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IIT Tooper: 'I watched a movie before the exam!'

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prem k
by prem k on May 31, 2011 12:27 AM  | Hide replies

There are so many posts here which are dismissive about Teja's achievements and claim that he might leave our society to settle in the comforts of a western society. It is strange that so many of us are cribbing about lost scientific and academic talent and want him to continue in this country without seeing what it can offer back to him.

Even a wild life species is kept in an environment that is not conduicive to it, it can live for long. Why do people passionately crib about IITians leaving the country for greener pastures, when they have no right to. At least 15 years back, IIT education was funded by state. But today, with the high semester fees, most of the educational costs are recovered from the students. What right does the society have in asking them to be retained in the country?

Attracting and retaining talent is about creating a conduicive environment. For a sharp mind, it is about creating opportunities in research and providing world class infrastructure. When society does not contribute a dime towards it, how can they expect brilliant minds to return to the country and work even if the conditions are not conduicive for productivity.

We, as a society, can attract singers (so many pakistani singers), artists (all these item number girls from exotic countries) and cricketers; but we cannot spend the same amount of money on scientific research and attract equally talented people. A society gets what it deserves and we deserve only cricketers and dancers

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Venkatachalam iyer
Re: Understand...
by Venkatachalam iyer on Jun 03, 2011 07:32 AM
Is it possible to enjoy the same amount of freedom that we are accustomed to in Hindustan, in an alien country? Why does the thought of leaving the mother country occur? Money cannot be the criterion. There are many illiterates who make more money than highly educated ones. Some of the comforts which we get in India, we cannot even imagine outside this country. I do not agree that for doing research one has to step out of India first. I am at a loss to understand the reason for this craze for going abroad. Okay. you go there as a tourist, if you like. Not for settling down permanently leaving India. It is not worth the trouble. If the leaders and people in India focus on infrastructure, hygiene, cleanliness and straightforwardness as a matter of voluntary choice, where is the need to go abroad? The variety that we see in India cannot be seen anywhereelse except to a certain extent in USA. For a common man, India is paradise and he is not aware of it.

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Saurabh Mahajan
Re: Understand...
by Saurabh Mahajan on May 31, 2011 05:37 PM
Couldn't have said it any better..we said...

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Saurabh Mahajan
Re: Re: Understand...
by Saurabh Mahajan on May 31, 2011 05:38 PM
Well said*

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sriram gupta
Plenty of racist idiots on rediff
by sriram gupta on May 30, 2011 10:05 PM

These guys (people who are commenting badly about telugus instead of congratulating a topper who is also an indian) have never achieved anything in life, but think they are the smartest, most intelligent people on earth. No wonder british were able to rule us for so long.

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Congrats !!
by gurdjiff@rediffmail.com on May 30, 2011 09:18 PM  | Hide replies

First of all, Many congratulations on your achievement. May your pure thoughts(Serving India)materialize into a glorious journey. Now time to take on my fellow discussion board members:)
I hope you haven't read these comments.Provided you have read them,Don't get bogged down. They are preparing you for real India in case you happen to become IAS officer. On the contrary I will recommended you to read these comments more often, as they represent unfiltered feelings/thoughts of Indian educated masses.
It's irony that education/educated has become synonymous with College/University Degree. In some sense it is correct as they are educated but no learned.Any good news is met with cynicism, as first and foremost people will break down it to region,caste,creed etc... We are racist lot and biggest hypocrites. In your instance it has become Telugu glory!!! Followed by smashing from Rest of India.. Don't get this heartened as things would have been identical in case you would have been Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi etc. Take these comments as case study and be realistic about goals ...

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Re: Congrats !!
by gurdjiff@rediffmail.com on May 30, 2011 09:24 PM
I wanted to have discussion inline with how small villages,city pupils are coming up. Instead of getting enthused about people's achievement's
it turned into rediff's discussion board.

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Re: Congrats !!
by GGK on May 31, 2011 09:37 AM
One of the nice input after a long time. But I would have been more happy if he is interested in making use of his knowledge on research side. One need not go to IIT to become a good IAS officer. If I contrast this interview from the recent Civil Services topper one can get the perspective of how to aspire for a vision of serving society by being part of it. Hope his next few years makes him realise the best use of his knowledge is where his effort has been over the period of years. Having said that congratulations to the topper for his achievement.

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Dheeraj Bharadwaj
Re: Congrats !!
by Dheeraj Bharadwaj on May 30, 2011 09:46 PM
A very very thought-provoking and inspiring comment.... excellent I must say ! Very true!!!

