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Narnia is a lovely kid's film

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excellent movie
by anil on May 06, 2006 06:16 PM

4 stars from me andd i am in college.

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The Chronicles Of Narnia
by Navaneeta on Feb 01, 2006 12:56 PM

I disagree with cynical ppl...i think its the best of all the movies based on books..the acting ismuch better than in Harry Potter movies...10 points!

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Jomy John John
A christian allegory, even if you dont want to!
by Jomy John John on Jan 29, 2006 10:58 AM

The reviewer states that "if you want to, you can find a christian allegory". Wow. Is he blind? Narnia was written by CS Lewis one of the most influential CHRISTIAN writers of the 20th century. A writer whose greatness has even been affirmed by Churchill. Lewis intended the story to be a direct allegory of the reality of Christ. He, though not very fond of chrildren, wanted to make a callous and rigid theology more accessible to children - whom Jesus Christ was very fond of. Contrary to the reviewer's comment that the children are the saviours it is actually Aslan the lion that is the saviour. Whether or not we accept this one, it is a christian story and a good rendition at that.

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by Marik on Jan 29, 2006 06:45 AM

I haven't seen the film yet. But the reviewers comment about the animal voiceover quirks and screenplay writers ability is misleading, cause thats how the dialogues are between the beavers in the book.

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Ajith Menon
Narnia - another film on Harry Poter's footsteps
by Ajith Menon on Jan 28, 2006 11:15 PM

Narnia, when you hear rarely you will get any idea about the movie. But the promos itself is so tempting that you will have to see the film.

It has surely taken some inspiration from Harry Potter in creating another world ...... a world of magic. But again the magic has worked on viewers.

The animals are used marvelously in the film.... and I think the organizations who went against "Rang De Basanti" should see and appretiate the animals work in the film. The Lion .... though I think has been animated in many of the scenes have been the best of the lot.

So, well done and keep the good work going, thats all i want to say to creators of "Narnia". Bye.

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Sachin Bansal
Animals were never like that b'fore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Sachin Bansal on Jan 28, 2006 01:17 PM

A must watch for evry fantasy or 3D gfx lover.
One among the movies, showcasing the best possible can b done with high-end CG machines.

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Rythm and Hues is not Indian
by Sunil on Jan 27, 2006 10:38 PM

I would like to clarify that some of the animation done for the movie was by an American based company called "rythm and hues" and probably some work was outside the US. Also most of the designers were American and one Indian contributed to the a lot of design. So please don't convert the original work of a designer and make boundaries as to who did what. The credits were perfectly fine for this movie.

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Saket Gadkari
well done for the review
by Saket Gadkari on Jan 27, 2006 10:04 AM

a good review.

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