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'Arranged marriages make it difficult to speak of love'

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D goel
Ms KomalMehta's on love and no rules
by D goel on Jul 01, 2012 05:12 PM

D. goel Pkl. afternoon,July 1,2012.Sunday.5pm
Ms Komal Mehta in her first Book Nick Of Time presented the case of love and she asserts Love cannot be tied by any Rules it overcvomes all settled ways.Fine.
In the talk about her first story , she details the troublesandheartbreaksdespite all the diligent hardwork heor She does faces.
Speaking of of long series of Rejections as many asover a dozen by various publishers , before finally she found one .
Well, the creation of literary Work aspiring to express Beauty is never easy andthe Author has to bear thestress of Authorship.
But eventually honesthard work delivers to the world trhat was notthere ,before.These arepangs of Creativity.D. Goel

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small Brother
Re: why
by small Brother on Jul 01, 2012 01:51 PM
Both caste and reliogion must perish.That is good for people.That will never happen in India

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vijay dakhole
Nick of time or it is Nake of time?
by vijay dakhole on Jul 01, 2012 10:55 AM  | Hide replies

What this useless write is telling? Do she thnik that those who had married with their partner according to the wish of their parents is just for sexuality and not for love? See the ratio how many arranged marriage survived as compared to the love marriages. Ratio will be 9:1. It is purely nonsense of writer to paint the forefathers as useless and dumb thinkers.

Book should be banned, as it may lead to destroy the younger generations life.

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Injun Abhi
Re: Nick of time or it is Nake of time?
by Injun Abhi on Jul 02, 2012 02:23 AM
So you think just because arranged marriages last longer, they are better? It is bstter to split if there is no love because you should be together for love, not because of society. And go look into those so called "successful" arranged marriages, you will see there is no happiness .. they are together because of wrong reasons. Wake up and smell the coffee.

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bhunu pro
Re: Re: Nick of time or it is Nake of time?
by bhunu pro on Jul 02, 2012 08:37 AM
marraiges are just not for self.. u have to think about future and upbringing of your kids.. thats where the marriage with consent plays an important role.. dats very basic of any arranged marriage.. and Love is always subjective.. for that sake it can happen multiple times..

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Ramesh Roy
Paid Articles
by Ramesh Roy on Jul 01, 2012 07:55 AM

Only these Chikiniz have to just use some Fair&Lovely for that.

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Amit Kumar
first respect
by Amit Kumar on Jul 01, 2012 07:44 AM

hehe, when 20 yr old says love, he/she means fulfillment of their own pleasing fantasy. when reality hits, this fantasy love goes for six. Reality - let alone love, 99% couples even dont respect each other. first have respect, this produce affection. affection may produce love, but chances are less. love not easy, grasshopper.
ask urself, am I worthy of respect. if -ve, forget it, nobody ever love you my friend,

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