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Yeh Dil lacks romance

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Teja is simply a ''Copy Cat''
by Pavan on Apr 05, 2003 01:47 AM

Teja is an average director in Telugu who simply copies all the hollywood and bollywood movies and tries to show himself as a creative director.Yeh Dil lacks everything.I strongly agree that he has no spark of creativity except hype .

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Remake of telugu film
by Nc on Apr 05, 2003 12:12 AM

This film is a remake of a telugu film by the same director no point in looking for orginality

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by ramsai on Apr 04, 2003 11:43 PM

An unique way of presenting a review!

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Remakes dont seem to do well
by yamini on Apr 04, 2003 11:41 PM

Yeh Dil is a remake of Nuvvu-Nenu in telugu.It was a super-hit which captulated Uday Kiran to stardom,he even won filmfare for it.So it is naturally copied into hindi.But this does not seem to work even after 'changing' to cater the tastes of national wide audience.The main problem is that there is so much difference in attitudes of different people and also situations and surroundings that it is not believable in certain places and very much believable in others.or else all most all movies r a rehash of old movies with added gore.Hindi movies in the future too will witness many remakes of some will click and some will not.

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Boring review
by bajpayee@hotmale.com on Apr 04, 2003 11:24 PM

Review is probably more boring than the film
hire a new reviewer

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yeh dil..........is it a love story
by mitesh on Apr 04, 2003 10:22 PM

yeh dil definetly looks originality .the parents of both tussar and anita look like big psycho.. we dont see such parents in our nortmal life .secondly tussar still needs lot to learn .he acting is below avg..director has certainly overlooked the music aspect.overall we just say that it offers nothing new it is just another bolywood movie which will fail to deliver...

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