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Why couples stick together despite conflicts

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Rajesh Kumar
by Rajesh Kumar on Oct 01, 2011 03:58 PM  | Hide replies



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Sathyanathan V T Dr
by Sathyanathan V T Dr on Oct 03, 2011 10:54 AM
Every individual who believes in “your happiness can be ensured only by you, will keep relationship at all time & make himself happy from what he has around”.

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Pat Thakur
Only for.....
by Pat Thakur on Sep 29, 2011 04:50 PM  | Hide replies


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Rajesh Kumar
Re: Only for.....
by Rajesh Kumar on Oct 01, 2011 03:56 PM
is only thing in ur mind. grow up beyond the legs.

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kaka kishacha
Re: Only for.....
by kaka kishacha on Oct 01, 2011 04:04 PM



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Rajesh Kumar
Re: Re: Only for.....
by Rajesh Kumar on Oct 01, 2011 04:18 PM
Arey bhai love is still there. its not philosophy.

even dog if u stay for some time, u fall in love with that.

its not so complicated.

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rajiv kumar
Re: Only for.....
by rajiv kumar on Oct 01, 2011 05:13 PM
Are you a cross breed plz understand your dharma, and society... In fact as per Hindu System the civil code of Manu prescribes marriage as a sanskar bestowed on all... So unless one has taken irrevocable sanyan or literally determined to follow Brahmcharya for rest of the life.. He should must marriage as sacrament of the Hindu Religion... These half cooked 3rd grade institue MBA's are actually fool.. They dont understand anything.. other than meaningless blabber.. If whatever they say is allowed in the society.. then all women will become prostitutes and chilren will die in mass.. because no body will thake their responsibility.. and hence human civilisation will be finished in 100- 200 yrs

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mallaiah anchoori
Conflicts cement the bondage
by mallaiah anchoori on Sep 27, 2011 11:50 PM

Because,irrespective the faith one belongs to, marriage continues to be a sacred bondage to be upheld life long when once a wed lock is entered with an implicit understanding that both would share the joys & griefs of the other with perfect harmony throughout.The aberrations that take place are common in any family & both tend to forget & forgive the other partner with an open heart.And for the children's sake & their future since the ruptures amongst the couple would leave a telling effect on the growing children with tender hearts.And after certain age the couple live for the sake of children fully realising that marriage,after all is a compromise & each respecting other's sentiments,likes & dislikes.And once again,in India,at least Hindu Community believes in monogamy & in fact,wife is considered as the better half.There is no security for a woman discarded by a man although loud talks are made about women freedom & liberalisation of the divorce laws/ process.Living aloof from the spouse is a tested theory which ultimately suggests that living together with rapprochement is a better way.Little conflicts amongst the couple are only to eventually cement their bondage & are the cost free outlets of ones temporary anger/grouse. Instances of continuous unbearable conflicts & cohabitation are not many.There is no average family which is free from conflicts.They are part of the married life. & at times are also enjoyed by the couple

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mallaiah anchoori
Conflicts cement the bondage
by mallaiah anchoori on Sep 27, 2011 11:50 PM  | Hide replies

Because,irrespective the faith one belongs to, marriage continues to be a sacred bondage to be upheld life long when once a wed lock is entered with an implicit understanding that both would share the joys & griefs of the other with perfect harmony throughout.The aberrations that take place are common in any family & both tend to forget & forgive the other partner with an open heart.And for the children's sake & their future since the ruptures amongst the couple would leave a telling effect on the growing children with tender hearts.And after certain age the couple live for the sake of children fully realising that marriage,after all is a compromise & each respecting other's sentiments,likes & dislikes.And once again,in India,at least Hindu Community believes in monogamy & in fact,wife is considered as the better half.There is no security for a woman discarded by a man although loud talks are made about women freedom & liberalisation of the divorce laws/ process.Living aloof from the spouse is a tested theory which ultimately suggests that living together with rapprochement is a better way.Little conflicts amongst the couple are only to eventually cement their bondage & are the cost free outlets of ones temporary anger/grouse. Instances of continuous unbearable conflicts & cohabitation are not many.There is no average family which is free from conflicts.They are part of the married life. & at times are also enjoyed by the couple

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Re: Conflicts cement the bondage
by kollemkode on Oct 01, 2011 03:54 PM
i liked your views

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mallaiah anchoori
Conflicts cement the bondage
by mallaiah anchoori on Sep 27, 2011 11:50 PM  | Hide replies

