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Farewell, Dr Rajkumar

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K.Pandu Ranga Rao
Fearewell dr.Rajkumar
by K.Pandu Ranga Rao on Apr 20, 2006 08:43 AM

Dear Editor,

Dr.Rajkumar is mascot for Kannada. He is an excellent human being with humble behaviour. It is unfortunate that his passing away has resulted in the death of innocent people. Will this killing bring peace to the departed soul? Definitely not.

K.Pandu Ranga Rao
Chartered Accountant

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Very big loss for Karnataka....
by Balaji on Apr 19, 2006 09:20 PM

It's undigestable shock news I ever heard!

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rajkumar great loss
by dr.aravind.s. on Apr 18, 2006 05:24 PM

Death of Dr.Rajkumar is great loss to Kannada and to Kannadigas. Death of Rajkumar itself is death of kannada.

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Saju Sadanand
Raj ...The humble man
by Saju Sadanand on Apr 17, 2006 08:26 PM

I not being a kanndiga ,and rajkumar not acting in any other language did get a chance to see his movies.Frankly I came to know about Rajkumar when veerapan Kidnapped him.But then I thought He would be like MGR or NTR but I realised he was much more than them to be accomaded in three letters.I liked is Humbeless very much .Looking at his face even a terrorist can lay down his weapons.How could poor Veerapan kill him.It is simplicity that was sipmly superb

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He never dies
by Nandakumar on Apr 17, 2006 06:27 PM

Raj never dies, physically he may not be there but he is with us always. He will be remembered for ever in history of Kannada nadu.

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sunder shetty,mumbai
raj ,the raja
by sunder shetty,mumbai on Apr 17, 2006 06:03 PM

This humble king of Kanataka can't die.It's rarely seen a king with such a humbleness. In any Interv. I never seen him talking negative abt. anybody.His being was so enrolling & inspiring.I feel like i lost somebody from my family. For a moment i thought he is no more, than i started realising that u can keep people alive by carrying good things u learned from them.Those good things which this country needs at this time the most. So i think he is always going to be there with us.

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sunil moogi belgaum
our dear rajanna
by sunil moogi belgaum on Apr 17, 2006 05:49 PM

rajkumar is dead LONG LIVE RAJKUMAR !

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condulance message
by Leelavathi on Apr 17, 2006 05:10 PM

With deep regret that Dr. RajKumar, thespian has passed away. We all pray to the almighty for rest and peace of his departed soul, which has left for heavenly abode.

We all Friends at Mumbai pray to God to give strength and courage to the family members of thespian to bear this irreparable loss.

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