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Shilpa gets more support

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by Critic on May 25, 2003 01:49 PM

Its funny lisenting to outcry from bollywood. There is a recoreded evidence. what more we need.
We heard the same outcry when salman killed few people sleeping on the pavement. During that time they said that he is such a nice guy and will not be able to do this. (Now same guy is trying to do all nasty thing on his case against killing of protected animals.

Same is with Shilpa's parents . They must be punished.

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Bollywood saga
by Sandeep on May 25, 2003 12:26 PM

What's happening in bollywood. everyday there's a new controversy. copyright infringement, actors gone bad, extortion. the only thing not happening are good movies.

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Athradi Suresh Hegde, Bangalore
They sail in the same boat!
by Athradi Suresh Hegde, Bangalore on May 25, 2003 11:56 AM

As long as these actors and actresses sail in the same boat, what else can be expected from them? They have to support one another.

If its a story, they someone please explain me why do the Police hatch a story against Shetty's parents only? Why not againt others? What have they got against them?

These actors and actresses should use their wisdom (if they have) and try to keep shut and wait for the outcome of the case. They start accusing the system itself. They try to show their level of education (not qualification, I bet). Its ridiculous! 25 May 03 11:50 hrs

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