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Rs 50 crore riding on Sanjay

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Hemal Patel
Release him
by Hemal Patel on Jul 30, 2007 11:06 PM  | Hide replies

Considering his circumstances for purchasing arms, his jail time so far, his agony for last 13 years and his good conduct, he should be released from this case with a warning, he has not harmed anyone.

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debasis chakraborty
RE:Release him
by debasis chakraborty on Jul 30, 2007 11:13 PM
Hemal you are so sweet!!!Sanju really nice guy!!!We shd support sanju!!!Those who dnt have work jst going agaist sanju!!But god is with truth!!!Sanju will get release soon!!!Our Sanju dada!!God bless him!!!Sanju we are with you..those who help people ,are true indian all are with you,except some bhogas!!!

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Hashmat Ali
An oppertunity for Judicairy
by Hashmat Ali on Jul 30, 2007 10:55 PM

In recent past our judiciary has taken some strong decision,so its again an oppertunity for the judiciary to prove that nobody is above law.I personally feel that he should be given given the punishment he deserved but not too harsh keeping in mind that he is a criminal offender and not a social offender.

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Sankaranarayanan  Doraiswamy
by Sankaranarayanan Doraiswamy on Jul 30, 2007 10:40 PM  | Hide replies

If he is guilty he must get punishment. There is no difference between ordinary citizen and film personalities, politicians,rich, poor for law and order. Eventhough Communists say this they dont consider this for their cadres

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by Ravikumar on Jul 30, 2007 10:19 PM  | Hide replies

Some members of the Memnon family were sentenced for life for allowing conspirators to
use thier houses.In similar fashion Sanjay Dutt
needs to be punished for keeping sophisticated and lethal weapons.
Law is equal for all.Film stars does not need
special treatment.Court must sentence Sanjay Dutt or people soon lose faith in judiciary.

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debasis chakraborty
by debasis chakraborty on Jul 30, 2007 10:38 PM
Aba coop bath Ravi!1Tuza kya pata!!1Sanju Innocent guy hai!!!Sanjay should give a free life!1He is great father and great social worker apart 4m his superior talent as an actor!!

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Tarun Kapadia
by Tarun Kapadia on Jul 30, 2007 10:41 PM

If you really want equality, why don't you request an inquiry into the lethal weapons procured by other ministers sons and sons-in-law over the years?

Sanjay Dutt is paying the price for being his father's son and his ancestry.

Check out who his maternal grandmother was.

This is a conspiracy to keep an alternate bloodline down and out!!

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kaha chale ?
by D.V.R on Jul 30, 2007 09:56 PM  | Hide replies

munnabhai chale amreeka ?



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Devasree Bose
RE:kaha chale ?
by Devasree Bose on Jul 30, 2007 10:09 PM
listen...u can shut up wid ur bakwaas...sanjay dutt is going to jail ,yes he made a mistake...but u can't make fun of someone just like dat!!!!

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debasis chakraborty
RE:RE:kaha chale ?
by debasis chakraborty on Jul 30, 2007 10:56 PM
Tui nd tor baba Jailtai jaba!!!Sanjay nai!1

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Sunil mehra
To all Sanjay Baiter's
by Sunil mehra on Jul 30, 2007 09:56 PM  | Hide replies

First understand the basic concept of law & whay it has come about. Law's have been made & punishment is decided to reform a person who have not confirmed to the rules of the society. Any person/s who do not confine to the laws of the society are offenders. Offender are given punishment to teach them a lesson & to reform them. If a person realises his mistakes, is horrified by his actions, repents for the same & is sincerely apolegitis for the same and is already reformed by the enormity of the blunder caused by his actions, such person/s should be shown letinency. The law has to take the above factors into consideration, because the law is not only about punishment but also about reforming offenders who commit mistakes in some glorified state & sincerely regret the same. Sanjay has shown enough regret & remorse & it is borne out by his behaviour & actions. He is repentant of waht he has done. What was done was done in a state of mind when he thought that he was infalliable & above law. He was grossly mistaken & he should be punished for the same, But not harshly. He has not exibhited the traits of a hard core terrosist or criminal. Neither has he taken advantage of the freedom granted by the court & absconded or fleed the country. He has enough money to do so, but has not done so. It shows that he has reformed & repents for his actions & is ready to face the consequences for his actions. He should be given a chance to reform & a light sentence should be given for the mistake

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RE:To all Sanjay Baiter's
by Ramu on Jul 30, 2007 10:34 PM
But the main counter argument is why this theory holds good only for him and not for lesser known or poor offenders? It appears sanjay has reformed a bit, but what is the proof? did he do any charity?spent some time in an old age and did some work, did he clean any public place etc....In some western countries the punishment is to do some social service so that they understand the value of "Good".

