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Farewell, Dr Rajkumar

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End of bad acting
by tommy on Apr 14, 2006 04:42 PM


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he still lives
by Jagan on Apr 14, 2006 04:20 PM

Dr.Rajkumar will live ever in our hearts.

But it was sad to see his family members that they coulnt perform the last rites as planned.

The govt.should have taken necessary steps and should have arranged in a better way to restrict the fans.

But we feel some anti social elements were also involved into this.

Fans should know that when they stop others not to do anything 'coz of Dr.Rajkumar's Demise, it will create hatredness towards Dr.Raj. Even the didnt do this from their heart, they did it for the heck of it.

My condolesence to his family. Hope his children will maintain his image not only as superstar but also as a humble person.

It goes on,
Jagan Mohan M

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by sridhar on Apr 14, 2006 03:49 PM

A catastrophe has struck all Kannada loving people. With the demise of our Beloved Dr.Rajkumar, we have lost a shining star and a great human being. May The God give the departed soul peace.

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venkatesh babu
our hearty condolence to the departed pioneer actor from his kuwait settled fans..
by venkatesh babu on Apr 14, 2006 02:38 PM

We sincierly like to convey our condolence to the gem of a person and a unique style hero!! who has departed from us physically but all aways in us as a part of our soul. All these days we used to watch one rajkumar Movie a week but here after we would oath to watch three films of our beloved Dr.Raj.
with lots of luv to our beloved fans of Dr.Raj and his family members... from venky, Roopesh, Pushparaj, Anand, Mylar swamy...Kannada Sanga..Mangaf,Kuwait.

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re the sad demise of dr raj
by raghavan on Apr 14, 2006 01:55 PM

ther can be no other celebrity in the world who has lived a life as simple as dr raj we salute to his simplicity and his larger than lif image

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you will be in our hearts for ever
by shyamprasad on Apr 14, 2006 01:38 PM

This is a very sad moment for all the kannadigas, the moment of loss of raj kumar, we know he cant live for ever but he is immortal in our minds, hearts and our souls. he is not just a great actor but a great human being. There is no kannadiga who would not have influenced by this great person in one way or the other. most of us have spent our childhood by seeing his films, following his good deeds & idolising his qualities in our lives. He has made us great by living with us in our generation. Nobody can replace him for centuries to come. we can only all who are living without him to follow his good qualities and tell him some how come back rajanna!!

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We Miss U!
by Malli on Apr 14, 2006 01:33 PM

We Miss U for eons to come Rajanna.

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Rajkumar was a Great Actor
by Praveen on Apr 14, 2006 01:32 PM

He was great Actor ever found in Kannada Fil Dom. He was perfect Gentleman who did know how to behave with all genre people even if he was studied only upto 3rd STD. India Filmdom may not get back such a brilliant actor again. Hats of to you Dr. RAJKUMAR!!
Sirigannadam Gelge, Sirigannadam Balge!!

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Dipesh Sheth
U will live in my heart 4ever
by Dipesh Sheth on Apr 14, 2006 01:08 PM

Sharir Nashvar hai.... Atma nahin.. Rajkumarji you will live in our hearts for ever. U have set unusual precedents.... Hope some one like u emerges to save different languages of our different country....
May his sout rest in P E A C E..... Amen
Deeply Grieved.... Dipesh Sheth from Ahmedabad

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