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Raja Sen meets Raja Sen!

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Loooooove Raja
by on Jun 06, 2007 02:49 AM  | Hide replies

I am a HUGE fan of Raja Sen's reviews and it's a wonderful surprise to see his picture finally !! Love his witty juggle of words! My earlier fascination with Subhash K Jha reviews and articles have now been replaced by Raja's columns. Shocking to see some comments - just reflects the sad state of mediocrity who rave about crappy films that are made and ignore the good ones.
I count on your reviews - so keep up the excellent work (and words) - always on a roll reading your columns....one of the few reliable reviews on the net!

Jayati from New York

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Ramesh Bhandari
RE:Loooooove Raja
by Ramesh Bhandari on Jun 06, 2007 08:56 AM
just for the record..read reviews by Raja sen for "Rang De Basanti", "Sarkar" just to name the few hits and then talk about his reviewing skills! He likes karan johars crapy movies and not the good ones, you fall in that category of movie loving, all and all his reviews is the most hated ones if you'd follow rediff post!..

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RE:Loooooove Raja
by on Jun 06, 2007 01:49 PM
hey jayati..
why the heck u mentioned u from new york
soo u think ur mentioning that..is like..we indians..dont like this jerk head..and thats because we ar in india..
but had we been in ney work..we would have liked..this idiot
grow up ..get some life..

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RE:RE:Loooooove Raja
by on Jun 06, 2007 01:53 PM
and tell me..aint u a bengali..

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mahesh bhaskar patil
RE:Loooooove Raja
by mahesh bhaskar patil on Feb 18, 2008 08:07 PM
jayati, raja sen is a good writer or confused critic?

able to play with dictionary words doesnt make one good critic, isnt it?

one has to present unbiased views to be a good critic, i am afraid, he is not!
mahesh from india!

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Raja insane
by on Jun 06, 2007 01:26 AM  | Hide replies

Raja tereko bahut publicity mil raha hai be, i guess even crappy reviews can make one famous, whether people hate your or love you, theres no such sweet thing in the world as popularity

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Sarnath Kannan
RE:Raja insane
by Sarnath Kannan on Jun 06, 2007 02:39 AM
Dont be jealous. Let him get fame! Let him feel happy!!!! Are Om Shanthi...

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Message deleted by moderator
by on Jun 06, 2007 01:22 AM

Raja tera baj gaya baja

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Soumitro  Miukherjee
Critique of the Critic
by Soumitro Miukherjee on Jun 05, 2007 11:40 PM  | Hide replies

So I see that a lot of venom against Raja Sen's review has spewed forth here. I can understand people not accepting his opinion about the films he reviews, but can't see why people has to criticize the way he 'looks' as a way of getting back against him. It seems pretty immature and silly. If you don't like what he writes, don't read him. If nobody reads him, he will be out of job soon enough.

As I understand, the job of any critic is to evaluate the artistic (after all,all films are a form of art-a agreed by ALL film makers and performers)and technical merits of a film. It's sensibility and shortfalls. Seldom is a film critics review a reflection of how a mass would perceive the film. That is why a plethora of web pages are available for general public to comment on a film. If you just want to enjoy a film, check out reviews by the the general public who have watched it. But, if you want to check out a review by a critic, it should be read from a film lovers perception. You can agree with him or disagree, and discuss it in an educated manner.
A criticism of a reviewers review should be welcome. But it disgusts me the way immature people resorts to mud slinging in their criticism of the crictic. Critic reviews are not for you people. Head over to 'user reviews'. Critic reviews seldom reflect box office opinion anywhere on this planet.There are but just a handful of films which has artistic and technical merit,with equal amount of mass appeal.

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RE:Critique of the Critic
by bugmenot on Jun 06, 2007 12:34 AM
People read reviews before they decide whether they need to spend that 10 $ on a worthless bollywood movie. Raja Sens reviews make sense to people who have already watched the movie like his "Maybe i should have just punched myslef in my face before I thought of writing the Metro Review". Maybe Rediff should stop reviewing firangi movies. Long locks and verbal diarrhea does not make one a Roger Ebert.

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Tom Lutherfield
RE:Critique of the Critic
by Tom Lutherfield on Jun 06, 2007 11:15 AM
Ms Mukherjee, this guy ain't a film critic or anything. He is just a normal reviewer for rediff and is expected to be intelligent enough to capture the mood of the movie, its audience and then review them according to the viewers taste. Do not try to elevate his status to a film critics. And this guy dosen't even have taste. He keeps on giving good points to crappy movies and awards points based on his preferences. If he is a critic then we need somebody else to do the review and by the end of it Master Critic Sen can add his comments for which nobody will give a hoot. Please try not to get your Bong sentiments running for a useless no good SOB. A fusilade of fancy words dosen't make sense unless the owner knows what exactly what he is talking about, which ain't the case here. On the contrary, such an attempt will always impress the uninitiated unless the reader can understand that writer has attempted to mask his own ignorance beneath a volley of high flung words. This is exactly the case with Sen. The recent POC3 review by the oaf is just one recent example.. I can give you many many more.

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RE:RE:Critique of the Critic
by on Jun 06, 2007 01:55 PM
why the heck u have to support him..just because this a$$ is a benagali..
i mean..i have nt seen anyone supporting this jerkhead..who is not a benagli..

( and that doest mean..u just make a non bengali id..and post here ..hey raja u listening..u can try that

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Soumitro Miukherjee
RE:Critique of the Critic
by Soumitro Miukherjee on Jun 06, 2007 10:48 PM
Well well, you guys HAD to take the 'Bengali' dig? If you read what I have written, my major contention was not the criticism against the quality of his reviews. Infact I had ve not even commented it. So many people can't be all wrong. Just don't read him!
My point was against the comments about how he 'looks' and now also he is a 'Bengali'. When will some people rise above 'looks' and 'class' and regional bias???
For the record, I commented just as a reader. My comments have never been biased by looks and regional bias. If I were to do so, I would hide behind an anonymous id. I respect the comments to my post from people who have not got back with 'bengali' in their arguments. A persons education and maturity does show through when he does not have to rebuttal, resorting to regional statements and personal attacks.

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Ramesh Bhandari
RE:Critique of the Critic
by Ramesh Bhandari on Jun 06, 2007 09:05 AM
Evaluation should be made by expert and not any tom dick, he gives a wrong perception of the movie that is worth watching or otherwise; A critic can only critic on a subject of which he/she has experience and not any mentally retarded person (in this case Mr. Raja); People showing their anguish on his reviews has made him popular (or rather un-popular), and he is using this as an easy way. Most people in rediff respond to raja's review before even reading it,coz they sure know it ain't worth it!! Critiquing is a full time job in itself which demands lot of experience in the subject!!

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Shekhar Singh
Raja bajaye filmon ka baja
by Shekhar Singh on Jun 05, 2007 10:12 PM

Raja Sen, I absolutely love your reviews !!! You are a whif of fresh air amongst the crappy lot of reviewrs in the film industry.

Keep writing,


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Raja Sen
by Saswata on Jun 05, 2007 09:44 PM

Till now before see his photograph I though he is Crap.
Now I think he is a Cartoon as well as Crap.

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jiju vengal
A twosome??
by jiju vengal on Jun 05, 2007 09:31 PM

Almost everything from organisms, to organisations to ideas have followed the Darwinian Path....Freedom of creation ofcourse exists, but works not acknowledged and followed have always always died its natural death....hope the same holds to Raja Sen's reviews too....I read them for their entertainment value....its interesting to read absurdity on an international media!!

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