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Bachchan fans protest IT notices

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Its bad
by pavan on Jun 13, 2006 08:25 PM

I think its very bad to protest like this they should have gone in a peaceful way atleast now Mr.Bachan should appeal to his fans not to do such things which might spoil is image

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NObody above law
by Babs on Jun 13, 2006 08:10 PM

Hey "Fans",

Pl understand that nobody is above the law, even if he is a MEGA star !!! With due respects to Big B, do you guys doesn't have any jobs ? No family to maintain ? Or sombody pays you for doing these unwanted protests ?


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protests against IT deptt.
by Maggie on Jun 13, 2006 07:29 PM

If Mr. and Mrs. Bachan have nothing to fear from the IT deptt. they should allow the law to take its course. But to go to the press to whip up public sympathy smacks of desperation!! And it is also a pathetic attempt of Amar Singh to jump on the superstar(?) bandwagon and promote his own party thru' the Bachans. (sic!!)

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Government should invoke relevant provisions to take stringent action against such people!
by B.Gautam on Jun 13, 2006 06:52 PM

If any party or for that matter an individual tries to obstruct discharge of duties of officers or and employees of central government, the relevant provisions of the articles concerned of the regulations or law can be invoked to prosecute the governing body of the party in question, or the individual concerned responsible for such adverse action, to freely allow the discharge of the duties of the Government department concerned!
Such hooliganism, if allowed, not only sends a wrong signal to the people that any one could wilfully violate various provisions of the law and regulations concerned of the country for their personal or any individual or group of individuals benefits, but will also go against the welfare of the Nation itself in the long run!
The Government cannot remain a silent spectator! They should realize their active roll in the fast development of the Nation to relieve the large majority of those in perpetual miseries which is the primary purpose of the Government!

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Protest against IT Notice to Amitab
by Mahadevan on Jun 13, 2006 06:11 PM  | Hide replies

I deeply feel regret for such Protest in name of Democracy. We should allow the executives and Judicial to do their job. If there is any foul play by any political party against my all time favorite star , He has enough resources top seek assistance of legal experts to protect himself. The Power brokers like Mr. Amar Singh should not allowed to take the masses for ride.

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RE:Protest against IT Notice to Amitab
by Bruce on Jun 14, 2006 07:05 AM
Nothing to regret about ... No point harrasing an icon of impeccable character and integrity in the name of democracy / publicity gimmicks.

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RE:Protest against IT Notice to Amitab
by ASHRAF MALIK on Jun 14, 2006 05:10 AM
I agree with Mahadevan that power brokers like Amar Singh should not be allowed to go scot free.All his close assocites both in opposition and ruling party should be thoroughly scrutnized by IT.
Amitabh image( not as an actor) has taken a beating because of his assocition with Amar Singh.I am not amazed when a party like BJP, with history of scams, supports him.Welcome to SARKAR in real life.

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RE:Protest against IT Notice to Amitab
by vipuladani on Jun 14, 2006 12:45 PM
thx iam amitabh sir fan i suport you vipul

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Rajesh Vyas
Amitabh and IT
by Rajesh Vyas on Jun 13, 2006 05:51 PM


It is not important whether Amitabh is right or is IT justifed in seeking explanation from the BIG B. The important thing is to ensure that violent protesting and ranscaking offices of IT is no way of doing things. We are a nation of men and not of laws. In fact, more and more in this country, the law of hooligans is taking over.

I am sure the supersatr will be least bothered if one of these stupid protesters is issued a notice by the IT. Why get worked over somebody who really cares two hoots for you!!!!

Even more alarming is the personality cult practiced in this country. Remember what happened to Germany which had developed a personality cult for the madman called "HITLER" and also do not forget Indira Gandhi's atrocities during the emergency days.

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