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5 reasons why India can become an education superpower!

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Di Pi
Coaching Centers.
by Di Pi on May 28, 2012 07:38 AM

Yes, India has the highest number of coaching Centres.

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Small Brother
by Small Brother on May 24, 2012 08:29 AM

Indians talk only in terms of super power.Nothing less.Pathetic

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by jaiho on May 23, 2012 10:50 PM

The problem with us in India is , we import seats from US and try to fit butts into that model.

There are beautiful educational institutes in India whose alumni occupy higher echelons of knowledge centers.

And then there are morons who have neither grasp of education nor value education. They tend to fit education into a framework of a pricing model and sell it like 'happy meal'.

12 months crash course for IIT JEE. 24 months for UPSC exams ( or money back guarantee).

These guys are sick people. Education is sacred. Make a living but treat it with respect. It is not a 'happy meal'.

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Nitin Gaonkar
India as Educational superpower ---????
by Nitin Gaonkar on May 23, 2012 10:44 PM  | Hide replies

I sincerely doubt this. I can give you more than 5 reasons for this. And am actually experiencing how the education sector is being screwed by the politicians and babus ( my relatives are senior teachers ).
1. The most crucial exam pattern is totally made useless at least in Maharashtra. No exams till 9th standard and 40 marks orals in 10th has made all students very callous about studies. They are simply refusing to learn properly. Only handful of students are really serious about value of education.
2. The teachers are spending more time in non-teaching activities like census duty, election duties and what not. And the teaching suffers. And even the lowly staff at local bodies like Municipal Councils treat these teachers like dirt while assigning these duties which sends a message that teachers and teaching is not important.
3. Working parents do spend money on education but most of the times it goes waste as nobody bothers to keep track of what the young students are doing in real world.
4. The level of exams and studies are falling rapidly and if you look at happenings at a premier institute like Mumbai University, it is evident that the entire system is degraded and becoming trivial.
4.With proliferation of colleges and Institutes, it has become difficult to find skilled and passionate teaching faculty. Most of the newly recruited ones are not even knowing basic teaching skills and simply bulldoze their ways with students.
Simply - all this is deteriorating our system.

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Small Brother
Re: India as Educational superpower ---????
by Small Brother on May 24, 2012 08:32 AM
True.Described the situation really well

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Failed Grade 5
by antoniopope on May 23, 2012 10:43 PM

When a failed Grade 5 ItalianBARDANCER rules India you can see what will happen to the EDUCATEDidiots of INDIA will do....

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by jaiho on May 23, 2012 10:42 PM

Sad that education has become a business venture and being used as a means of flaunting one's superiority.

This guy ( CEO or edusoft?) is a business man. Because of people like him education in this country had become a venture rather than means of development of human knowledge.

These guys have creating McDonald joint like outlets of education with 'pricing models' and Franchises.

As long as these people are at the helm of Indian education who have no respect for leaning and knowledge, not in a million years India can become an educational superpower ( I do not know what this guy means by educational super power).

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Sunil upadhye
Having Kangress in Centre this is nonsense...
by Sunil upadhye on May 23, 2012 10:26 PM

Kangress has derailed the success story of India....simillarly untill this govt is there...they will make sure that everything fails..
All the hard work done by private players will also be spoiled.

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Sudhir Patil
Please stop this non sense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Sudhir Patil on May 23, 2012 08:49 PM

NASSCOM to have tests for candidates ... :-) ... so that means that the University test is no longer valid and the syllabus/teaching is not suitable for IT industry ... shouldnt NASSCOM start it own institue and close down other institues/Universities ... had it been mandatory for Bill gates and Steve Jobs to complete their colleges and appear for a test prior to going for whatever they created they would have been delayed ... will NASSCOM also test IITians ???

... they will just give the score ... let the companies find out if they want a candidate or not ... so in the end ... if you have a good influence with managers/leads .... then you will be selected and then again the company will shout about quality or standards ... pathetic .... again more tests by NASSCOM ...

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Count Meout
Indian Education System - A Complete Mess
by Count Meout on May 23, 2012 05:32 PM

For all the hype about IITs and IIMs, Indian education system is a complete mess, made possible by the only people who excel in making a mess of things Indian - Indian politicians.
Indian Education system can never ever become a "Power" - so forget about Super Power.
If the Education System has to be improved, then the Constitution of India has to be amended - to make Education a Central subject from the current status as "State Subject".

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