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Harry Potter: Who will die?

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dumbledore and two way mirror
by subhadip on Jul 11, 2006 11:59 PM

rowling has confirmed that the two-way mirror will play a important role in this book which was given to harry by sirius in book 6 .also the fact that harry's eyes are like his mother has a much deeper meaning.i think dumbledore is not dead.and i think so voldermort will kill harry and dumbledore will kill voldermort.peter pettigrew may also die.

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to say or not to say....
by shruti on Jul 10, 2006 12:31 PM

I so hope, like trillions of other Harry fans, that its not Harry but then again i am preparing myself to accept the worst in any case... (its funny how we allow the not-flesh&blood characters to affect us so deeply as well!)

Cutting the long story short, well the reason behind my qualms is the fact that it would indeed prevent any other author to bank on Harry's after-Voldemort life by producing sequels (which we now know for sure JKR wouldnt be writing!!!). It seems fair that the author does some justice to her baby... boo-hoo!

well call me a damper but my (worst) feeling is that the other person on JKRs to-die list is Ginny. " yeah thats the bollywoods- deeply affected person's not so original view! hmph.... well she does seem to love him a lot since long & it seems she WILL DEFINITELY jump in to assist him in slaying voldemort. & dont we know from the other superhero stories that GFs do suffer at the hands of the evil enemy.... so ....

lets hope i am wrong. lets pray JKR as usual is only dropping red herrings....

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nida ashhar
by nida ashhar on Jul 07, 2006 04:44 PM

i think Harry will die because there is no reason why he can't!if we see it all logically then;

1.Harry is yet NOT even a fully qualified wizard whereas voldermort is the most powerful, present

2.harry can't even fight snape so how could he possibly fight voldermort.

3.he is not good at occumelency so he can't keep his thoughts just his own.

and so i think it could be harry who is going to die in the end..but i wish i am wrong!

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seventh book
by shrishma on Jul 07, 2006 07:31 AM

well i think its Voldemort and someone from the Order who is gonna die in the seventh book

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harry potter
by nickie on Jul 07, 2006 05:02 AM

I think that it will be he who must not be named because he tryes to kill harry and all the horcruxes are gone. Or maybe it will be the new head master because we know nothing about him and he could be evil and plotting something that ends up killingr him.

your #1 fan

Nickie Behlemich

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I have suspicions...........
by Claudia on Jul 07, 2006 02:47 AM

Well Rowling said it would be someone you wouldn't expect i say that she kilss off Voldermont and Ron.

Harry lives but loses a friend. Either that or Snape.

I say Snape tries to kill harry but Ron interfers, but I strongly believe Ron dies don't know why its like a feeling.

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Tarun Kumar Singh
who die in last
by Tarun Kumar Singh on Jul 07, 2006 02:15 AM

i think the two will be Harry himself & Voldmord the evil man.

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by althaf on Jul 06, 2006 06:18 PM

I think its gonna be Harry himself and Hagrid, who can let his life for Harry.

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by althaf on Jul 06, 2006 06:16 PM

I think its gonna be Harry himself and Hagrid, who can let his life for Harry.

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