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Raakshasa is exceptional!

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Kannada Movies
by Suren on May 25, 2005 12:11 AM

Only few days back i came to know about the ban on non-kannada movies.It shows only the inferiority complex of the kannadigas for not able to meetout the
challenges made from the other 3 south language cinema
industry.And in their own kannada land they are very much affraid of telugus&tamils domination,and in the world only in Karnataka Bangalore the people of soil
are only 35%.I know lot of freinds in B'lore say they
dont even speak a kannada word almost 90% in their premises.So i request all kannadigas to be bold and have confidence in their language like Tamils&Telugus.
You should not compare kannada field to Tamil&Telugu
as they are very very high in trade,quality and in quantity wise.

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Super movie
by Deepak on May 09, 2005 04:12 PM

Maja bantu... acting is superb esp Rangayana Raghu.

A must watch !!

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Raakshasa-A Superb Movie
by Nagaraj on Apr 01, 2005 10:39 PM

Raakshasa is a movie which can be compared to any movie in any language for its high values, fast action, tight script, excellent acting. Kudos to Shivrajkumar, Ramu and KokilaSadu!

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Raakshasa-Top movie
by kiran on Mar 29, 2005 06:23 PM

Raakshasa is a beautiful movie..shivrajkumar is treat to watch and Rangayan Raghu's performance is outstanding..go and watch it..

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Mr. Sarathy, keeping seeing there are many more !!!
by Ram on Mar 28, 2005 08:20 PM

Hi Boss, thanks for writing one positive review on Kannada film. I think you have started seeing Kannada movies recenrly for the sake of writing the review. There are many such good ones. Do watch and dont be biased, be objective in what you write.

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Excellent Movie
by Girish on Mar 28, 2005 02:45 PM

Excellent Movie........ Especially 1st half ..... Go & Watch it! there is a message for public

Performance by Shivrajkumar, Rangayana raghu & Avinash is memorable

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vandhana rajasekaran
by vandhana rajasekaran on Mar 27, 2005 12:29 PM  | Hide replies

The film "RAAKSHASA" directed by the famed kannada actor Sadhu kokila seems to be just a remake of the tamil hit Kaaka Kaaka with some additional flavour added.The director might as well have asked Gautham to direct the film and sadhu might have produced it.for a tamilian and a kannada movie buff like me this movie seemed to be a waste of time as i could predict the coming scenes.The score for the film again by the director is not even passable. THe film is totally PREDICTABLE.

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Message deleted by moderator
by Kannadiga on Apr 14, 2005 08:22 PM
I have watched both Khaka Khaka and Rakshasa and both are different movies, maybe the role of the hero is the same, but the way they have been pciturised is diff... i couldnt see the awesome role/performance of Rangayana Raghu in the tamil flick... so stop thinking the whole world is after you people..

and coming to the remake part, let me narrate one of my small experiences with a tamil,you guys have copied so many kannada movies since 1950's, recently dubbed action movies of Malashree, Sai Kumar, Upendra, why even Super hit kannada movies like Prema Loka by chandran have been dubbed... the funny part is a tamilian colleague of mine, said kannadaigas copied all the above mentioned movies...

c ya
A Kannadiga

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on rakshasa
by ajay on Mar 26, 2005 11:22 PM

i saw Rakshasa.it is exceptional.Hero shivrajkumar is superb.Action scenes are very good.even the villain has done a good job.

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Ravi S Sathish
Refreshing to read a good review about Kannada movie
by Ravi S Sathish on Mar 26, 2005 04:38 AM


Its refreshing to see a review about a Kannada movie and makes it more interesting when the review is good. I'm sure it thrills Kannadigas all over the globe when India's most popular website rediff publishes reviews on Kannada movies. keep up the good work


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subramanya prasad
first kannada review...???
by subramanya prasad on Mar 25, 2005 11:42 PM

guys, its great seein kannada film reviews on rediff... many ppl think kannada films are for auto drivers 'n coolie workers... no... just see for how long "jokefalls" a kannada movie's runnin inthe biggest multiplex in b'lore... change ur attitudes dude.. see kannada films... it'll get better as much as u support...
jai kannada

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