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Yeh Dil lacks romance

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everything is a ripoff
by kanika on Apr 13, 2003 07:10 AM

all art is a copy of something from the past. whether it's music or movies, everything is a blend of ideas that has been discussed before. i guess then the only place for creativity lies in the skills of an artist to mix together ingredients from the past in such a way that a new flavour is created. today's fashion is a perfect example of this...i dont seen anyone complaining about how we've seen that before.

it is very difficult to come up with something completely original. this isn't just true for bollywood; just look a little closer at hollywood and it is clearly evident that glamour will always sell and reality tv isn't going to die very soon.

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Yeh Dil
by mubin on Apr 12, 2003 08:36 PM

We should remember the original Telugu Film Nuvvu Nenu was a smashit in Andhra Pradesh and this Hindi remake would have also been a hit if it were carefully made to the likes and expectation of Hindi Audience. It was shot like at typical telugu film with a high contrast and unrequired emotions irking the audience in between. Tushaar has played his character well, but nevertheless the burgeoning actress Anita has displayed her excellent acting skills beyond her contemporaries in her second film itself. The chemistry of Tushaar and Anita matched very well in this film.


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zain haider
by zain haider on Apr 12, 2003 01:42 PM

my name is zain. i watch that movie on friday on dvd.because i live in pakistan.i think its a best movie ever made.its a very good emotion movie.although the story is repeated.but natasha and tussar make the super hit in my mind.and all the critics who are giving bad review about that movie mad.the only like ovie like jism.the film whcih contain only sex.yeh dil dil a best movie.and so as natasah .she iis my best actress.she is really cute.if u read this message plz reply my mail.my mail address is zain_zp@hotmail.com.

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Ravi Papineni
Reason for failure
by Ravi Papineni on Apr 11, 2003 10:11 PM

Like someone said, Teja copies from bollywood. Nuvvu Nenu was a hit in Telugu. How can a movie copied from bollywood, remade in Telugu, again exported to bollywood can be a hit. Thats why Teja failed.

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Re: Director Teja!
by K K on May 07, 2003 06:38 PM

Funny how you can really generalise these things!
Jayam is a silly movie all right. So is Yeh Dil! Nuvvu nenu was an average movie with a fresh face to offer. Couple of character actors really turned the stale story into a watchable one with good performances.
But who cares?
Call em all crazy and bask in the glory of a fallen movie. "see? i told you all remakes of telugu are bad!!"
With the kind of hash that every other movie industry churns out in India, telugu movies fare far better in terms of quality. Just stop callin em all crazy! Doesn't look too good on your resume!

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Sub: review of Yeh Dil
by Mrudula on Apr 09, 2003 04:14 PM

That was a nice attempt and was quite innovative. Just that got a little lengthy to susatin the readers' interests.
Should have been short and crisp but nonethless a good effort!

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yeh dil
by prakash on Apr 09, 2003 02:06 AM  | Hide replies

You forgot to mention that it was atelugu remake of Hit"Nuvvu Nenu" the jury also forgot that it had shades of Bobby too. The jury should wonder why it was a smash hit in Telugu and a dud In HIndi. Tusshar is stale while Uday kiran was fresh. Please give credit or discredit to the originals when remakes are made. Kindly note that teja is not a trained director he is an average cinematogrpher who has churned out hits in Telugu.

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Message deleted by moderator
by Atanu on Apr 09, 2003 12:36 AM

It was a nice review for the type of movie it was.
Though for Good movies such a review may not be that good...for such a useless movie this sort of review made it worth reading....KEEP IT UP!!!

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lacks nativity and good music..
by vasanth on Apr 07, 2003 04:19 PM

telugu version of YEH DIL succeded because of great music and hyderabadi nativity and excellent support actors..( heroines aunt and father)who are so popular
actors in telugu.. here supportive actors are relatively unfemiliar....

not because of the story ...(its old story ... nothing was new).

music is too too bad....

no meaning in making the movies without above successful factors... Tejaa gone wrong this time...

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