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Shilpa gets more support

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Kavin K
The guilty deserves punishment!
by Kavin K on May 26, 2003 12:24 PM

If the celebrities are guilty of the charges, they must undergo the trial without any favour or bias. Just because they are 'big' names in the society, they simply cannot act, and keep doing whatever they want to, with impunity!

If they are innocent, then the concerned police authorities must be punished without any delay and justice should be meted out to the innocent.

One thing that is common among Indian stars is, be they cricketers, film personalities or politicians, that they behave as if they were 'Gods' of the society and a fanatic following would follow, obey and idol-worship them. The fanaticism of idol-worship gives the celebrities an impression that they are 'larger than life.' With sychphancy deeply ingrained in Indian psyche, it also gives that added 'ego-boost' to those big names in the society.

It's time the judiciary acted swiftly and put the misery out of everyone directly or indirectly involved with cases as despicable as this one.

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Same old story.
by Kalyan on May 26, 2003 11:49 AM

It is only when film celebrities or politicians are caught red handed with audio or video tapes these tapes are declared doctored and framed. Well if these tapes are doctored then I doubt if all the films of shipa shetty are also doctored or not. My sympathies with the law and order of this country.

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pr nair
Bollywood underworld Nexus
by pr nair on May 26, 2003 11:23 AM

It shows the nexus between bollywood and underworld and also shows the the mnighty and celebrities are above the law.

r nair

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Rohit Sharma
Support from Hyprocrates
by Rohit Sharma on May 26, 2003 10:32 AM

The nexus between Film-World & Under-World is well known. The media is doing the right thing in exposing the dark world of cinema. Everything is not so technicolor in the backyard. The Film-folks are the biggest hypocrates. They show that they are milk-washed and are being unnecessary targetted by Police, Media etc. Tommorrow, We may hear from the same supporting people that "Bharat Shah, Sanjay Dutt, Salman Khan" are innocent and also being unnecessary targetted. LOL

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Sudhir Punukollu
Everything is true.
by Sudhir Punukollu on May 26, 2003 08:20 AM

I don't think there is any thing wrong about the media. Its a known secret about the relations between stars and bhais. It has been a habit for all these stars to get together against media whenever these people write bad about them. Stars "U r just actors on earth".

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birds of feather flock together
by Rishi on May 26, 2003 04:35 AM

Birds of feather flock together.
I hope that the judges come to some conclusion and appropraite action is taken.
every other actor ar actress has been in some controversy. Sanjay Dutt is still a free bird.How is that acceptable.? More such cases need to get uncovered.

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S Hegde
Indian Film Industry is over-rated
by S Hegde on May 26, 2003 02:45 AM

As if lack of quality and creativity was not enough now we hear about lack of credibility and trust by the Bollywood celebrities. First of all more than 2/3 of the people in this business are here because of their relationship, contacts and network. Everyone is someone's son, daughter, cousin, uncle or aunt. This is a cartel which has shut-off fresh faces and ideas. Everyone is scatching each other's back and forcing the movie goes watch sub-standard, Hollywood copy moves. It's sad that despite all this our janta is giving so much importance to these Bollywood folks.

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by aditi on May 26, 2003 02:18 AM

it's a shame how people keep supporting these actors and actresses who get involved with the underworld to achieve success and money.
why do we spare them or the media brings these people under such light. let them be treated fairly by the media and the police. if the shettys are wrong then they should be punished and if not the law shall do the needful.
why does media give wrong coverage like this. who are these actors and actresses that you've talked about in this article. no names were mentioned which means it can be a fabrication of the media. please dont be biased in such things.

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