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Daddy and me: 'He's no more, but his work lives on'

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Ravindra Pant
by Ravindra Pant on Jun 15, 2013 03:06 PM

keep his spirit alive by doing such fabulous work ... Nice pic boss

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Krishna Mohan
My father's concern
by Krishna Mohan on Jun 15, 2013 01:15 PM

I remember my father everyday. He was a saint in true sense. When I was doing B.Sc., after my each examination, I found him waiting at the door and asking for paper to know, how my exam was. He was not aware of the Science subjects, but his concern always motivated me.

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Li Na
by Li Na on Jun 14, 2013 03:57 PM  | Hide replies

Parenting is such a thankless job. As kids, we were irritated by our parents. But only when we become parents, we truly understand their struggles in raising us....but, by then, it may be too late to thank our parents!!

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Rangachari venkatesh
Re: Parenting
by Rangachari venkatesh on Jun 15, 2013 12:34 PM
exactly now a days children dont understand our struggle or problems they want to move on thats all they require.

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veluvali prasad
Remembering a father
by veluvali prasad on Jun 13, 2013 09:15 AM

Remembering the person, who gave us birth, gave his unconditional love, tended us to his best of ability, worried on our failures and triumphed over our victories however small is perhaps the greatest tribute we can give to our fathers. Take sometime off your busy schedule, sit somewhere comfortably and let your thoughts linger on the person who is responsible for your being. No matter, whatever your age may be, your will become a little boy, in a cozy, warm and affectionate lap of your dear father. Go back into those golden days. When you were all questions, he gave answers. When you were in doubt, he clarified. When you were afraid, he made you bold. When you were hungry, he fed you. When ever you needed anything, he was there. Spend quality time with your father, NOW. If your father is no more, remember him fondly and tell about him to at least one person, TO DAY. Let our fathers bless us from heaven. Give them an opportunity by remembering them.

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telu sanyasirao
In Rememberence of My Father who passed away on 06/02/2013
by telu sanyasirao on Jun 12, 2013 05:12 PM  | Hide replies

I am from a Big family with Parents, grandma, 4 brothers & 2 sisters. ofcourse both of my parents are Illiterate but they want to give us good education.
my father is the only bread earner in the family. I know how hard my Father\'s work nature.
because of their wishes and under the guidence of my brothers, i was now in this position.
but I betrayed my family and did an intercaste marriage.
relations with my parents & brothers had cut-off from that time.
now 13 years passed after my marriage, god blessed me with his blessings in the form of better half and two sons. good position in the society & finacially.
but we both me,mywife and my sons missed my family\'s affection and love.
recently my parents&my family members accepting us as theirs.
in last december when i went on vacation for 2 weeks to celebrate Christmas, I myself, my wife and my sons enjoyed 2 days with my father & mother. i feel very happy as those moments i got after a long long gap of 13 years.
after that i went back to my work. on Feb,6th 2013 night at 11:00 pm i received a call from my sister that my beloved father was nomore.
i took all the steps to control myself but failed not to cry.
i tried to reach there in time to see my fathers face lasttly but i failed here also. by the time i reached my place by changing two flights it is already late.
only god & my wife knows that how i struggled to reach here after getting intercaste love marriage.this time we really mis

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Re: In Rememberence of My Father who passed away on 06/02/2013
by ananthas on Jun 12, 2013 05:51 PM
Sad, but atleast you achieved peace with your dad before his passing.

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Re: Re: In Rememberence of My Father who passed away on 06/02/201
by vinod on Jun 12, 2013 07:29 PM
really sad

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mast fren
Re: In Rememberence of My Father who passed away on 06/02/2013
by mast fren on Jun 13, 2013 09:56 AM
Do not blame yourself. You have not betrayed anybody, you still loved them. Thats enough.

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