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Surgery on Vivek''s leg successfu

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What the heck!
by Shankar on Jul 17, 2003 11:54 PM

I dont care if he broke his foot... there are so many people dying every minute allover due to atrocities happening. Are you relaying all these? This kind of "detailed" coverage on a fractured leg (just because Vivek is a filmstar) just brings down the credibility of Rediff. I pity you guys... Oh God! How I hate the media...

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wishing him quick recovery.
by abhishek on Jul 17, 2003 11:35 PM

he is our hero, and i was shocked when i heard the news of this unfortunate accident. But all we know he is a bravo so he will recover soon.

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Vivek Kumar
Who is Vivek Oberoi??
by Vivek Kumar on Jul 17, 2003 11:17 PM  | Hide replies

Who is Mr Vivek Oberoi? Has he given any solo hit film? If no then why should we worry for him? Get lost Mr Vivek Oberoi, your career has finished even before it started....

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RE:Who is Vivek Oberoi??
by Maneesha on Jul 23, 2003 01:40 PM
Hey Vivek,
pls. don't tell him to get lost. Afterall it was not him who published this news here!! Instead you should be wishing him a speedy recovery.
Sorry if you thought my words were rude,

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Deepa De
vivek oberoi
by Deepa De on Jul 17, 2003 11:11 PM  | Hide replies

it seems that he is following ash with his foot & not heart.

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RE:vivek bhai recover soon......
by Amal on Jul 24, 2003 08:02 AM
hey, vivek
i know that u can do it....well all d best of luck 2 u.....& hope 2 c u again.

well, d people who have prob with this news of vivek......so i kindly advice them that they shouldn't make d big issue out of this....& if possible their is no reason 4 reading abt whats going on if d ppl dont care 4 others...!!!!

understand dammed....Remember DONT make it a big ISSUE. if u don't care cos others do care.

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hii vivek...
by kunal on Jul 17, 2003 11:06 PM

hey man vivek is a human being leave him alone and for god sake his star status ...is also huge so please let him be fine isnt it...

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Details required
by manish on Jul 17, 2003 10:58 PM

Plzzzz keep on giving minute wise details.Also tell us what is the name of that stuntman?What is the make of that bike.I think sale of that bike must be stopped immediately.What did he have in his breakfast,lunch and dinner.Please give the recipes too.What was he wearing,brand and every single detail.

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Wishing speedy recovery to my friend's son Mr Vivek Oberoi
by GOLANI K T on Jul 17, 2003 10:52 PM

I wish Vivek son of my friend Suresh very speedy recovery. God bless him.

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oh man
by S.R on Jul 17, 2003 09:51 PM

Holy God.. Please stop with this kind of crappy stories, SERIOUSLY. It wasnt a major surgery at all, just a fracture and people go through much worse stuff everyday! Next in line, we will be hearing about Vivek moving around in crutches, and that sorta crap. It's time that we stop giving these good for nothing stars attention that they dont even deserve.

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nothing gr8
by sunil on Jul 17, 2003 09:43 PM

Why your standered is how low that you are giving this
news to such importance.

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by Maha on Jul 17, 2003 09:39 PM

After passing out all the comments on Salman Khan in his press conference, its about time Vivek realizes that ACCIDENTS DO happen. Now, do we see Salman smiling?

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