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Yeh Dil lacks romance

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Review of Yeh-DIL
by Srinivas on Apr 07, 2003 01:08 PM

I think the reviewer of yeh dil has no taste. The picture is compartively good. This person donot know what is film and what is drama. Yeah there some faults in yeh dil..See man after all this teja's first hindi film. In telugu he did fours films. Of which three are extremely sucessful pictures(Super duper hits). No body in hindi have a record like that. So be encouraging.

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by R.MOHAN on Apr 07, 2003 09:00 AM

I think you should see the reaction in the audience.They seem to enjoy the film.

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Good review
by Coco on Apr 06, 2003 02:17 PM

I like the way the review was presented, quite creative I must say.

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Devika Shah
Maybe you are tired of giving Reviews,but not the audience seeing the movie !!!
by Devika Shah on Apr 05, 2003 08:59 PM

Previews are good but what a person will do with the Reviews ??
I mean how many times we have heard about Heer Ranja,Mughal-e-Azam,Qayamat se Qayamt tak or a nth copy ?I think many times.But why we still talk about it or see the copies of it.

Before Reviews all the audience even used to see it again and again and never used to feel that "oh we really need a change".
But after this Reviews system.People has started feeling we need change and they don't go to theatre thinking that we already know the story and now nothing great.Even in some reviews good laughing jokes are said.

The person giving a Review doesn't have any words left to describe the same story in different manner.He is so tired of writing that he puts even in review that its not original story.He himself is not creative.But does he knows" Why majority people after seeing all the different kind of movies still wants to see a normal family film ?" that's the way Indians are.Think about it.

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Man... snatches of the music aint that bad
by PeaceMaker on Apr 05, 2003 01:05 PM

Did you expect a soft-hanky soaker?
ha ha. I thot some of ze music is somewhat interesting to people of musical sensibility. Literalists shd stop watching films fullstop. watch news. very literal

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Teja - The Director
by Ganesh on Apr 05, 2003 12:29 PM

Well, i've not seen the movie but let me tell you guys that this movie is a remake of telugu block buster Nuvvu Nenu. Teja is a famous director down south. I won't say that he creates anything sensation and do copy stories and scenes from other movies. But, But he is still a very good director and in today's movie world a good director is the one who presents the copied story or scenes in a innovative way and Teja is good at this. just wait and watch for him. As for the cast Anita looks sexy & tushar looks stupid as usual.

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Yeh Dil..............
by Sonu. on Apr 05, 2003 11:44 AM

Nowadays the Bollywood has gone for a toss....there is no movie which can attract viewers to theatre, and at this bad time for Bollywood ..comes the bakwaas Yeh Dil..

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superb creativity
by kannan on Apr 05, 2003 10:16 AM

its simply superb review. oh this writter priya ganapathya is a good creator, i tell u. its fine exampl of how to write reviews ina differnt way. if the movie director have these ideas then the film will be hit. hats off to u.

i love the way the review has been handles. its not one of the best film but to me its best review i have ever read in my life.

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