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Sunil mehra
RE:To all Sanjay Baiter's
by Sunil mehra on Jul 30, 2007 10:43 PM
Right. Maybe he should be given a sentence where he can rehab the victims & their families. If he does not do so with sincerity, then the sentence can be reviewed & no letinency should be shown. It can also serve as a landmark judgement.

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pradeep kumar
RE:To all Sanjay Baiter's
by pradeep kumar on Jul 30, 2007 10:42 PM
If we are Lenient in Sanjay Dutt case, then what about the remaining 99 accused. If we think that he has repented for what he has done, then remaining 99 might have also repented for what they have done. We cannot leave all other 99 just for one guy.
Also, how personally you know Sanjay Dutt, all you know is what you see on screen. So please dont judge people by seeing on screen.
Now think of 257 people who were killed and many more who were injured.
In any developed country, everyone is treated equally before law.
So Sanjay Dutt should be treated equally with others and should be punished.

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Sunil mehra
RE:RE:To all Sanjay Baiter's
by Sunil mehra on Jul 30, 2007 10:51 PM
I agree. But at the same time, at the point of sounding repeatative, i would like to say again that the law should be reform oriented for misguided elements. Only habitual offenders, hard core terrorists, anti-social elements, repeat offenders, serious economic swindlers & corrupt officials & politicians should be given sentences as punishment. otherwise the emphasis should be on reforming misguided elements.

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pradeep kumar
RE:To all Sanjay Baiter's
by pradeep kumar on Jul 30, 2007 11:33 PM
Law should be LAW for any one.
You are not looking him as a Terrorist because he is a public figure. But no one keeps AK47 just for safegaurding his family.
Most of the 99 people who were found guilty were not hardcore terrorits, habitual offeneders or anti-social elements. It might be their first mistake, but still they are punished. No body even worreid about other people who were sentenced, but coming to Dutt, I dont know why every one is so partial about Dutt and want the LAW to be Linient for him.
Just think as a TRUE INDIAN.

If one is left with out proper punishment, then no one will believe in LAW & Justice.

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RE:To all Sanjay Baiter's
by Ramu on Jul 31, 2007 03:14 AM
you are right Pradeep. Sunil just because Sanjay is a popular hero (acted in some heart touching movies) you are talking all this. What about many other offenders in this country? there could be first time offenders, self defensive cases etc...LAW should be same for everyone with NO bias. Why you are talking about "landmark" thing, why not the other way..punish sanjay with harshly so that it sends a message to everybody that no person is above LAW

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Sunjay Dutt should get one chance
by on Jul 30, 2007 09:55 PM  | Hide replies

Sunjay dutt should get one chance we know that he have done a mistake but only human being will do mistake.We do lot of mistake and god know every mistake what we have done then again god will give one chance to us then why cant we give a chance to sun jay dutt.I request to tada court please give a chance to sun jay dutt.

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Shall we leave Dawood???
by Yerumai on Jul 30, 2007 09:48 PM

You Idiot. Thousands of crores running of Dawood Ibrahim. Shall we leave him and declare innocent, despite the crimes he did?.

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There are hardcore criminals in jail who really planted items which killed hundreds.
by on Jul 30, 2007 09:35 PM  | Hide replies

There are hardcore criminals in jail who really planted items which killed hundreds. Provide judgement for them first before taking cases which may or may not.
Serious life threatening cancer type of patient is there in jails, do justice for them first before taking cases of headache kind of patients. We don't know what threat these riotters place on the hindus Sanjay & Sunil Dutts family during riots which butchered hindu people, during that time. Also, note that the hindu actor was famous at that time, & there was riot broke out, there is no wonder these muslim riotters target him.
Also, note while helping victims, his father got threatening.

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santosh satpathy
RE:There are hardcore criminals in jail who really planted items which killed hundreds.
by santosh satpathy on Jul 31, 2007 12:05 AM
Dont make it a Hindu-muslim issue.Sanjay Dutt is also half-muslim since his mother was a muslim.And,you know what ,who gave those AK47 to Sanjay Dutt,it was Abu Salem at the behest of chota Sakil.

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