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Debojit wins Sa Re Ga Ma!

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parochial mindset
by Pradeep on Mar 01, 2006 01:02 PM

this so called winner is an outcome of parochial mindset of people who are watching these reality shows.
Debojit is nothing more than an orchestra singer of a small town or might be little better.
Any layman can tell that Himani was the best vineet,nihira,hemchandra come after that.
this type of shows are farce and discourging young singer who are having talent.
Always judgement should Be done by prestgious judges and audience with higher weightage to judges views.this will take in to account sms earning of tv channels

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Smile Wins-anytime, congrats Debu
by Kavyashree on Feb 28, 2006 11:20 PM

Debu kept smiling at all the odds, definitely he deserves the championship....he is better


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Nafisa Bharmal-Chaurasia
Debojit does not deserve to win!!
by Nafisa Bharmal-Chaurasia on Feb 28, 2006 08:45 PM

I live abroad and have watched the program and was appalled to see the outcome for the finalist. One by one, I and everyone who viewed the program with a fair and unprejudiced mind saw excellent singers like Himani and Hemachandra weeded out. In the end we still had hopes the best amoungst was still there, Vinit, but unfortunately the biased minds of Bengalis and the people of Assam made a winner of Debojit who is by far no comparison to the Vinits, Himanis and Hemachandras of the the real world. What he has achieved is ill-earned status and a key to a free flat. Time itself will tell who gets the offers and who achieves real fame. Vinit, Himani and Hemachandra - don't ever lose hope. You have your fans all over the world and Vinit so what if you were not the winner on stage or declared the 'Voice of India'. You and Himani are the the Voice of India today - in our hearts you will always be the best! Lots of love and blessings for the future. You are the best.

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best wishes
by tarun_cpr on Feb 28, 2006 05:26 PM

best wishes win S Ra gama.....tarun

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Kapil Vijan
He may not be boy next door like Vinit, but better singer for sure
by Kapil Vijan on Feb 28, 2006 01:48 PM

There is so much of hu-hullah over Assam voted Debojit to win, but any given day he is a more versatile and mature singer than Vinit.
Vinit was crowd favorite (Specially among Girls) because of his boy next door image. Who so ever has seen Sa Re Ga Ma, would know his topi thing.
But Debojit is anyday a better singer than him

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re: Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Challenge 2005
by vedicxtacy on Feb 28, 2006 01:10 AM

Debojit may have won in short term, but in the long run Vineet will be a lot popular.

Just like the singer Abhijeet said that from the competition onwards, people vote wont count, only their talent will and vineet is 17 years old and long way ahead. He will be a star while Debojit will be singing only Assamese songs.

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Anil Khare
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa
by Anil Khare on Feb 27, 2006 11:13 PM

Debojit is 12 years older than Vinit, has 3 years of full time singing experience in Bollywood against a full time student. Him and Abhijit Ghoshal had so much in common, would have been very compatible candidates to contest finals. Even Vinit, Himani, and, Hema, staged walkout, and gave chance to Mr. Gajendra Singh to invite other finalist. This would also have achieved a fair and honest polling results.

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Vinit is the best
by harish on Feb 27, 2006 09:39 PM

though debojit has won this contest by in my opinion Vinit is better singer then him...
he sang flawlessly throughout the compition and he never got less then 8 points on mantometer..
anyway tough luck !! best of luck to both vineet and debojit for their future

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amitabh thakuria
Debojit's win in Saregamapa
by amitabh thakuria on Feb 27, 2006 09:26 PM

First of all it is always in some controversey when the name ASSAM comes.People from rest of India neglects and does the step-motherly act with the people of North-East. So is the case with Debojit in Sa-Re-Ga-Ma-Pa.The sarcastic remarks passed by audiences on Debo, the partialty done by judges were clearly seen in the TV screen. Regoinalism comes because Debo belongs to Assam.From rest of the super-indian public it was unfair for Vineet all the time.Since no body restricted any one to Vote for Vinit and if the UP is not that much supportive as far as Assam's support towards Debo than why these stupid remarks are going on Debojit's abilty.If the rest of the country doesn't want to accept ASSAM's voice as India's voice than why the hell the central govt. are passing remarks that North-East is also a part of India.If you have guts which I doubt either give idependence to them or else throw a nuclear bomb and kill all. No need to show double standards and people of Assam and entire north-east now a days realised that where they stand.Reginalism is backed by Indian's only.

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Sa Re ga ma pa
by itsapt on Feb 27, 2006 08:38 PM

I am not quite sure why some peole think that Vineet is a better singer than Debojit. Don't get me wrong. I am not from North East. I am in Hyderabad. Indeed even Ismail Durbar asked Vineet this question whethet he thinks he sings better than Debojit. Vineet sings songs in the same nasal tone very much like his mentor Himesh. And imagine, Himesh gets the best playback singer (male) award! Any justification? But such things happen in Bollywood. If Vineet is a better singer than Debojit, then it should be fair to say that Johny Lever is a better actor than Charlie Chaplin!

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