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How desperate is the media?

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kissing in private is agreebeable but not public
by abhishek on May 07, 2006 09:28 AM

hello every one..... well my point is ...... kissing is a private matter and its no harm in kissing or smooching or making out if both girl and boy is ready but doing so in public is what pinches every one.....we would love to get the western culture but nt in this way.....kissing and making out in private place should not pinch any one since its that private matter . rather i would say its their right to do any thing they feel like but plz spare public and allow media to get sum good news apart from all this crap which distracts people frm doing their daily work

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by sahana on May 05, 2006 09:09 PM

does it really matter if they kissed or not! Gosh, aren't there enuf things in your own lives to worry abt than go around gossipping abt such things!!

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Kareena\\\'s kiss
by iridium on May 04, 2006 05:06 AM

"First things first, why so much hue and cry over kissing in public", Is what you said. Then why such a big article? You can say, its against those who are trying to make it a big deal. The big deal here is that everyone starts talking positive or negative about it. Agreed, its human nature to kiss. But, maybe you should know its also how stars manage themselves that could protect them. How often do you see Shahrukh or Amitabh getting into these kind of issues? Maybe its how celebs understand their status. Firstly, being celeb is a big thing. Don't tell me a celeb walking by doesn't catch your attention. And two celebs 'kissing', catches everyone's attention with mixed reactions.

"The media is always the first to point out the double standards of the film industry" - Writing this article makes you a part of the same media.

"The Western paparazzi was never strong on ethics" - You should know what kind of hue and cry was raised over Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton's making out at the Oscars in front of her dad. Its only the level at which things are taken. In the west its more, here its less. Reaction of media has always been there - wherever it be - much to the celeb's agony

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Akhil Deote
About Kareena's Kiss
by Akhil Deote on Feb 05, 2006 11:14 AM

Agree! that it is a shameful thing. But it is their own matter. Forget it!

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about kareeena's kisses
by RASHIKA SHERAWAT on Jan 30, 2006 04:01 PM

this is true mostly time girl or boy want this in dating but this secret our culture or sociey not permit for it.

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by Lucky on Oct 30, 2005 07:37 PM

Hello everyone,
i think this is a useless debate, coz majority of the public is not interested in such nonsense, as to which actor and actress is having affair and all such crap. So better stop it!


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by indira on Jul 28, 2005 11:34 AM

are you serious?- who really cares if they were making out in public- they\'re people too- they have feelings and have a right to express them like any normal couple

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