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How an Indian student's career was shattered in NZ

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Sceptic Critic
Indians studying abroad.
by Sceptic Critic on May 25, 2012 06:39 AM  | Hide replies

The Indian students who get into such trouble are usually the ones who think that the white skinned girls are flirts (which they are) and they fall prey to them. These girls entice them because they know that Indians are easy prey. If an Indian student who goes to study abroad pays attention to his goal, then he should be able to avoid such distractions and succeed.

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Surjyaneel Baul
Re: Indians studying abroad.
by Surjyaneel Baul on May 25, 2012 09:23 AM
Excuse me , its chinese girls talking about ,who have extremely disgusting body language, who gang up only when they are more in number.Their english is pathetic, talk all the time in chinese in loud . Have no respect or care about other.

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Nice story
by A R on May 25, 2012 03:06 AM

I am sorry to say but this could have happened anywhere, you do not have to blame NZ overall. It seems Uttam never mixed up with any students, that is what usually happens with Indian students.

I finished my studies in 2008 and since then I am working and have a decent job.

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by Godrocksbig on May 25, 2012 01:04 AM  | Hide replies

I suggest you complain about this to Shri Digvijay Singhji and Shri Robert Vaderaji, they are good people and will help you.

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dennis john
Re: Suggestion
by dennis john on May 25, 2012 08:26 AM
Why not to Ram dev Baba or Swami Nityanada

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rahul deva
Re: Re: Suggestion
by rahul deva on May 25, 2012 10:38 AM
Raul Baba?

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Nirmal Vala
Something is missing
by Nirmal Vala on May 24, 2012 11:36 PM

I thing I can't believe is you didn't made a single friend there who could support you in all those difficulties. We all face difficulty when we go abroad for the first time, but friends and family in some cases help out. Its always difficult at first but than you get used to it. I don't think all is said here.

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by krazy on May 24, 2012 11:21 PM

It's very unfortunate to be in this state. This guy seems to be very much complaining and very very immature to take a abroad course. Nobody but u r responsible for ur action. It may sound harsh but thats how the world goes. You have to adjust yourself to things which are alien and by just complaining world's not gonna change. Change yourself.

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Sudhakar Punde
by Sudhakar Punde on May 24, 2012 11:14 PM  | Hide replies

In India we have best Educational Institutions -- Regional Engineering Colleges --- Management Institutes -- IMA , XL Ri , Pilani , Symboisis , and numerous more . The Expenses are comparing , 25% . Presently , Except -- Free Atmosphere , Pleasant Stay , nothing is useful while srudying abroad . Be proud to be Indian . BRICS countries have almost , shattered other nations , including USA . Take advantage of India developments . All , these days want to do business in India and / or with Indians . Word has changed . Notice it and act accordingly . --- Senior Citizen and Ex Military Person .

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Kalpana G
by Kalpana G on May 25, 2012 03:10 AM
Sir, i agree we have very good institutes. but it is just not about the knowledge and technical training that goes into education. How many bright people will the IITs take each year? One needs to be in the top 99 percentile of students to get a call from IIM!

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Sheela S
by Sheela S on May 25, 2012 09:00 AM
To add, how many breakthrough research papers come out of these universities?

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Sudhakar Punde
by Sudhakar Punde on May 24, 2012 11:13 PM

In India we have best Educational Institutions -- Regional Engineering Colleges --- Management Institutes -- IMA , XL Ri , Pilani , Symboisis , and numerous more . The Expenses are comparing , 25% . Presently , Except -- Free Atmosphere , Pleasant Stay , nothing is useful while srudying abroad . Be proud to be Indian . BRICS countries have almost , shattered other nations , including USA . Take advantage of India developments . All , these days want to do business in India and / or with Indians . Word has changed . Notice it and act accordingly . --- Senior Citizen and Ex Military Person .

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Kick Ass
Many Flaws in this story
by Kick Ass on May 24, 2012 10:59 PM

He said “Warm, rainy and sunny days of July faded”, but July is a coldest month in NZ and Palmerston North dips to subzero degree temperature and Even if we consider this is true story. First of all look like, this dude never stayed on his own. Look like his mother has been spoon feeding him all his life. I have seen many Indians who start chasing girls in western country, coz they wrongly take their friendliness to love and affection. Sorry to say,, many but many Indian students come here with only one thing in their mind....you know what i am talking about, Same thing was a underlying problem for Indian students in Australia in 2009.

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Kick Ass
There are many flaws in this story
by Kick Ass on May 24, 2012 10:58 PM

He said “Warm, rainy and sunny days of July faded”, but July is a coldest month in NZ and Palmerston North dips to subzero degree temperature and Even if we consider this is true story. First of all look like, this dude never stayed on his own. Look like his mother has been spoon feeding him all his life. I have seen many Indians who start chasing girls in western country, coz they wrongly take their friendliness to love and affection. Sorry to say,, many but many Indian students come here with only one thing in their mind....you know what i am talking about, Same thing was a underlying problem for Indian students in Australia in 2009.

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pradip biswas
Studying abroad
by pradip biswas on May 24, 2012 10:58 PM  | Hide replies

My son was studying in australia and after four years there he was deported. Financialy and emotionally it was a big blow to us, we were outrage and acused australians as racist, and all these things but after some time we found the ausie authorities were not to blame, my son breached their immigration law. I met one gentleman at german consulate in calcutta with similar complain but later found he too breached the host country's immigration law. Our Indian authority did same thing to many many foreigners. bottom line is that one side story does not prove anything.

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Re: Studying abroad
by Raj on May 25, 2012 08:34 AM
Your honesty is refreshing. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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rahul deva
Re: Studying abroad
by rahul deva on May 25, 2012 10:40 AM
Well said Dada.This raises the question at consultants' role,as they have to take care of the laws bit

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