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AMAZING: Meet the Indian engineer with 98 INNOVATIONS!

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I m impressed on his wisdom
by dibya on Jul 16, 2012 10:02 PM

I m impressed on his wisdom ; he is speaking the truth.

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So much energy and enthusiasm in his words
by sixsigma on Jul 16, 2012 07:38 PM

Sir, there is so much energy and enthusiasm in your words, I can imagine your energy and enthu in ur aura

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sunkara chakravarthy
Wonderful Reading
by sunkara chakravarthy on Jul 16, 2012 06:17 PM

As an engineer, I'm really astonished at the innovations you have made. I hope your story serves as an inspiration to people all across the world. I'm also greatly touched by the charity work you are currently undertaking. It truly is an honour to read your story and to draw inspiration from it.

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Inspiring story
by m on Jul 16, 2012 06:16 PM

He has done so much with literally nothing. It's high time that those with resources and support do more to make our country proud and a better place to live. Hats off to Mr. Bharali -- for his innovations.

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Truly encourging....
by RAJESH GANDHI on Jul 16, 2012 05:40 PM

It is my pleasure to read article of such great man..........

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natarajan iyer
The Grassroot Innovator
by natarajan iyer on Jul 16, 2012 05:26 PM

It is with a sense of pride that I read the article .It is a tragedy of India that nobody comes to appreciate such efforts of a laudable person .But one thing is that for one to be recognized ,he should market his products ,which I hope he will teach the persons he is training .Anyway ,a GOOD SAMARITAN INNOVATOR who has done us proud .
I hope Rediff will publish such articles for the public so as to recognize them as well as to promote this habit of INNOVATION .

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he is the real
by kapil on Jul 16, 2012 05:21 PM  | Hide replies

he is the real Bharat Ratna.. People are going after Sahin who made more than 5000 crores with cricket.. Gov. should announce bharat ratna to him

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nita k
Re: he is the real
by nita k on Jul 16, 2012 05:35 PM
I completely agree but then who will nominate him. Its we who should raise the demand

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nita k
How very true - no one helps anyone till they become succesful
by nita k on Jul 16, 2012 05:20 PM

I am sure Bharali will be swamped by industrialists
to help him overcome his crisis, who wouldn't even look his way, even though they had the means to encourage. I have experienced how the HHHNI don't bother to support eductaion of needy students, though they will spend the same amount in their drinks.

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Can't beleive
by correct on Jul 16, 2012 04:53 PM

Is he an Indian can this happen in this country?

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Arun GR
nice interview...
by Arun GR on Jul 16, 2012 04:11 PM

" I also want to appeal to parents. I want to tell them that they must raise their kids as human beings first and engineers and doctors later.

If they can't become good human beings, their education and success makes no difference to society. "

- powerful words. but will it be heard?

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