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Why this OBSESSION with fairness and youth?

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brian crasto
reminds me of michael jackson black and white song
by brian crasto on May 27, 2015 12:46 PM

One thing one should remember that the skin get its color due to pigmentation. By applying creams or lotions may make a person fair but its going to damage the skin in the long run. So it is better to have a natural skin. Promoting fairness cream is not only absurd but also smacks of racism. I find black or yellow women as attractive as a fair women.

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George Nadar
Superb Article....
by George Nadar on May 13, 2012 04:56 PM

//Let them remember that the king of them all, the badshah acknowledged by none other than Amitabh Bachchan, is not a young and fair hero but an old, dark, balding Rajinikanth.//

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George Nadar
Comment Please...
by George Nadar on May 13, 2012 04:53 PM

I am very dark and very proud of it. It has made me unforgettable. I have met people after decades and they remember me because in a white-dominated society I am totally black. And with the fairer sex it's a total hit, they are all tender and loving. How can you be rude to a black man?

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Hari Chaurasia
this nudar is an idiot
by Hari Chaurasia on May 12, 2012 08:56 PM  | Hide replies

if people want to use fairness creams its their choice . if nudar is proud of being dark good for him and if he is proud of the fact that he can use his age to sexually exploit young females in his office and get away with it . this guy is just feeling insecure. if fairness creams should be banned so should tanning lotions

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Hari Chaurasia
this nudar is an idiot
by Hari Chaurasia on May 12, 2012 08:56 PM

if people want to use fairness creams its their choice . if nudar is proud of being dark good for him and if he is proud of the fact that he can use his age to sexually exploit young females in his office and get away with it . this guy is just feeling insecure. if fairness creams should be banned so should tanning lotions

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The stars should be booked for..........
by PEHCHANKAUN on May 12, 2012 04:01 PM

Racial remarks. Are they not telling only white is good and the black is too bad.

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by Haris on May 12, 2012 02:51 PM

If you wanna criticize someone for endorsing a product, criticize the government. If the government doesn't wanna ban any item cuz it provides them revenue, then don't ask the celebrities to pull back on their modes of revenue.

Government wont ban tobacco, cigarettes, alcohol, fairness creams, and a long list of controversial items simply cuz they lose a big chunk of the revenue. Not all politicians would support using these products, but the government allows it, so considering that we live in a free country, we have the right to consume it, promote it, propagate it, UNTIL the government amends the constitution and bans any of these products, after which the citizens (celebrities including) would comply, by not promoting such items.

Its all about what gives you money. If gives the government the money, dont stop me from earning my money.

The author can thus go fk herself.

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U too Nadar
by ZULFI HAR on May 10, 2012 12:19 AM  | Hide replies

Ganesh Nadar,check your old articles..Did you not praise Jayalalitha, because she is a fair lady..Yes for people like you --White man/woman are superior.

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aus ant
Re: U too Nadar
by aus ant on May 14, 2012 10:20 AM

Fair has different meanings.
You are being unfair!

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prabir sengupta
Who cares
by prabir sengupta on May 09, 2012 07:00 PM

Wonderful writing..I love it the humurous and tad sarcastic way it had been penned...you could easily a be very succesful and popular writer chap..

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