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I told PM loot is happening in his name: Shourie

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Empty Sky
OH!!!!! That's great!!!!
by Empty Sky on Feb 14, 2011 04:38 PM

Now this is what I call STATESMANSHIP!!!!! Great guns shourie>>>> keep it up>>>>

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Triveni Management
by Triveni Management on Feb 14, 2011 04:35 PM

People are helpless and compelled to bear ministers like A. Raja & Mr. PM who are looted trillions of rupees of country out of which 1.75 lac crore unearthed. Mr. PM is playing innocent which is absolutely another fraud & Cheating with Indian Citizens.

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Save Tiger
@vijay sahani / Prerna Joshi
by Save Tiger on Feb 14, 2011 04:34 PM  | Hide replies

is there a fatwa to use fake name by dirty mullah from napakistan?

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Empty Sky
Re: @vijay sahani / Prerna Joshi
by Empty Sky on Feb 14, 2011 04:40 PM
oh my chaddieeee speaking head on tails>>>>>>>

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Empty Sky
Re: @vijay sahani / Prerna Joshi
by Empty Sky on Feb 14, 2011 04:52 PM
is 'Save Tiger' your passport name????? may be rss deputed one... something like hidden dragon and scorching tiger.... oh there i am 'save tiger'... great... i suggest you go for change coz there is no such name atleast in india except your's.... let me know if ny.... any ways tc.....

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Abhishek Sanghvi has said
by Haatim on Feb 14, 2011 04:30 PM  | Hide replies

Arun shourie is lying. Kapil Sibal has said there is no loss in 2G. Suresh Kalmadi is saying there is no scam is CWG. Ashok Chavan is saying he has no role in Adarsh and is a very adarsh man.

Then why are people doubting congress

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Empty Sky
Re: Abhishek Sanghvi has said
by Empty Sky on Feb 14, 2011 04:48 PM
exactly like driver having adarsh to buy flats worth a crore... may be you will hit bull eyes just dig dig dig......

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Re: Abhishek Sanghvi has said
by deecee on Feb 14, 2011 05:08 PM
RSSis spreading all this canard.It is communal and disruptive and anti-India- a paki agent.Ban it.

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Jai Shriram
by Jai Shriram on Feb 14, 2011 04:25 PM

It is a clear that Kapil Sibal helped cooking up stories to save A Raja. He was bought into the picture to deflect attention, but his statements boomranged on congress itself. If what Shourie is saying is right, and since he is willing to face CBI, which Raja avoided and was given time to settle everything, there is every reason to believe that congress is directly involved in biggest scam of this country.
Regarding HT, it is a known fact that it is congress mouthpiece and will print all sorts of rubbish and lies to save its master.
We have seen HT's editor talking all sorts of rubbish on TV to defend congress in most illogical way. Regarding their business ethics, it is a known fact that they are B-team of ToI and copy each and every tactic of ToI
The only fear is that congress has time to manage everything as indians are most saleable people in the globe and congress can very well come back in 2014 if it could manage

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shirish pandey
by shirish pandey on Feb 14, 2011 04:30 PM
The thing is, watever BJP did. When this auction take place, A Raja was minister. He could have changed the process or taken some decision. How can he follow watever decision taken 3 years back. Congress need to start taking responsibility rather than blaming others. They were in office at that time, Infact the captain of tem MMS should also take responsibility, as its his team who is doing this all.

Right now they are playing blame game to hide behind. This is shameful!!!.

Why dont thez give credit to BJP for delhi metro/goldan quadrilateral/Atomic explosion/ Indian IT growth..that all also took place during BJP tenure, which congress is reaping right now.

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shirish pandey
A Raja on Rediff Discussion Board
by shirish pandey on Feb 14, 2011 04:20 PM

Looks like A Raja/Sonia/Rahul and Pawar are posting message on discussion board. I can't even think any sane man will support congress on corruption post :)

Leave it guye even writing here you will get nothing. We still hate you for what you are doing with India.

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Kumar Indian
regd TRAI recommendation
by Kumar Indian on Feb 14, 2011 04:14 PM  | Hide replies

I checked the TRAI document on the trai website about recommendation on liscences. There is a document dated Oct 27th 2003 on TRAI's website which says to follow 3 alternative. What Arun Shourie is saying is the truth so I dont find any reason to believe anybody else including the so called Patil report for anything. What is stated here by Arun Shourie is correct!

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Vijay Sahani
Re: regd TRAI recommendation
by Vijay Sahani on Feb 14, 2011 04:19 PM
What Arun Shourie is saying is of course the truth. However, what we need to ask is why did TRAI not recommend auction then? TRAI recommendations can be managed just as CBI can be managed. Why was it not in the country's interest to go for bidding instead of "first come, first serve"?

Maybe there is a good reasons for "first come, fist serve". We need to find out what that was.

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by pinky on Feb 14, 2011 04:14 PM

with this corruption,poverty,loot of our resources like lands/mines,misgovernance,indifferent attitude-soniaji pls keep in mind u and ur family is responsible for the miserable life which we indians are subjected(SINCE U HAVE RULED INDIA ALMOST 40-50 YEARS and one day india also will be EGPYTISED

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