkat m
by venkat m on Mar 16, 2007 12:21 PM
looks like u r trying to pit one against the other. aint gonna happen u sick fool!

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asariah kingsley
Rediff A.H - Stop Discussion board on Spotted
by asariah kingsley on Mar 16, 2007 12:14 PM  | Hide replies

Whats the use of discussion board on spotted section.
I suspect these fellows wanna create controversy and mostly their employees itself replying in a wierd manner in the site. we have to put a case on this crap.

People wake up!! dont fight on and the full and full reason fall onto rediff morons.

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RE:Rediff A.H - Stop Discussion board on Spotted
by on Mar 17, 2007 01:10 AM
I totally agree with you...
Every person here is very intellegent!!
I dont see any reason to fight...unless we have ample time in hand and got nothing to do..

When India plays against Some other country in cricket..We all unite...we celebrate each and every win together....where is the hatred then????

Why should we become narrow minded now!!!

Every person has his/her own opinion!!
Well i do respect it...and expect the same from them!!

Rediff, please stop dicussion boards!!
They are addictive and i dont see and good coming out of it.


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asariah kingsley
RE:RE:Rediff A.H - Stop Discussion board on Spotted
by asariah kingsley on Mar 17, 2007 09:56 AM
well said abt unity
when talking abt pakisthanis.. we unite and abuse them ..
then comes north / south/.. and then between the states and b/w districts.. c'mon.
we have to grow up.. and should a bit of tolerence. Don't make this color hatered a big hit. this should be eradicated in a country like india .. we shd be an example to the world. (As of my knowledge, dark brown and black skin are a hit with many chicks(escepially whites).so there is nothing to be proud of skin)
If you go out of our country .. everybody is same and called as indians.
as a tamil guy (who represents united India) - I take this as a good publicity for Sivaji movie.
So people, forget the differences and watch the movie(u wouldn't disappoint).
To rediff,
You make it so provocative and you know what will happen (136 messages as of now- 50 pages and earned in lakhs).
Did u ever put a discussion board in a front page about how to develop the country.. or how to not disturb the countries development?
If u did that and u earned money then hats off.
but keeping these kind of crap messages in a popular sites front page and earning money.

I really dont want to abuse you here!!

STOP DISCUSSION ON (SPOTTED) A PHOTO - I really really dont know whats there to discuss.show the photo , people see and leave it ..

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RE:Rajni the Hero
by ROY ROBERT R on Mar 16, 2007 12:31 PM
Hello Kapil

All Tamilians can talk hindi. Do not say we are dead against the national language.
Yes I agree to your words that we go world over for cheap labours, because we are efficient peoples

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RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 01:55 PM
Tamilians hate hindi speaking people. No need to lie.

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RE:RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 02:07 PM
nishu, you are completely wrong, as usual..stupid...Underline my statement. Tamilians don't hate hindi or hindi speaking people. Tamilians hate "imposing" of hindi on them....Do you understand the difference. If not, you are a stupid.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by nishu on Mar 16, 2007 05:25 PM
and Tamilians impose of tamil on others.. this is wonder job..huh!

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 06:00 PM
And nishu, when you people come to southern states, why don't you learn and speak in local language. Instead you people are expecting the other person to speak in your hindi language. This is not fair. Atleast you northerners should try to use the local language. We cannot learn hindi just because some people are coming to our state from northern side of India.

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RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 05:37 PM
where do u see Tamilians imposing Tamil ? Come on, we are not asking hindi people to speak in Tamil. As I had said earlier, somany non-Tamils (like people from andhra, kerala..etc..) live in Chennai/TN for somany years without any problem in language-wise. Have you ever heard of Tamils bashing non-Tamils in TN ? Come on..don't be childish even after somany comments.
In Maharashtra, why Bal tackrey telling people to speak in Marathi ? In WB, Bengali is given preference..I don't think it is wrong. But if you feel thats wrong, for correct those places before talking about Tamil.

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Venu gopal
RE:Rajni the Hero
by Venu gopal on Mar 16, 2007 02:48 PM
I was silently watching the quarrel between by brothers! What is this allabout?will you please mind some words?
Indian culture basicaly on two languages( The hisorians say)sanskrit and tamil.
Hindi and other like Hindi languages developed fron sanscrit,and All southern language from tamil and in some place it is with tamil and sanscrit.
The main feature of Tamil people is their workholic mentality ,unity and obediance.The main disadvantage is, their slave type attitude and adamant opposition to national language

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RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by sandeep on Mar 16, 2007 06:14 PM
Venu gopal..first mind your language.
(1) Come to TN..We can see the slave type attitudes only from the people of your state and NOT from Tamilians.
(2) Hindi it not the national language of India. It is one of official languages. Tamilians don't oppose hindi. Tamilians just oppose the hindu chaviunism.
So, don't talk like an idiot.

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venkat m
RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by venkat m on Mar 16, 2007 12:23 PM
Tamils are fine. Its u guys u r sick racists.

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G Karun
RE:RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by G Karun on Mar 16, 2007 01:12 PM

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expat indian
RE:RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by expat indian on Mar 16, 2007 06:36 PM
yes.... we all are rapists... so now u knw from where u have come...

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TOCO Planning
RE:RE:Rajni the Hero
by TOCO Planning on Mar 16, 2007 12:36 PM
Hi kapil sharma
We are Indians. Don't spit fire on our integrity. It is raping like one own mother.

You people never knows the value of Human being. To save you people from Pakistani terror. Many tamilian sacrificed their life. We tamilian have nothing to do with Pakistan terrorist. But you see the patriotism and Love on India here.
Another great who sacrificed his whole life (to save your sister and mother from the Pakistani terror ) is Dr. AB J Abdul Kalam. Brain wise, you see - World no1 Chess Champion. You look the brain of Finance minister. From your state only, people coming as child rapist killer recently. Don't look at colour. Madras was the first place where british people land and they establisted East India company in kolkatta. India's First and Oldest Engineering College from Madras ( 285 years Old). We are Indians. Don't spit fire on our interigity. It is raping like one own mother

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Mukesh Kapoor
by Mukesh Kapoor on Mar 16, 2007 12:00 PM  | Hide replies

He is an indian film hero and he should be respected rather then just make a mockery of him.He has entertained million of people. The people who r making non sese remarks against him are basically mentally sick. There are many people in the world who do not look so good in original but when they come on the Silver Screen they look fantastic. It is not only the looks but also the acting talents which matters a lot in the long run.

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arul jude
by arul jude on Mar 16, 2007 12:17 PM
truly you are right.thank you Mr Kapoor.He realy performs well enough to make us happy.we love him irrespective his color,religion,language.Thank you.

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rajesh prabhu
by rajesh prabhu on Mar 16, 2007 12:02 PM
well said, it is real tragedy of this nation which feels South India as something which is not a part of India.

As far as IT jobs, u got to come here to South remember that

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Johny Jacob
by Johny Jacob on Mar 16, 2007 12:03 PM
Well said buddy! It so sad to see people of this generation under estiamte others in the name of color.

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