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Farewell, Dr Rajkumar

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Sympathies to Dr Raj,s family
by sharitha on Apr 16, 2006 09:06 AM

I think Dr Raj had a great career and earned alot of respect but very sadly he was laid to rest with alot of violence going on around.I dont ever think that he would consent to such bad behaviour from his so called Fans.i feel really ashamed the way people in bangalore behaved

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Dr Raj death and its aftermath
by prajwalraj on Apr 16, 2006 07:24 AM

I am an kannadiga living in chennai.
My comments on the issue.
Dr Raj was an icon,living in our hearts for ever.
Lakhs of people were put to untold of miseries following his death.The entire thing smacks of tamasha.Government of the day should have organised the funeral in an efficient manner,like in abroad,a minister is appointed as the funeral manager,who is responsible for the efficient handling of the funeral service.
The popes funeral saw crowds unprecedent,but it was so professionally handled,no firing,no deaths,no burning of public vehicles,so does it reflect the quality of the Government/organisers,or the quality of the crowd/mourners.I beleive its both.and we lack that quality both with the government and the people.What i am emphasing is that quality should be there in everysphere of life.Personalites may come and go,should our quality suffer for this.Even in tamilnadu such hero worship and madness pervades.Some hero may die in andhra and even there such madness will follow.Lets try to bring quality in governence,acting,polity,public behaviour,policing.
As churchill said,India will b divided/broken over caste/language/religion/issues.lets not prove his words.PLEASE

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Dr. Raj
by Preeti on Apr 15, 2006 01:59 PM

Dr. Raj is not dead. He still lives in our heart.He is the RATNA of our karnataka.

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by jagannath on Apr 15, 2006 11:04 AM

we lost our real kannada king. i prey god to give strength and courage to their family.

our govt should be ashamed the way they ended his final rituals.

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Siddalingeshwar Jyothi
tribute to the legend of kannada cinema
by Siddalingeshwar Jyothi on Apr 15, 2006 11:04 AM

His humble behavior and brilliant acting performace
will remain memorable in hearts and minds of kannadigas.

The first time I saw him was right in front of our house in Gandhinagar, Tumkur when he was visiting
SRS residence 25 years ago. My grandmother, 80
years old, went out to get a glimpse of him, got his
attention. He greeted her back with a smile and
humble pose with folding hands..

His soft and sonorous voice, remarkable acting in
colloquial to mythological roles will remind us, the
kannadigas, of his invaluable contributions to the
kannada film industry.

May his soul rest in peace..

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suvi vijayan
mournful adieu
by suvi vijayan on Apr 15, 2006 10:47 AM

I have never watched your movies...i know u only through media. You can't go away from the minds of millions. Be with us.

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A gem lost
by Yatish on Apr 15, 2006 09:14 AM

Dr.Raj a man who will always be in the hearts of millions of kannadigas around the world not just now,but forever.He remains the idol of all kannadigas and it was a pride that we had such a hero living with us all these years.He was unparalleled in every walk of life.
Though we stay abroad,we still are Kannadigas and he was and he will be our pride for many generations to come by.
We salute this hero and pray Godess Bhuvaneshwari to rest his soul in peace.

Jai Bhuvaneshwari,Jai Kannada
Sirigannadam Gelgey

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