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Is Salman''s career doomed?

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Nisheeth Chandel
by Nisheeth Chandel on Feb 20, 2006 10:58 PM

Its allright,he shot endangered deer,1yr jail.OK.
Will come out, start shootin'again!

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Bhupendra Patel
Salman's Career
by Bhupendra Patel on Feb 20, 2006 09:39 PM

I think, the very first thing for many people to understand is black bucks are an endangered species. Only a very few of these animals have remained on this planet. And it is our sole responsibility to save them so that our coming generations can enjoy God's one of most beautiful creations. Anyways, I think that Salman deserved atleast 10 years of imprisonment along with strict community service. This way people can know that the Law is superior to anybody and only the Truth wins.

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by suraj on Feb 20, 2006 08:26 PM

cant really say whether salman's career is doomed or not coz half of the industry are sallu loyalists despite whatever he does.controversies and setbacks dont really affect male stars in a big way,they seem to get through every thing.like sanjay dutt's career took off in a big way after he came out of jail(that too when he was an accused in a BOMB BLAST case,no less.salman's deer killing is nothing compared to that!but one thing i would like to state is that salman is the dumbest star i have seen in bollywood.he's all brawn and no brain.he is the male version of a bimbette.and oh yeah!i know ppl would say salman is a huge star,that even after all controversies he has a huge box office draw.but isn't a well chiseled physique, taking off one's shirt and dancing in small shorts on the beach along with a bevy of bikini babes enough to draw the hoi polloi and crazy females to the theatres? let him draw the audiences and garner critics'appreciation in a performance oriented role and we will talk.why did kyon ki and dil ne jise apna apna kaha flop?coz he didnt take off his shirt.why did no entry,maine pyar kyu kiya succeed?coz he danced shirtless on the beach and they were multi starrers

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Salman - i year sentence
by Meenakshi on Feb 20, 2006 06:57 PM


He is a real fighter. This is just a face in life he will come back soon with a shine.

God will bless him. He is too good a human being.

God bless him

Love u

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who is criminal and who is not
by Iqbal on Feb 20, 2006 06:23 PM  | Hide replies

Today many fingers are pointing toward salman khan, As if he is criminal and should be punished, I wonder why, Belive me every single human on this planet is committing crime, There is no human who does not commit crime, if someone says no, than that person is a liar. Dont trust that person. If you think of your self what good and bad you do in your life start counting, youll know how many crimes you have done. Crime is not just killing human or animal when you hurt some one that too is crime. And there are so many crimes human does every day but who cares. when you talk about hunting than there are so many rich people whos hobby is hunting they kill many animals and birds every day, than why dont you call them criminals?

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Abhisek karmakar
Re: who is criminal and who is not
by Abhisek karmakar on Aug 11, 2009 10:14 AM
Thank You so much......

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its time for us to mind our own business
by cagedserenity on Feb 20, 2006 06:22 PM

well.. i have noticed too many Outrageous comments from so called moral police and law obeying citizens!!! am surprised to see the reacton of people who are concerned about the law folks just look ar urself how many of us really follow the rules as per the book?? Y do people care if salman goes to jail or hell?? does that makes any difference in our daily life?? i think public likes to read dirty gossips and like to see the downfall of others if they are rich and famous,let salman deal with his own life and let him lead his life as he wish like we does with ours,its time for the public to leave him alone and try to move on with our own life.
good luck

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Girish Muduli
Salman is guilty
by Girish Muduli on Feb 20, 2006 06:20 PM

In my point of view salman should be punished more than right now what he punished. He should hero in nature in also public view not in film. What he have done in film not important, they are doing film for their money and themselves. There is no question of religion here now, it is case of destory of nature. He should reliaze and punished more. He is mischivous and bad character. Today this is result for him of 1 year imprisonment.

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by kiran on Feb 20, 2006 06:14 PM

one thing is sure, he killed that poor animal, so why u guys are telling that he is being victimised. The penalty he got is peanuts, and 1 year is nothing. Let me tell all of u , i don't have anything against his religion or him, i am telling this from true heart. Had he been a poor common man, by now he would have been put behind bars for 5 years and penalized heavily. I feel he should have been made to cough up lot of money for social charity and made to do social service. Waiting for another 5 years for him for killing the people sleeping on footpath. God damn him.

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Should Salman Khan be sent to Jail
by Ashish on Feb 20, 2006 06:09 PM

I feel that he can be given a more appropriate punishment then sending him to jail. The objective of the law is to make a person realize that he has commiteed a fault and if he is ready to accept it he can be given another chance. I think a more appropriate punishment for Salman Khan would be to ask him to setup a Wild life santuary for Black Bucks or any endangered species. In this way at one hand he has a chance of saving many other endangered species he can repay nature what he took from it ....A more appropriate punishment in a sensible world...sending a person like him behind bars when he is ready to accept his crime is more of publicity giving nothing to the fans and society ..where as a more constructive punishment will help the actor in doing something more creative for the society ...

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