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KANK, big hit overseas

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by vicks on Aug 17, 2006 01:05 PM

Such films will always be a hit in the west...relationships hardly matter to them..no wonder the film is not making good money in our country inspite of a big star cast.

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by Satish on Aug 17, 2006 11:39 AM

What ever, the casting may be pull the audiance but
not story or screen play. No doubt all did excellent performance. But with the weak story and screen play, it will be a bad film for Karan Bhai.

All the best for NEXT.

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by Manjesh on Aug 17, 2006 11:33 AM

Kank is world best worst film, never ever watch this film who believe in INDIAN culture. It is very sad to say that Amitabh Bachanji and Shah Rukh Khan are part of this film.

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KANK sucks
by Ajay on Aug 17, 2006 11:32 AM

Dude, I had expections after reading movie review by Taran Adarsh, damitt.. god knows why he has given 4.5/5 for this movie. The only best part of this movie is Amitabh, other than that the movie sucks big time. In short, it is like watching a 100 Meter running race in slow motion. Any day kyun ki saas saga ... is more enjoyable than this

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by sonu on Aug 17, 2006 07:32 AM  | Hide replies

Movie is waste of time..3 and half hours....SRK shd give up acting...there was no chemistry between actors...even SRK and Rani!

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by IMRAN AHMAD KHAN on Aug 19, 2006 06:59 PM
I think thats the reason that KANK is the biggest hit of bollywood ever !!!!!
wow !!! junk also rakes in THAT kind of money , i did'nt had any idea !!!
well , the truth is that u r the same people who appreciate movies like NO ENTRY and shun classy movies like KANK , anyways , its pretty normal , since u guys do'nt have any class whatsoever .
but still , its a fact that KANK has emerged the BIGGEST hit ever in the history of bollywood

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overseas hindi films
by anu on Aug 17, 2006 12:35 AM

omkara rocks!!!and saif is the new king

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well it's not worth discussing
by Ram on Aug 16, 2006 10:28 PM

I saw KANK on the very first day, and was uttterly disappointed with it, anyway, big stars so movie is gng to earn a decent opening, but nothing to talk abt in the movie, dunno wat karan johar thinks while making these movies, really boring investing crores only to make a family drama, well he had the best stars to work possibly culd hav done much better, well he shld try to make a horror movie, thnk the ghost will also fall in love in the movie, to conclude though KANK might be a big success number wise to me Karan Johar has wasted the best resources availabe in bollywood in making such so so movie

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well it's not worth discussing
by Ram on Aug 16, 2006 10:19 PM

I saw KANK on the very first day, and was uttterly disappointed with it, anyway, big stars so movie is gng to earn a decent opening, but nothing to talk abt in the movie, dunno wat karan johar thinks while making these movies, really boring investing crores only to make a family drama, well he had the best stars to work possibly culd hav done much better, well he shld try to make a horror movie, thnk the ghost will also fall in love in the movie, to conclude though KANK might be a big success number wise to me Karan Johar has wasted the best resources availabe in bollywood in making such so so movie

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Naresh Kumar Issrani
KANK is bore with Shahrukh
by Naresh Kumar Issrani on Aug 16, 2006 08:54 PM

Shahrukh become old now and too typed for this kind of movie. He should think something new rather then stand on the Karan shoulder.. PLS for god sake do some hat ke shahrukh and dont just repet yourself and give as bore entertainment as usual. Abishek was extraordionary and Amitabh is Amitabh always excellent and Great!!!!!!!!!!1

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by acharya on Aug 16, 2006 08:50 PM

The only reason this film in doing good abroad is ;They are jumping head-long into it to waste their time sic somewhat w/o wasting time in recee secondly they miss INDIA the family melodramas with reason of rare family outings to go with it PLUS the hype of biggest budget film big group of popular stars, famous producer and the very fact of it being shot abroad. But after the film ends only agony & dismay it is their decision.

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