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DVD Watch: A Fish Called Wanda

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Adhip Iyer
the funniest film of all times? a little over the top!
by Adhip Iyer on Jan 28, 2006 04:18 PM  | Hide replies

Raja, you've chosen a fine film indeed, but i must confess it isn't up there on the top. Cleese, Palin and their Python troupe (not least of whom was the prolific Terry Gilliam)have given us more sparkling films with 'Monty Python and the holy grail' and 'The Life of Brian'. Even otherwise, 'A fish called wanda' is preceded in excellence by films like 'Some like it hot', Mel Brook's 'Young Frankenstein', 'Blazing Saddles' to name just a few. If you don't want to take my word for it, go check their ratings at IMDb.com and you'd see they are rated much higher by reviewers and users alike. While it is all right to call a film your favorite, try to resist the impulse of using cliches like 'funniest film ever made'. they invite exception and make your review seem exaggerated. take care.

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RE:the funniest film of all times? a little over the top!
by Sameer on Feb 25, 2006 05:46 PM
Speaking of funniest movie ever, maybe rediff can consider taking viewers poll on what they think was the funniest hollywood movie ever. The funniest movie i ever watched would be a toss up between the God's must be crazy (I & II) and Bowfinger. And i would give Bowfinger the edge.


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