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All about 'negative calorie' foods

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Biren Shah
Forget all
by Biren Shah on Apr 16, 2012 11:31 PM

Jut forget all this nuisance and what calories you absorb - think before 200 years when no such things were existing. People used to eat anything and thats all always balanced - if you eat all food in balanced way, there is no need to read these things. This is only new business of nutritionist.

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me m
Mango is definitely not
by me m on Apr 16, 2012 10:19 PM

Mango is one of the most calorie-dense fruits. Beetroot and carrots too are not low-cal. If they are neg calorie food why do doctors advise diabetics to avoid these?

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Biren Shah
Re: illegal and unethical demand of auto in mumbai to increase fa
by Biren Shah on Apr 16, 2012 11:27 PM
In Bangalore, its already revised to Rs. 10/km and still they are complaining that they are making loss!! This is only one kind of business where profit is very high - just a robbery...

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hassan mulla
makes some sense
by hassan mulla on Apr 15, 2012 03:10 PM

I don't know about negative calorie. I am also not expert on nutrition. But after going through all the vegetables and fruits in the list one thing is sure if these from list replace our staple food like rice, wheat, non-veg, potato etc to some proportion they can do great job to digestive system and health.

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Rishant Sachdeva
by Rishant Sachdeva on Apr 13, 2012 08:13 PM  | Hide replies

"Negative Calorie Food" is nothing but a MYTH! It is surprising that such quackery article is published in rediff. Any self-styled nutritionist who talks about "negative calorie food" should be reported for unfair practices. By the way celery requires 10% of its caloric content to be digested and the 90 % is used by the body. I urge readers to read more about this Urban Myth from reputable sources and report these quacks.

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Shake Hasina
Re: Rubbish!
by Shake Hasina on Apr 15, 2012 08:12 AM
You should never say
'Rubbish' to any thing
till you have ingested it.

After wards your body
decides how much of it
your body wants to use
and how much to allow
you to expell as rubbish.

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Pat Thakur
Re: Re: Rubbish!
by Pat Thakur on Apr 15, 2012 08:32 AM
Right Rishant, it's become a fad now on the lines of US. Each guy or gal does some so-called Research, publishes a so-called Exhaustive Book, catches some Paid Media (Paper, Channel, Site etc) & craftily becomes an (Hyped) Authority. Once established, who cares? Tomorrow, if some fool tries out this 'Unique n Researched' thing of theirs & falls ill, are they going to take the responsibility, my dear Shake Hasina?

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by Guy on Apr 13, 2012 04:55 PM

All natural food are positive calorie foods.

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John  Deepak DSouza
Will a person die soon if only these foods are eaten!?
by John Deepak DSouza on Apr 13, 2012 01:31 PM  | Hide replies

Even I am not convinced about the negative calorie foods or the article which states that foods contain less calories than what is required to digest them!. Then kindly tell me whether a person will become skinny and die soon if he eats only these low calorie foods because as per the definition every time you eat these foods body looses more calories than it gets and no energy will be left in the body!? I strongly believe that this will never happen.

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bharati arora
Re: Will a person die soon if only these foods are eaten!?
by bharati arora on Apr 13, 2012 01:41 PM
dear try once

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Haresh gm
Re: Will a person die soon if only these foods are eaten!?
by Haresh gm on Apr 13, 2012 01:57 PM
Do you know, people can live only on water and sunlight. The authore has clarified to great extent what you have querried !

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kieran dsouza
dumb article
by kieran dsouza on Apr 13, 2012 01:11 PM  | Hide replies

mango, apple, orange have about 70-10 calories per fruit depending on size. Being a physiological food they are easiest to digest to obtain the calories.

That being the case, how can u classify them as negative calorie food

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kieran dsouza
Re: dumb article
by kieran dsouza on Apr 13, 2012 01:12 PM
70-100 calories kindly correct

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