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India likely to get 20 more IIITs

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vipin mehrotra
no of IIT
by vipin mehrotra on Jun 12, 2012 08:18 AM

It is really silly to bracket IIIT with IIT .A single technology can not be same level as a multi subject Engineering.It will dilute the quality of education inIIT.

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The evilNEXUS of s0niaC0NGRESSkapil: bent upon destroying IIT`s
by ldlisdfslkalalals on Jun 09, 2012 02:21 AM

like myself, we senior ex-IIT grads agree that,

the new rules ordered by kapil, are designed to:

1. demolish the system of functioning of IIT`s

2. enable the entry of large numbers of low-quality students, based on recommendations/quota,

3. prevent many in the cream of the nation, from becoming part of the IIT system,

a rational reason behind this radical approach of kapilHRDministry seems simple:

1. to give a higher playing field to the international universities which are spending big bucks, in order to enter india, in a big way,

2. new rules are being made by kapilsMINISTRY, to allow large numbers of international universiies to enter india soon,

3. to move the brightest indians away from IIT,

4. and to move the same towards the said international universities

5. a new war is brewing in india:
big bucks are moving from international universities, into the likely hands of unclean persons such as yoursTRULYkapil, in order to demolish the reputation, the quality of study and the quality of students of IIT`s,

6. deliberately, mrKAPIL is moving in large numbers of low-grade teachers to teach the IIT students (mostly its based on quota and recommendations, and has nothing to do with their ability ot teach the cream of india),

it is good that each IIT makes moves to save itself from an untimely `death`, at the hands of kapil.

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The evilNEXUS of s0niaC0NGRESSkapil: bent upon destroying IIT`s
by SameerBhagwat on Jun 09, 2012 01:40 AM  | Hide replies

like myself, we senior ex-IIT grads agree that,

the new rules ordered by kapil, are designed to:

1. demolish the system of functioning of IIT`s

2. enable the entry of large numbers of low-quality students, based on recommendations/quota,

3. prevent many in the cream of the nation, from becoming part of the IIT system,

a rational reason behind this radical approach of kapilHRDministry seems simple:

1. to give a higher playing field to the international universities which are spending big bucks, in order to enter india, in a big way,

2. new rules are being made by kapilsMINISTRY, to allow large numbers of international universiies to enter india soon,

3. to move the brightest indians away from IIT,

4. and to move the same towards the said international universities

5. a new war is brewing in india:
big bucks are moving from international universities, into the likely hands of unclean persons such as yoursTRULYkapil, in order to demolish the reputation, the quality of study and the quality of students of IIT`s,

6. deliberately, mrKAPIL is moving in large numbers of low-grade teachers to teach the IIT students (mostly its based on quota and recommendations, and has nothing to do with their ability ot teach the cream of india),

it is good that each IIT makes moves to save itself from an untimely `death`, at the hands of kapil.

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Pradip Agarwal
Re: The evilNEXUS of s0niaC0NGRESSkapil: bent upon destroying IIT
by Pradip Agarwal on Jun 09, 2012 11:57 AM
There is one issue which is the underlying to all these what ever you have said. The money Sibal will collect by holding these will fund UPA and his next election.

The prime mover is this.

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The evilNEXUS of s0niaC0NGRESSkapil: bent upon destroying IIT`s
by SameerBhagwat on Jun 09, 2012 01:39 AM

like myself, we senior ex-IIT grads agree that,

the new rules ordered by kapil, are designed to:

1. demolish the system of functioning of IIT`s

2. enable the entry of large numbers of low-quality students, based on recommendations/quota,

3. prevent many in the cream of the nation, from becoming part of the IIT system,

a rational reason behind this radical approach of kapilHRDministry seems simple:

1. to give a higher playing field to the international universities which are spending big bucks, in order to enter india, in a big way,

2. new rules are being made by kapilsMINISTRY, to allow large numbers of international universiies to enter india soon,

3. to move the brightest indians away from IIT,

4. and to move the same towards the said international universities

5. a new war is brewing in india:
big bucks are moving from international universities, into the likely hands of unclean persons such as yoursTRULYkapil, in order to demolish the reputation, the quality of study and the quality of students of IIT`s,

6. deliberately, mrKAPIL is moving in large numbers of low-grade teachers to teach the IIT students (mostly its based on quota and recommendations, and has nothing to do with their ability ot teach the cream of india),

it is good that each IIT makes moves to save itself from an untimely `death`, at the hands of kapil.

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Vilas Deshpande
Great value
by Vilas Deshpande on Jun 05, 2012 09:31 AM

India needs doctors in every field not only engineering .

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Chanakya II
kapil sibal seems to be a chinese citizen
by Chanakya II on Jun 05, 2012 06:06 AM

Has kapil sibal become chinese citizen off-late

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by greatbihar on Jun 05, 2012 12:22 AM

i thought IIT.

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