Happy that there is atleast one truly educated person on the discussion board!

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Congrats !!!
by gurdjiff@rediffmail.com on May 30, 2011 09:17 PM

First of all, Many congratulations on your achievement. May your pure thoughts(Serving India)materialize into a glorious journey. Now time to take on my fellow discussion board members:)
I hope you haven't read these comments.Provided you have read them,Don't get bogged down. They are preparing you for real India in case you happen to become IAS officer. On the contrary I will recommended you to read these comments more often, as they represent unfiltered feelings/thoughts of Indian educated masses.
It's irony that education/educated has become synonymous with College/University Degree. In some sense it is correct as they are educated but no learned.Any good news is met with cynicism, as first and foremost people will break down it to region,caste,creed etc... We are racist lot and biggest hypocrites. In your instance it has become Telugu glory!!! Followed by smashing from Rest of India.. Don't get this heartened as things would have been identical in case you would have been Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi etc. Take these comments as case study and be realistic about goals ...

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Jhandu Singh
i see...
by Jhandu Singh on May 30, 2011 08:56 PM  | Hide replies

i am sure he must be watching either Indian, or Jaal-the Trap, or Gadar-ek prem katha or Jaani Dushman- ek anokhi prem kahani.
only Sunny Deol's movies can inspire someone to achieve a feat like topping in the IIT exams.
Good luck to prithvi teja for his studies at IIT, Ropar.

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Souvik Jana
Re: i see...
by Souvik Jana on May 31, 2011 01:01 AM
read the article correctly... He is going to IIT Mumbai and watched a Telegu movie the previous day... Sunny Deol dont make Telegu movies...

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Manjunatha  K
Re: Re: i see...
by Manjunatha K on Nov 22, 2011 10:42 AM
He is a big fan of Pawan kalyan . he must have watched Tammudu film the previous day.

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andra has money coming from US, this guy s dad is a jeweller....s
by bombay on May 30, 2011 08:42 PM  | Hide replies

u can buy even top rank in !!T.............LOL
now he will finish his Btech and go to his village in US!! to meet his relatives!!where they must have already reserved a job for him!!

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Dheeraj Bharadwaj
Re: andra has money coming from US, this guy s dad is a jeweller.
by Dheeraj Bharadwaj on May 30, 2011 09:20 PM
Please get your facts right. No one BUYS seats in IIT's !
It is only hard work that reaps such results !

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prem k
Re: andra has money coming from US, this guy s dad is a jeweller.
by prem k on May 31, 2011 12:11 AM
You are a loser. It is written all over you. Sorry... and get well soon

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Souvik Jana
Re: andra has money coming from US, this guy s dad is a jeweller.
by Souvik Jana on May 31, 2011 01:00 AM
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.... I think you dont have any idea about IIT-JEE.... Get your facts corrected.... Seats cant be bought in IIT.... Its not management quota....

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sriram gupta
Re: andra has money coming from US, this guy s dad is a jeweller.
by sriram gupta on May 30, 2011 09:59 PM
F-u-c-k off i-d-i-o-t

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Intelligence of different kind
by june on May 30, 2011 08:24 PM  | Hide replies

Good observation. The maximum number of noble prize winners from India are Tamil brahmins who come from middle class families with little support from government(Tamilnadu where there is 69% reservation for BC) as they are forward class. I am both a high class tamil brahmin and married to a IIT man who is a post grad from top US university who has research papers to his name. You never see Telegu people doing research contributing to charity on contrary they promote dowry create class distinction even among their community even in US.Intelligence are many kinds.

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National Highway
Re: Intelligence of different kind
by National Highway on May 30, 2011 09:33 PM
1. Nobel prize are given for discoveries in fundamental research and not for technical excellence.
2. It is true that most of Nobel prize winners of India origin in science (Physics/Chemistry) are from Tamilnadu but all three (C. V. Raman, Chandrashekhar and V. Ramakrishanan) educated before introduction of 69% reservation in Tamilnadu and worked outside tamilnadu. H. Khorana, the Nobel Prize prize winner, is from Punjab.
3. It is clear that you have very little knowledge in Scientific research. If you had enough knowledge in Research, then you would have come across several telugu scientists doing research in US and several other parts of world.

Teja is the top ranker in IIT-JEE 2011. If you want to congratulate Teja, please do so or leave it but it is totally inappropriate to comment negatively about whole region.

