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Salman threatened me: Vivek Oberoi

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Vivek don't try to impress ash by doing such cheap things.
by zahid on Aug 22, 2003 02:02 PM

I am sure what ever vivek had said 90% r all false i even know the reason i think it was salman who called him,made him react that much as he needed a chance to prove ash tht he is a real life hero and at the same time he wanted to put salman khan down in the eyes of ash.It is tht simple.Anyway he must c how good he is.the way he was praising himself in front of media as if he is a kid.Vivek u don't have to say how good ur we all will come to know soon. Keep going Salman u will get ash all ur fans r with u.

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Manas Maral Misra
teach vivek a lesson
by Manas Maral Misra on Jul 22, 2003 10:41 AM

come on salman.Vivek is just trying to use your image to give himself publicity.He is a good actor and nobody expects him to be doing such kinds of things.Go on..teach him a lesson.Show him what you are made of...

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this is not fair
by rutu on Jul 13, 2003 10:44 PM

Hey vivek..
This is not fair. we all know that incoming calls are free, but if some one is haressing you like this you spose to turn off your cell.And i know that you don't need any thing like publisity than why are you doing this with salman.

let him live his life. plz leave him alone.he is not the only persone in this world.

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Congratulation Vivek
by Bobby on Jul 13, 2003 01:03 AM

Hi Vivek,

I congratulate you for remembering the exact number of times Salman called you up. Well just few question,
a) did you maintain a diary, to count the number of time salman called you up that night?
b) Did you not had guts to listen to him once and reply him back, why were u hanging up the call?
c) Thirdly, do you feel people are big fools here and agree to your bogus stories. Come on Vivek grow up.

Special Message for Ash..
Please leave the guys alone. You are the root cause of everything. As soon as one guy is away, second guy in line.

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