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Big B''s illness

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Sayed Salim
Pray for recovery
by Sayed Salim on Dec 04, 2005 09:14 PM

This is Sayed Salim a fan of Mr. Amitabh bacchan,
I am in Saudi Arabia, God will soon recover his health back to normal in few days, at the moments he has to take bed rest and i request all those peoples
for his commitment not give him any tension pertaining to his work.

Sayed Salim

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by goutham on Dec 04, 2005 05:33 PM

at least he's go some rest.

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Sudhir Patnaik
Prayer for the only real Indian Icon - Amitabh Bachhan
by Sudhir Patnaik on Dec 04, 2005 12:31 AM

I along with millions of others pray for an early recovery of Mr.Bachhan . For he has so much still to give to all of us .... his family , his friends , his fans , his critics & even his detractors , every body stands united at this juncture with just one thought in mind .. God Speed .
With one last prayer on my lips , I remain
Sudhir Patnaik

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