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Your say: Bored with RGVs films?

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Purnendu Patankar
NOW he is...
by Purnendu Patankar on Mar 07, 2007 08:42 AM  | Hide replies

and NOW for his die-hard Repliers....
he is coming for you with .... Nayi SHOLAY!
Enjoy n do not forget 2 post a reply!

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Ritu  Grover
RE:NOW he is...
by Ritu Grover on Mar 07, 2007 12:38 PM
Raaaaamu! For God's sake! Its still not too late, please leave Sholay alone. Aaaaa
BTW, has anyone started any campaign against watching Ramu ke Sholay!

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bobby  ananda
RE:NOW he is...
by bobby ananda on Mar 07, 2007 08:56 AM
How dare u say that..he made horse into auto...gabbar into amtiabh....dharmendra into dark ajay...veeruu poor veeru....who else can do this.........ohMy god....RGV pls give us a break..enuff of ur out of the box talent....nothing is futuristic..Lolita story was here long time before in regional movies and all...he is crap....running out ideas....he shud get married ideal thing...poor soulllll

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patel reddy
Foolish Director
by patel reddy on Mar 07, 2007 07:03 AM  | Hide replies

He is a foolish director who tests the patience of audiences. His films are very very boring...sometimes his films make me sick. He must be banned form directing the films. He is crazy.....all his films look alike.........

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kranthi  v
RE:Foolish Director
by kranthi v on Mar 07, 2007 07:31 AM
Patel Reddy ????.. your name itself says you are a fake -:) I have never in my life would have heard that.. hats off dude...

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Ravi Saini
RE:RE:Foolish Director
by Ravi Saini on Mar 07, 2007 09:59 AM
you need not comment on patel like that good man. I feel patel is right, Ramu abhi bahut ho gaya, give us a break.

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srikanth b
by srikanth b on Mar 07, 2007 06:17 AM  | Hide replies

I watched the movie Nishabd and I personally liked it as it was different and I think it is possible to have feelings for a young girl by an old man. Even in our old days we had old guys marring young girls and now also there are in western countries. Nishabd was good in parts but RGV should have done better in establishing the connection between Amitabh and the girl but overall good try and refreshing theme.

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Sathish P
by Sathish P on Mar 07, 2007 07:33 AM
Impossible for an older guy to have feelings for young girl??? Do you know about Hugh Hefner of Playboy?

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by on Mar 07, 2007 09:55 AM
Your argument may be valid, but your example is terrible. Is Plyaboy Hefner a common next-door old guy in your opinion? He is the only kind of celebrity businessman of his kind( sleazy business tycoon).

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Ritu  Grover
by Ritu Grover on Mar 07, 2007 12:36 PM
Feelings! You call that feelings! Everyone knows what Hugh has for any young 'uns .... as for the young girls. .. all of them gold diggers and crazy for attention, not to mention stupid to the core!

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Message deleted by moderator
Message deleted by moderator
by on Mar 07, 2007 06:14 AM

i keep hearing in the message board that RGV did Nayagan..where did u hear that?? RGV did NOT make National-award-winning Nayagan. ManiRatnam made it.
I like RGV's older movies (kshana kshanam is my fav), but his newer ones are crap.

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paritosh wadhwani
RGV out of business
by paritosh wadhwani on Mar 07, 2007 05:20 AM

RGV has defenitely lost the touch,I used to like him for his courage to make movies which are different and brilliant,like Shiva(classic movie),Rangella,Bhoot,Satya,Sarkar(even though copied from Godfather)...But these days he has forgot to direct,write or to do anything which is related to cinema and movies....He really need to bounce back hard...

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d c
Immature audience
by d c on Mar 07, 2007 04:47 AM  | Hide replies

Rediff, face it, Indian audience is immature. All we want is profuse emotional crap from Karan johar, shahrukh and others like them.
Give us something to think, like Black, Nishabd, Kabul Express, Omkara and we turn our backs. We are only good for mindless song-dance-action sequences like Dhoom1,2.

