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8 things I wish I knew before marriage

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Hari Iyer
Marriage dont change Men much
by Hari Iyer on Mar 14, 2013 05:14 PM

Marriage does not change Men much, but only after the baby is born a major change is about to happen.

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Nol I
Sane observations
by Nol I on Mar 14, 2013 05:06 PM

Let me add my tuppence. A girl marries thinking that the boy will change and he does not. A boy marries thinking that the girl will not change and she does. If you can live with that reality, you are home.

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abhinav gupta
Nice Job Aditi
by abhinav gupta on Mar 14, 2013 04:57 PM

Hey Aditi,

Nicely captured true but harsh realities of marriage.

And yes, your last line totally caught my heart. Put your marriage first and everything else will fall into place. Otherwise there are 1000 things to think about (dinners/romance/surprise/trips/cuddle and what not)...... but there is one thing that is supersuite of all of them, marriage.

Keep working on it daily hourly and it will work.


So did you get this perspective from your own marriage or your friends?

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Gaurav GUPTA
Women seem to be too affected by TV.
by Gaurav GUPTA on Mar 14, 2013 04:33 PM  | Hide replies

1. The Reason why we do the running around with them before marriage is bcoz if we don’t somebody else will take our place. All this courtship etc is bcoz we don’t want anybody else to take our place and the author rightly pointed out for men the woman is a future investment.

2. Each one of us has a favourite sleeping position and without it we cannot get any sleep and wont be able to work the next day so shut up and go to sleep. This Sleeping in each other’s arms happens only in movies commercials and TV where it’s just a 5 second still shot.

3. Can We Please have a man's take on marriage unless we are here only to bash up men and their habits.

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Re: Women seem to be too affected by TV.
by V SR on Mar 14, 2013 06:00 PM
Absolutely. part of these thoughts are more Americanised thinking like if you dont give gift on valentine day, you are with someone else. Indian women mix with American culture. Their brain remain Indian, acts imitate American. Let us be practical.

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radkesh thiwari
Girls are equally responsible. This should be a one sided thing.
by radkesh thiwari on Mar 14, 2013 04:05 PM  | Hide replies

Marriage is not a one sided thing. Boys to have expectation. They change when these expectation are not met. They are human beings too. They too have feelings. If the boy has changed there must be a reason behind that and that usually traces back to the girls on behaviour. All this cleaning the dishes and housework is weak argument. In modern times no girl is doing house working. Everybody those working outside and those staying at home have kept maids for housework.

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radkesh thiwari
Re: Girls are equally responsible. This should be a one sided thi
by radkesh thiwari on Mar 14, 2013 04:12 PM

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radkesh thiwari
Re: Girls are equally responsible. This should be a one sided thi
by radkesh thiwari on Mar 14, 2013 04:14 PM
What about the early morning beep beep beep that the boy always wanted? And the girl politely refused. If the boy doesn't hiss you in the morning then why don't you go ahead in hiss him. I don't think there is any harm in that. Probably next morning you may get your much awaited hiss too. So stop whining.

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radkesh thiwari
Re: Re: Girls are equally responsible. This should be a one sided
by radkesh thiwari on Mar 14, 2013 04:21 PM
When will the girls understand the term responsibility. Life is not about buying fancy dresses and footwear for yourself. As you grow older the responsibilities keep increasing. The girls must understand that the husband is not a minting machine. He has limited resources of earning money. He will do whatever to save for future needs. Who wants his wife unhappy, if the poor buy has some money he will definitely buy something for you. What can he do if he doesn't have money?

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m b
didn't get it
by m b on Mar 14, 2013 03:23 PM

reality of life put in words ?

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