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Apple iOS 7: What's hot, what's not

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Disco Dancer
Paid Article.
by Disco Dancer on Oct 14, 2013 10:36 AM  | Hide replies

This reads like an Apple-sponsored article written by a fan-boy.

The fact that Apple is trying to copy what other OS's already have is conveniently ignored. Just so the iSheep remain brainwashed.

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chintan jhunjhunwala
Re: Paid Article.
by chintan jhunjhunwala on Oct 14, 2013 10:49 AM
that is true. most of the apps mentioned in this article are already present in other devices. Much cheaper and more effective,

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Re: Re: Paid Article.
by pradeep on Oct 16, 2013 08:17 AM
Mr Chintan.......Appple iphone is for premium users so don't talk about cheaper decvices..........ios7.2 ROCKS.....

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