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Sambhavi IPS is a loser

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Telugu Movie You All Missed a Point
by Sriranga on May 23, 2003 12:54 AM

Well fially telugu movies are being represented on rediff. But the story of this movie has been liftedf
from Tommy Lee Jones starrer Double Jeopardy. Only that the writer felt like changing the story line so
much and tailoring it to south indian flavor messed it up.
Day in and Day out we watch only these movies Teenage love stories, Family Drama. Desi movies are still miles and miles away from reality.

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Article on Teja - The hosthsot Telugu director
by Rajesh on May 21, 2003 06:19 AM

It is good to see articles related to telugu movies. Telugu movies have not been represented well on rediff movies for a long time. Being one of the big three movie industries in India and a profitable one, telugu movies require a far more coverage on rediff movies. Thanks to Vijayalaxmi for writing the articles about telugu movies.

That said, it would be great to see a coverage on Teja, the now happening director of tollywood and his new film Nijam.

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I wonder vijayasanthi still has some fans left
by Naveen on May 21, 2003 02:06 AM

I wonder vijayasanthi still has some fans left. I guess it would be good for her to end her career, get married (if she is not yet.. i am not sure if she is) and look after the family. Enough movies.

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