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paritosh  wadhwani
RE:Immature audience
by paritosh wadhwani on Mar 07, 2007 05:13 AM
Indian audience may be immature,but defenitely we are not dumb and stupid to like any crap movie...and please dont compare Omkara,Black with movie like Nishabd....Nishabd will defenitely get the award for worst movie of the year....And I can imagine your taste and we defenitly dont want to be know as mature audeince if we have to like movie like Nishabd...

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RE:Immature audience
by SAIANAND SRINIVASAN on Mar 07, 2007 07:11 AM
we've heard enough of that crap. karan and srk's films do well because they're good. they are not making films that pushes their horizons. they make films that do well at the box office. if you dont like it, get lost. Nishabd sounds like a film not for the box office. RGV's films have never been for the box office (very rare ones become hits). So stop abusing Karan and SRK, and do some other work. its become a fashion to criticise Karan and SRK for succeeding the way that they do!

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Avirup Bose
I think Rediff has gone Mad
by Avirup Bose on Mar 07, 2007 04:23 AM  | Hide replies

Rediff STOP it....u ppl wrote some time back and I still remember a post in this same section that Nishabd is a must see... and now you have posted another msg that RVG has lost touch. Does rediff editors do no research to put up new stories....

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bobby  ananda
RE:I think Rediff has gone Mad
by bobby ananda on Mar 07, 2007 04:47 AM
Avi..calm down..they are not the last word of Indian Population..Indians rejected it...not for being the bold subject...but RGV is old wine in old bottle...give a break.....stop fighting with rediff....ofcourse they must have given wrong view but nevertheless RGV is gone case....

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Sharath Madavaram
RE:RE:I think Rediff has gone Mad
by Sharath Madavaram on Mar 07, 2007 12:23 PM
Atleast he is trying! We fail to understand that Class is Permanent and form temporary. Any day he comes out public, I will be the investor. When Amitabh can trust him,what am I?

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bobby  ananda
RGV and PRIYAN are Xerox Copy machines
by bobby ananda on Mar 07, 2007 04:06 AM  | Hide replies

Well here lies the problem...Please dont copy RGV and Priyadarsan...they may scape thru but not creative anymore...when nayakan came it was new....all other copies...of either other films or his own films....We expected a lot from him but he is an average guy......Priyan...No 1 copymachine..
Another film RGV is doing is Sholay...going to be one big flop.....considering the old one..these guys are not creative anymore..make money using short cuts.......We dont want a sholay for any reason
1. Acting
2. Technical perfection
3. Songs
4. Stunts
5. Locale
6. Story
Why the hell he is thinking by taking the Magnum Opus of Indian commercial movie, he can be a great director? Stupid thinkg RGV....u are a washout director unless you change your lien of action....which is too late...but nothing is ever lat........e.....

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Sindhu Madhusudan
RE:RGV and PRIYAN are Xerox Copy machines
by Sindhu Madhusudan on Mar 07, 2007 05:40 PM
priyadarshan simply watches films in Malayalam and remakes them in Hindi. and when his Kerala counterparts catch him red-handed, he makes his producer cough up expensive penalties.

RGV will be doing himself and the indian audience a huge favor if he stops pretending to be a brilliant filmmaker and comes to terms with reality.

he might have been a brilliant one a long time ago. but what does he make these days other than sleaze, gangster drama and clumsy horror flicks? its almost cyclic.

after shredding 'Sholay' into pieces, he should try his hand at remaking the other box-office topper, 'DDLJ' and call it 'RGV Dulhania Le Jayega'. then we can all go and watch the original simply to get rid of the bad aftereffects.

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RE:RGV and PRIYAN are Xerox Copy machines
by NAV on Mar 07, 2007 04:51 AM
look dnt want to watch sholay good for u ....but everyone has their own creative independence...so let him interpret in the way he wants to....if u dnt like it so be it...RGV will burn his hands..but without having a look just commenting on it is no good...nyways he is making with a diff backdrop so betta watch out...

