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Mahesh Babu can't save Sainikudu

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Non sense movie
by Vignesh on Dec 12, 2006 11:56 PM

This is one of the non-sense typical telugu movie I have seen. Couldn't find story of the movie and searching for it in the theater. I don't how author gave 2.5 Stars for this crap movie. Sivapathikaram is a good tamil movie, but that author gave 1 star for that. Really Rediff have to find right people to write review of the movies. Don't get obsessed with Hindi and Telugu colorful movies which don't have story line in them. Be positive in writing your reviews and try to validate the movie. Don't write blindly.

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it's flop due to expectations by pokiri's super duper hit
by manohar on Dec 10, 2006 07:10 PM

peoples war area scene,last fight are worst.Bridge scene,fight after orugalluke pilla are highlight.watching secondtime makes you to feel that it is ok.it's because you watched it by mind of utterflop. so see it again.

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Dont allow North Indian to review South Indian films !!!!!!
by Sham on Dec 09, 2006 08:43 AM

tamil movies have better screenplay and come 2nd in global market after hindi films . telugu films got more fund to show extravanganza in songs but screenplay is still need improvement ..

DO TAKE notice BOMMARILU director is TAMILIAN ...forgot the name

DO TAKE notice TAGORE,STALIN director is TAMILIAN murogadass

i do notice South indian review writers are truly stupid and alawaz try to degrade a south indian movie.

i notice this site is owned by NORTH indian and most articles will somehow degrade south indian movie. Dont fight south indians. Tamil or Telugu we are soiuth indian and we are indian.. be unite !

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One Star oNly
by sham on Dec 09, 2006 07:30 AM

i wonder why the HELL our rediff.com alwaz GIVE contradictory review from other site...

IT is clear cut now that SANIKUDU is the biggest FLOP in telugu industrty ..all sites saying the film is with NO STORY + NO SCREENPLAY+ NOTHING IN IT+ TEHNICALLY TACKY with NO any great things in the movie expect screen charisma from MAhesh..

REDIFF.COM stop trying to write diffrent review from others juz for increasing people read ur site. It is truly BIASED reveiw !!!!!! i think the producer had given MONEY to rediff to write such a biased review ..and the JOKE of the YEAR is that the film get 2 and half stars ??

Such a moronic writer !!!!!!!! the film deserve 1 STAR !!!!!!!! all hype and hoopla surrounding the movie DISAPPOINTS everyone !!!!!!!!

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utter waste
by naveen on Dec 07, 2006 05:28 PM

in chennai jayapradha theater ..one can see posters related to kamma naidus and all waste related stuff ..that too in this civilised world .this movie is really waste..
mahesh needs to learn from basics...donot know how to act ..simply waste of money

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Sainikudu- ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
by vishwa on Dec 07, 2006 01:46 PM

Waste movie of the year.................

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Voux Personal, Not Voux Populi
by Shiva on Dec 06, 2006 09:42 AM

Its a unprofesional statement that "Inane and Irritated Comedy In Telugu Movies"...Have u seen any telugu movies before? If the movie got Brahmanandam or venu madhav or et al..there are many telugu people go and whach that movie. If u have hollywood mind no problem, but plz donot degrade our telugu movie comedy.

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by vasu on Dec 06, 2006 06:51 AM

mahesh film is a let down. this time but sure will rise and show the greatness of telugu movies

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sainikudu is a little letdown but still better than most ''other'' language movies
by vasu on Dec 06, 2006 06:42 AM

i cant beleive ms radhika could pass such general comment on great movie industry like telugu. second to none in india. much better than the LOUD movies down south with lots of histrionics and HERO WORSHIP
where most and definetly all movies are hero based. with loads and lorries of sentiment and crude humor tracks..
subtility of telugu movies is an acquired taste and will surely come to ms radhika if she attempts to watch a few more telugu movies

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I think you are writing review after reading another review
by ramprasad on Dec 05, 2006 12:39 AM  | Hide replies

Radhika Rajamani

I think you are writing review after reading somebody else's review. I do not think you saw the movie.

Go and watch your so-called 'inane and irritating' humor movies. that would be better than you writing these shallow articles.

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RE:I think you are writing review after reading another review
by on May 16, 2007 05:13 PM
It was honest abd rather precise. I'm just sorry, my fellow telugu people take offence at every slight, vague insult thrown at mahesh-babu. He IS human- an actor, not a "100-day" generating machine. I'm happy he's signing up to some decent films, though they don't appeal to the seemingly shallow and inane (yes, I said that) commenters on this board. - Nidhi

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