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What should Abhiwarya do?

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Aishwarya-Abhishek wedding
by ekta on Apr 18, 2007 03:26 PM

I wish them happiness throughout the life.They are the best ever couple paired together.It is truly said that God made pairs for each and every one.It also signifies that Marriages are made in heaven.Wish a Happy Marriaed life to Ash & Abhi.


Ekta shashikant

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Electronic Screw
Why no other news but just A-A wedding?
by Electronic Screw on Apr 18, 2007 02:19 PM

I dont see news about Dubai WafiCity mall robbery of diamonds and jewellery worth Dhs 50 million. Is Rediff, just looking at A-A wedding?

Here is the video taken on mobile of the hollywood style robbery at Wafi City Mall.


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das ck
happy wedding
by das ck on Apr 18, 2007 02:16 PM

beware of Salman and Vivek. any way She is a third hand for Abhishek.may be he is also second hand for her . let them adjust since life is a adjustment

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das ck
Wishes for their happy marriage life
by das ck on Apr 18, 2007 02:16 PM

beware of Salman and Vivek. any way She is a third hand for Abhishek.may be he is also second had for her . let them adjust since life is adjustment

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rahul addala
Bad Timing
by rahul addala on Apr 18, 2007 09:42 AM

Right when ash was on the verge of showing what billion janta of the nation wanted to see by stepping into hollywood, you fixed marriage with ash!!!! Abhi!!! real bad timing, billion ka to soochaa hotaa......

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rahul addala
Sorry Abhi
by rahul addala on Apr 18, 2007 09:38 AM  | Hide replies

Abhi!!! u really dont know what u got yurself into... feel sorry for u... sallu bhai!!!! was right... use kara aur lite liyaa.. i think ash will take you for ride, be prepared lol.

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mghb fthn
RE:Sorry Abhi
by mghb fthn on Apr 21, 2007 11:41 AM
sorry rahul,
do u think he wud be into this if he wud b sorry, rather, he will be prepared to enter hollywood himself !!!

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Mitragovinda JPS
Hari Bol
by Mitragovinda JPS on Apr 17, 2007 09:04 AM

To Ash my advice as well to Abhi is to use all their energy to satisfy Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. All their activities should to please Him only. To Begin with they should some time of their daily time devote to chant Holy Name. They themselves will realise the difference. They will be happy & make others also happy. Hari Bol

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debasish padhy
good luck
by debasish padhy on Apr 16, 2007 08:17 PM

hello rediff hw much amitabh has paid you to advertise it or making it news they are just marrying . even daily some or other gets married why don't u advertise it and why only abhisek or aishwarya . because they are reach and pay handfull of money. that is how indian politics is differentiating. anyways good luck for their married life and let them enjoy but stop these advertising or news on it. its useless and time waste what profit common pepople get out of these news ar advertisements.
anyway sorry if i must hv hurt u but you r not doing right

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