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lovely purohit
RE:RE:RGV and PRIYAN are Xerox Copy machines
by lovely purohit on Mar 07, 2007 01:36 PM
sometimes classics shuld be left out.. do u really beleive dere can be another sholay.. can it be as grand, as amusing as da original.. brther original is orginial .. especially when it's da most popular movie of all time .. its dialogues are used in day-2day converstions... ppl already love dat movie so much dat a slight inferior product will get lot of criticism.. also rgv is just giving it mumbai underworld twist.. which he has done so many time .. so wht's new??? will u call dat creativity??

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Sindhu Madhusudan
when was the last time....
by Sindhu Madhusudan on Mar 07, 2007 04:02 AM  | Hide replies

when was the last time an RGV heroine was dressed in decent clothes? i'm not a prude, but too much of exposure to half-naked women on the screens creates a sense of disgust.

when was the last time that he came up with a convincing hit?

how long are we going to talk about films like 'Shiva' and 'Sathya' that were made decades ago?

how many more movies will RGV make with Bachchan? he might be a good actor but the adoration that the director/producer seem to have for him is becoming obnoxious. if he is so impressed by Big B, he should stick to making home-videos and watching it himself. why thrust his personal adoration on the audience? ditto with the heroines too.

i actually used to feel sorry for Antara Mali and the very weird unkempt look that she sported in all the films. she always used to look like she had been getting radiation treatment for some debilitating cancer or something. BTW where is she these days?

there are plenty of people here who criticize Chopras and Johars. atleast these directors are honest enough to not pretend that they are making brilliant, "realistic" films and end up delivering recycled crap or soft-porns in the guise of "different" films.

how long is RGV going to live on those films that he made years ago- 'Sathya', 'Shiva' and 'Bhoot'??????

the 'Sholay' remake gives me the shudders....

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bobby  ananda
RE:when was the last time....
by bobby ananda on Mar 07, 2007 04:14 AM
Sindhu I kind of support you....to spot on comments.....He used a subject which have been heard before on some movies...atleast somewhere.......forget Lolita...peoples expectation is him to make a class one not a copy one.....Just to take an example Guru was never a great movie but Maniratnam atleast tried a new subject and treatment....he must have failed a little of being onesided...but he is good........RGV is copy personified...his stubbornness in remaking James...shows it all...he thinks he is the Satyajit Ray and his actors are no1....all are avergae actors......there are better......actors in India.....Ompuri, Naseeruddin Shah, Mammootty, many more than..what he projects always......let him learn a good lesson.....

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RE:RE:when was the last time....
by NAV on Mar 07, 2007 04:53 AM
there are only two stories in indian history ...RAMAYAN AND MAHABHARATH,so betta dnt comment tht he has been copying english movies or has similarities.....agreed dnt like his heroine selection in certain movies....but dnt call his movies a recycle crap atleast wen he does he dedicates it openly unlike other people in this industry ....

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Sharath Madavaram
RE:when was the last time....
by Sharath Madavaram on Mar 07, 2007 12:29 PM
and we loved Antara, she has a passion for cinema. You need to watch few more movies: Company, sarkar(it could be flop yet good...)

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RGV is the best ..
by Sree on Mar 07, 2007 04:00 AM  | Hide replies

Nishabd is a good movie. Its a releif for those who wants to stay away from the regular soap movies which bollywood is famous for nowadays. RGV dares to experiment and he is better than the best ..

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bobby  ananda
RE:RGV is the best ..
by bobby ananda on Mar 07, 2007 04:09 AM
Dont be stupid..if commercial bollywood movies you mention are running around SRK pictures....bollywood have Page -3 type movies which became hit.....my dear sree...dont fall into trap...of cliche....creative is the buzzword buddy...creative....comeon ...RGV....copied the story and content from Lolita.....and packed differently......we dont expect a guy who did Nayakan or Satya to do an average copy movie.....comeon open up..learn the word Creative........

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RE:RE:RGV is the best ..
by on Mar 07, 2007 07:19 AM
Dear Friend,

please note that Nayakan was made by Mani Ratnam not by RGV.

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bobby  ananda
RE:RE:RE:RGV is the best ..
by bobby ananda on Mar 07, 2007 08:42 AM
I agree sorry for the nayakan..i know it was maniratnam..sorry for the grave msitake.......

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