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What I learned in 2013

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Happy New Year..! and have a great learning for 2014..!
by udaya on Jan 03, 2014 10:31 AM

A good start on where a common man fighting for success can find their true happiness. Good Writing... These small learning will make a very big difference. One would feel happy and get boosted up by following these throughout our life, when we are low and can get back to track...
All the best.. Expecting some more like these for 2014.

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good writing by someone makes good reading for many...
by manish on Jan 02, 2014 01:29 PM

earlier in morning i read the new year message of my company's CEO. 3 pages and i remember nothing (except one full from of a management jargon). i was thinking that maybe he could have shared with us something more then company's statistics,there was nothing meaningful! this piece is refreshing and has some real what should i say.. maza.

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Keep learning
by sunilduth on Jan 02, 2014 12:44 PM

Perfect start to a great learning process.
keep giving those fine reviews too!All the best.

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Nilima Kadam
All the best & A Happy new year 2014
by Nilima Kadam on Dec 31, 2013 04:36 PM

Great message. Your story can be an inspiration to many youngsters. I just shared it with my younger sis. Kudos for sticking to doing what you love & making it your career.
Keep it up. All the best !
Have a great 2014.

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