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Shilpa gets more support

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another script for bollywood
by sarbjit on May 26, 2003 01:56 AM

There you go, Bollywood got new story to make movie on.

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Nikhil Purohit
Same old story!!!!!!!.......
by Nikhil Purohit on May 25, 2003 09:21 PM

Well after this incidence one thing is sure that bollywood has close relationships with the underworld.But this is the same old story,unless the police really looks into the matter and takes a firm decision..

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Its high time that the truth comes out
by Va on May 25, 2003 08:57 PM

These film personalities think that they can get away with anything.If the same thing had hapenned to a comman man would it make the same headlines & would it receive the same support from the film fraternity?Its high time that we see the true faces behind the make up.

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Shetty's extortion case.
by Sudip on May 25, 2003 08:02 PM

I think the businessman is responsible which made
shetty's family to talk to the underworld

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P Madhusudhan
Bollywood Underworld Nexus Sucks!!
by P Madhusudhan on May 25, 2003 05:20 PM

It is debatable whether the Shetty's are involved in the underworld nexus or not. However, the extent of control that the gangsters have over the happenings in Bollywood has been proved beyond doubt. Beyond a certain level, I think greed & avarice force the rich & famous to forge acquaintance with the anti social forces to amass more wealth.

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Mc Vish
Ha Ha
by Mc Vish on May 25, 2003 05:08 PM

Shilpa's mother fell ill due to the tension. What the heck do you think happened to the Aggarwals for 1 month??? Being called every day by goons is not a very soothing feelin.

To the shetty's - You reap what you sow.

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by srikanth on May 25, 2003 04:38 PM

this article looks biased
"Shilpa's mother, who's out of the country, has fallen ill, apparently as a result of the tension. She's said to be seeking anticipatory bail before returning home."
isnt it common for anyone who is to be arrested,so many of our politicians and criminals does it
to avoid arrest..very funny indeed.

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