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We need more Indian B-schools in FT Top 20: Naina Kidwai

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bnj jha
by bnj jha on Feb 28, 2012 11:58 AM

The Institution do not come here to preach but to earn, earn for themselves and also for their teaching faculty.
the end result is that their product is absorbed in market with high price tag. Do they really bring any great change??
If you survey not more than 5% add value in real sense. Rest are only ornamental.
So, that is the reason why so many Management Institution are coming in every corner of the country. There is no quality benchmark. However, fee structure all will show a parallel.

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Geethalayam Geethu
Women in Business Schools
by Geethalayam Geethu on Feb 06, 2012 10:07 AM  | Hide replies

The percentage of women in top Indian Business schools is abysmally low; are the institutions strategically not taking girl students, or girls students are not keen to enter business studies, is a matter that needs to be investigated further. At least India should prove that the it does not encourage the theory of "Glass ceiling" for women employees.

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Re: Women in Business Schools
by Guy on Feb 07, 2012 01:01 PM
Becasue the instituions know from their household experience that wheenever there is a women head, there is bound to be problems for the male counterparts.

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Arun Premraj
by Arun Premraj on Feb 06, 2012 09:28 AM

we need more b-schools in iipm 's top ranking list

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