Because,irrespective the faith one belongs to, marriage continues to be a sacred bondage to be upheld life long when once a wed lock is entered with an implicit understanding that both would share the joys & griefs of the other with perfect harmony throughout.The aberrations that take place are common in any family & both tend to forget & forgive the other partner with an open heart.And for the children's sake & their future since the ruptures amongst the couple would leave a telling effect on the growing children with tender hearts.And after certain age the couple live for the sake of children fully realising that marriage,after all is a compromise & each respecting other's sentiments,likes & dislikes.And once again,in India,at least Hindu Community believes in monogamy & in fact,wife is considered as the better half.There is no security for a woman discarded by a man although loud talks are made about women freedom & liberalisation of the divorce laws/ process.Living aloof from the spouse is a tested theory which ultimately suggests that living together with rapprochement is a better way.Little conflicts amongst the couple are only to eventually cement their bondage & are the cost free outlets of ones temporary anger/grouse. Instances of continuous unbearable conflicts & cohabitation are not many.There is no average family which is free from conflicts.They are part of the married life. & at times are also enjoyed by the couple

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kaka kishacha
Re: Conflicts cement the bondage
by kaka kishacha on Oct 01, 2011 04:07 PM


please wait for a message to appear, otherwise you get it repeated 3/4 times.

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madan menon
Re: Re: Conflicts cement the bondage
by madan menon on Oct 01, 2011 04:38 PM
may be he is posting it to get correct comments...but no one bothers..

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mallaiah anchoori
Conflicts cement the bondage
by mallaiah anchoori on Sep 27, 2011 11:49 PM

Because,irrespective the faith one belongs to, marriage continues to be a sacred bondage to be upheld life long when once a wed lock is entered with an implicit understanding that both would share the joys & griefs of the other with perfect harmony throughout.The aberrations that take place are common in any family & both tend to forget & forgive the other partner with an open heart.And for the children's sake & their future since the ruptures amongst the couple would leave a telling effect on the growing children with tender hearts.And after certain age the couple live for the sake of children fully realising that marriage,after all is a compromise & each respecting other's sentiments,likes & dislikes.And once again,in India,at least Hindu Community believes in monogamy & in fact,wife is considered as the better half.There is no security for a woman discarded by a man although loud talks are made about women freedom & liberalisation of the divorce laws/ process.Living aloof from the spouse is a tested theory which ultimately suggests that living together with rapprochement is a better way.Little conflicts amongst the couple are only to eventually cement their bondage & are the cost free outlets of ones temporary anger/grouse. Instances of continuous unbearable conflicts & cohabitation are not many.There is no average family which is free from conflicts.They are part of the married life. & at times are also enjoyed by the couple

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mallaiah anchoori
Conflicts cement the bondage
by mallaiah anchoori on Sep 27, 2011 11:49 PM

Because,irrespective the faith one belongs to, marriage continues to be a sacred bondage to be upheld life long when once a wed lock is entered with an implicit understanding that both would share the joys & griefs of the other with perfect harmony throughout.The aberrations that take place are common in any family & both tend to forget & forgive the other partner with an open heart.And for the children's sake & their future since the ruptures amongst the couple would leave a telling effect on the growing children with tender hearts.And after certain age the couple live for the sake of children fully realising that marriage,after all is a compromise & each respecting other's sentiments,likes & dislikes.And once again,in India,at least Hindu Community believes in monogamy & in fact,wife is considered as the better half.There is no security for a woman discarded by a man although loud talks are made about women freedom & liberalisation of the divorce laws/ process.Living aloof from the spouse is a tested theory which ultimately suggests that living together with rapprochement is a better way.Little conflicts amongst the couple are only to eventually cement their bondage & are the cost free outlets of ones temporary anger/grouse. Instances of continuous unbearable conflicts & cohabitation are not many.There is no average family which is free from conflicts.They are part of the married life. & at times are also enjoyed by the couple

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by andrewskelly on Sep 27, 2011 09:36 PM

This is such a loosely written article, totally lacking comprehensiveness and substantial coverage of the issue...

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DilipVishnu maydeo
by DilipVishnu maydeo on Sep 27, 2011 09:18 PM  | Hide replies

This concept comes from Management and Engineering sicience.We reap what we sow.There is scope for reengineering as the same may happen if you remarry as your defects remain the same ,uncorrected.The challenge then is to understand self and study your own responses and temper them rather than being reactive and impulsive.Moderate them.You have to put as much effort as you put into your job.This is equally important as your job which gives you money.But a marriage gives you happiness of sex and children.Try to get both types of happiness in life.You have a right to have it.But if you think that you have married for enjoyment and entertainment it is fooling yourself.Marriage is a respnsibility just as any job or aspect of life.We must put all creativity ,humor and many skills into it.It is not impossible given the fact that many of us are educated and organised.We have to be tolerant and kind and gentle in approach.Agression does not work as this is not a game of wits and strength.If one acts rashly there may be some reason for it.Bad mood could be one .By harming your other half you are harming self.So pool all your energies and restructure to win!!

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Rajesh Kumar
Re: Re-Engineering
by Rajesh Kumar on Oct 01, 2011 03:59 PM

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kiran venna
Re: Re-Engineering
by kiran venna on Sep 27, 2011 11:52 PM
Excellent. Very well said

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Praveen Kumar
Re: Re-Engineering
by Praveen Kumar on Sep 28, 2011 12:57 PM
Very good thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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