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Jason Bourne
Re: Re: Intelligence of different kind
by Jason Bourne on Jun 01, 2011 01:38 AM
Good clear response National Highway. Keeping the board sane. Appreciate it

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Re: Intelligence of different kind
by SK on May 31, 2011 06:32 AM
Hey June...one plate idly, single vada..no sambar..only chutney..please stuff sambar inside u

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Re: Intelligence of different kind
by drax on May 31, 2011 07:47 AM
June surely you meant..."I am both a high class tamil call girl and married to a ITI man who is a post grad from top Ugandan university who has fake research papers to his name." Right???

Next time write correctly and without such errors. :)

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Ram Iyer
Re: Intelligence of different kind
by Ram Iyer on May 30, 2011 08:38 PM
I am a Tamilian. However I have not seen such a castist person as you are. I hope you would not prosper in life.
God would surely notice your fanatism. By the way, almost all he temples are supported only by people from Andhra. Not tamilians.

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Re: Intelligence of different kind
by SK on May 31, 2011 06:32 AM
Hey June...one plate idly, single vada..no sambar..only chutney..please stuff sambar in ur pu55y

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Tom Dick
Re: Intelligence of different kind
by Tom Dick on May 30, 2011 08:27 PM
Getting a NOBEL prize is a noble thing...:)

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Dinesh Akabari
What is message? Shall need to see Movie?
by Dinesh Akabari on May 30, 2011 08:16 PM  | Hide replies

Author had titled such a way that (s)he is advocating that movie must see to crack the IIT. Is it strategy by author to get large reader by making contradiction in title?

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Dheeraj Bharadwaj
Re: What is message? Shall need to see Movie?
by Dheeraj Bharadwaj on May 30, 2011 09:22 PM
Well, the title is inappropriate. The topper watched a movie because he is used to watching them and finds them relaxing.
For others, movie may not actually be the best idea. The key is to relax and keep your mind calm!
I did so by playing some games and revising!

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studying , intelligence
by northie on May 30, 2011 08:04 PM  | Hide replies

Isn't it amazing the telugus do well in IIT where learning is important but not a single Nobel prize winner.

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Dheeraj Bharadwaj
Re: studying , intelligence
by Dheeraj Bharadwaj on May 30, 2011 09:26 PM
There is a reason to that. Studying for IITJEE is not the same as excelling in a subject.
AP students crack IITJEE because of sheer hardwork, equally in all the three subjects.
Intelligence and continuous proficiency in a particular subject is required for the nobel prize in that particular field. Since the education in AP isn't subject-specific, we see a dearth of nobel prize candidates here.

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National Highway
Re: Re: studying , intelligence
by National Highway on May 30, 2011 09:29 PM
1. Nobel prize are given for discoveries in fundamental research and not for technical excellence.
2. It is true that most of Nobel prize winners of India origin in science (Physics/Chemistry) are from Tamilnadu but all three (C. V. Raman, Chandrashekhar and V. Ramakrishanan) educated before introduction of 69% reservation in Tamilnadu and worked outside tamilnadu. H. Khorana, the Nobel Prize prize winner, is from Punjab.
3. It is clear that you have very little knowledge in Scientific research. If you had enough knowledge in Research, then you would have come across several telugu scientists doing research in US and several other parts of world.

Teja is the top ranker in IIT-JEE 2011. If you want to congratulate Teja, please do so or leave it but it is totally inappropriate to comment negatively about whole region.

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Re: studying , intelligence
by siva on May 30, 2011 08:15 PM
U 'll See someone very soon from AP.

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by drax on May 30, 2011 03:18 PM  | Hide replies

How come Telugus perform well where intelligence is required??? Or is it that rest of India is soooo brainless. ;)

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by indgold on May 30, 2011 07:06 PM
Smartness and intelligence is not associated with particular place.. stop useless comments and wish him success!!there is not use for hatred...let us be together and achive for better India...

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by veera on May 30, 2011 03:25 PM
r u blind? continuously Telugus rocking in every competetive exam. if u dont want to appreciate keep shut ur a**.why u r trying tio create hatred in the name of language? u should be hanged in public place. get out u m0r0n

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Dheeraj Bharadwaj
by Dheeraj Bharadwaj on May 30, 2011 09:28 PM
The reason to this is industrial coaching! Intelligence wise, everybody is intelligent, it's not region specific. Its just the craze here in AP that drives people to study very hard for these exams.

I repeat, intelligence-wise, everybody is equally intelligent!

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