Discussion Board

Shilpa at Cannes

Total 9 messages Pages | 1
she screams..... instead of acting
by sexy on May 20, 2003 11:11 PM

hey guys ,u surely should publish better stuff. this is garbage and why is she being given so much publicity when she is nt even a gud actress who doesnt even knw the difference between screaming and acting.........improve ur standard guys.

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its a good article
by anonymous on May 01, 2003 12:16 PM

bored - u really seemed "bored" whats ur problem if rediff wants to publish...many people like reading it....even u read it right...

how duh!

Good going rediff!

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publish better stuff
by bored on Apr 30, 2003 07:15 AM

Why are you publishing such inane stuff? This
strcuture-less and purpose-less article seems
more fit for tabloid than for a great website like

Good, fun to read articles can be written about the
movies too; a case in point - the excellent articles
of Deepa Gehlot and Dinesh Raheja that are also
published on rediff.

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