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Never EVER love the organisation you work for

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puneet parihar
Best Research
by puneet parihar on Jul 10, 2014 04:46 PM

Its will really help us.

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red claw
nice article
by red claw on Jul 10, 2014 03:56 PM

well written

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sivakumar kalyanam
by sivakumar kalyanam on Jul 10, 2014 12:52 PM

100% agree with what has been suggested, wise man talk!

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pratap bhanu
If job is only upto yesterday,then how one will apply for loans
by pratap bhanu on Jul 10, 2014 12:34 PM  | Hide replies

If job is only upto yesterday,then how one will apply for homeloans/car loans and why Banks should give loans if the bankers also have similar thinking line(even bank managers are also bank employee and they should not love thei banks)

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Shyam Sunder
Re: If job is only upto yesterday,then how one will apply for loa
by Shyam Sunder on Jul 10, 2014 01:55 PM
That only means don't think job is safe for today till today is over. If you buy something on loans, get another job when you lose this one. But just don't take your job for granted, that is what it means.

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Shyam Sunder
Re: If job is only upto yesterday,then how one will apply for loa
by Shyam Sunder on Jul 10, 2014 01:55 PM
That only means don't think job is safe for today till today is over. If you buy something on loans, get another job when you lose this one. But just don't take your job for granted, that is what it means.

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tinku bhui
by tinku bhui on Jul 10, 2014 12:08 PM

Thumbs up for this article

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Slaves have no choice
by okroal on Jul 10, 2014 11:59 AM

even if you love or don't love , its doesnt matter , you are slave of system this is truth , which will never change

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Best and truthfull article
by C L on Jul 10, 2014 11:53 AM

This is by far the best and honest article that rediff has put up.

All the points are equally important and worthwhile espacially the last one for growing India!

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rahul k
Good article
by rahul k on Jul 10, 2014 11:51 AM

"Do the work that u love or else u end up loving the work u do" is the golden rule for all great success stories.

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Link Rhode
by Link Rhode on Jul 10, 2014 11:33 AM

This is a very good article and applies to those people who believe in achieving success in their career without licking the boss' back side to get ahead!

It is nice to see Rediff paying an experienced "management consultant" to write an article for a change instead of the irrelevant articles it publishes that are "borrowed" from foreign publications!

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