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Five technologies that Steve Jobs can kill for good!

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Re: Rediff shame on you !!!
by KS on Oct 10, 2011 02:00 AM
Well I guess I wouldnt say shame on Rediff... The article is titled, "Five technologies that Steve Jobs can kill for good!" Its the writer's perspective and I dont believe just because he is a 2nd year student takes anything away from him. Bill gates and Steve Jobs were both dropouts themselves and have achieved tremendous sucess in their lives. Education definitely adds value to someone's life but has nothing to do with success in itself "in my opinion". Focusing career, job etc.. only makes us dependent on making opinions based on bias from who we listen to (co-workers, media), self education comes from personal success... in fact I have a friend of mine who in his first year at college ran a sofwtare company, has extremely high technical knowledge and has been very successful. Anyways, I would understand you are commenting based on your opinion and you are entitled to. Just thought I would share...

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Jobs Brought Ideas in Marketplace
by Chris on Oct 09, 2011 01:23 PM

Apple comes up with new technologies and ideas that others better and make cheaper. Nonetheless, there is greatness in being the first mover and creating these. If Apple had not created ipad, would the Android tablets have ever been created? But being sensible is waiting for the imitators to make things cheaper and better and avoid Apple products, which are buggy and expensive. They have copied Google in creating icloud.

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Do not agree with you on any single point of yours..
by susanta on Oct 08, 2011 08:35 PM

1)Removal of floppy drive would have happened any way.
2)Optical drives--I use them regularly. I can't spend 200-400 bucks for storing softwares etc..
3) Adobe -- Well it may be buggy...so is IOS. But it is not like adobe is bringing the new software just for Apple.

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Ting Ting
Billions Will Miss You,Steve Forever, Shame Obama&USA for Ins
by Ting Ting on Oct 08, 2011 11:46 AM  | Hide replies

Yes, steve jobs is comparable to greats like newton,einstein,edison and others.Shame that he was NOT Given state funeral by USA or World befitting one of the greatest human beings ever born, may be because steve jobs believed in philosophy of eastern religions, namely buddhism and hinduism, Steve Jobs was NOT given state funeral and honours. Of course if he had belonged to hate-filled seetic cults, christinity or islam, both america and europe would have given state honours and state mourning, that is the octopus control of vaatican and jehadis all over the world, right,folks???

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Re: Billions Will Miss You,Steve Forever, Shame Obama&USA for
by sadaChiddi on Oct 08, 2011 05:25 PM
steve jobs visited india 25 yerars and that was his last visit.Till the end he was bitter about India and its so called hype.
His only connection to hinduism is the free food,he eat in the temple.

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Re: Billions Will Miss You,Steve Forever, Shame Obama&USA for
by RAKESH SINGHAL on Oct 09, 2011 10:42 PM
He was a very good businessman who made a lot of money for himself,didn't give anything for social cause.He didn't do anything for ordinary and underprivileged so not a great man.

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