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'Mr Ramesh, first become an IIT professor then react'

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jairam is 100% right
by sagar on May 26, 2011 01:31 PM  | Hide replies

jairam is 100% right. how many inventions been made by IITs' in country. have they invented anything at least like several china electronic items available in the market.

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ashish sahu
Re: jairam is 100% right
by ashish sahu on May 26, 2011 05:15 PM
sagar, what's the performance of so called politician's till now??
His party is a national shame.....and he is commenting on others who r atleast honest to their jobs..

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Re: Re: jairam is 100% right
by Avinash on May 26, 2011 05:47 PM
thats the problem cant think anything beyond politics n criticism of person....we always miss the point....issue is on change in mindset for research, invention, innovation vast Govt can do a lot so can Private donors n corporates...issue is we dont have a culture of innovation but can we bring a change, the next technology from India to the world

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CopyCats and Muggers
by Ahamed on May 26, 2011 01:04 PM  | Hide replies

I agree with Jairam Ramesh.

Amount of output from IITs/IIM to world is almost NIL.

One who can Mug and Remember those theories invented by westerners are admitted to IITs/IIMs

Harvard Univserity which selects blacks and latinos through Affirmative (Reservation Diversity US) brings atleast more than 100 Innovations a Year.

Output of Teachers in IITs/IIM who refused to teach SC/ST students) is NIL.

Why Answer sheets of all indian students who write exam is same ? Is all Indian students think in same way ?

CopyCats and Muggers .

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ashish sahu
Re: CopyCats and Muggers
by ashish sahu on May 26, 2011 05:18 PM
1st reach to their position(IIT's/IIM's)then comment.Moreover indian politician is making some comment on other's credibility is a BIG joke in itself.

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bechara indian
World class
by bechara indian on May 26, 2011 12:41 PM

We have world class politicians , world class congressi , world class chamchas , world class cong presdident , world class yuvraj.

Dont u think it is enough Mr. Ramesh

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subodh gupta
Hi improve
by subodh gupta on May 26, 2011 11:40 AM  | Hide replies

Once you become Nakata ( III , Professor ), You are bound to appreciate all ( professor) Nakatas

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bechara indian
Re: Hi improve
by bechara indian on May 26, 2011 12:49 PM
Re: ramesh a crony of rahul baba
by bechara indian (View MyPage) on May 26, 2011 12:49 PM
Kapil Sibal wanted to have a control on ITTs and IIMs...He could not do it so Ramesh is brought forward...what an idea sirji..

Mr. ramesh and Kapil, go improve your ministeries first...stop licking italian foot..then complain IITs and IIMs

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subodh gupta
by subodh gupta on May 26, 2011 11:38 AM

Once you Nakata( IIT , Professor) you will all nakata's

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hukmichand goyal
let us come on
by hukmichand goyal on May 26, 2011 11:32 AM  | Hide replies

we are not open to any adverse remarks. instead of looking in to deficiences we become defencive. unless we are open to any suggestions/complains how we can improve.Are we hypocrate.forget it who said it. revisit our selves and if any scope try to work out. one more thing always we talk about big people, premier institutes, which are already at some stage what about the recently opened pvt institutes in last decade, how they are playing with future of this country where no. of students is multiple of IITs & IIMs.

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bechara indian
Re: let us come on
by bechara indian on May 26, 2011 12:43 PM
Goyal saab...There is no harm but Mr. Ramesh and Mr. Kapil are trying to control IIT and IIMs.

Mr. Ramesh should compare his govt , his colleague whether they are world class...yes offcourse in corruption...soon we will be number in corruption...We are #1 money hoarders in swiss account..

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Ramesh - Introspect India and Indian govt first..
by Rathna on May 26, 2011 10:01 AM  | Hide replies

Mr. Ramesh, first introspect India and Indian govt., Congress being in the rule for the past 7 years. Has it changed anything significantly. Learn from China, are you people really interested in nurturing ample talent that is there in India?, rather you allow to sell them to foreign countries and try to earn from scams, taxes etc.,. First try to improve the basic structure of the whole of Indian govt., I am sure you can't, because you may say that you are not the PM, but even if you are the PM, you can't do much. So, think well before you tell anything. Do you or your govt have the guts to declare that the Indian govt will pay the highest salary than all the corporates in India, then the so called reputed institute and highly talented people will come and contribute to the development of our Country, instead of contributing to some other country.

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bechara indian
Re: Ramesh - Introspect India and Indian govt first..
by bechara indian on May 26, 2011 12:51 PM
Kapil Sibal wanted to have a control on ITTs and IIMs...He could not do it so Ramesh(he has better image so what he says will be accepted by indians) is brought forward...what an idea sirji..

Mr. ramesh and Kapil, go improve your ministeries first...stop licking italian foot..then complain IITs and IIMs

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bechara indian
Re: Ramesh - Introspect India and Indian govt first..
by bechara indian on May 26, 2011 12:46 PM
What infrastructure is created by Govt for retaining the talent and R&D facilities..

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pandu havaldar
by pandu havaldar on May 26, 2011 09:34 AM

Can we make a practice of making mandatory every IITian and IIM grad to spend 1 year actively working in central/state government department. Just like we made mandatory for a doctor to spend 1 year in rural area.

This will keep check on running behind dollars and Euros and GBP's.

Lets make this a religious practice.

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Nagarajan Viswanathan
Correct perspective?
by Nagarajan Viswanathan on May 26, 2011 08:29 AM  | Hide replies

Mr J R's statement? we must look at it in the right perspective?Mr JR is one of the best ministers.There is truth in what he says.We need to improve.There is no limit to it?We are a poor 3rd world nation?How can we have only a first rate Govt college or Govt Hospital?We are all brilliant but insincere and selfish people?The day we all become selfless,we will be first rate?Not till then?

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bechara indian
Re: Correct perspective?
by bechara indian on May 26, 2011 12:51 PM
Kapil Sibal wanted to have a control on ITTs and IIMs...He could not do it so Ramesh(he has better image so what he says will be accepted by indians) is brought forward...what an idea sirji..

Mr. ramesh and Kapil, go improve your ministeries first...stop licking italian foot..then complain IITs and IIMs

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Prabodh Panigrahy
Agree with Jairam...
by Prabodh Panigrahy on May 26, 2011 08:28 AM  | Hide replies

The statements of Jairam Ramesh are interpreted wrongly and this mis-interpretation is much hyped. What he meant to say is that the glory of IITs are not because of research but for education. Since education is some what good and the students hand picked, you get the best out of the students. But this is only not what is expected from any word class university. Research is prime which is hardly done here in IITs. Either the profs are not capable. They only do their bit to teach and some ordinary research to get their papers published in international journals. If you compare other univs outside India, the students are not as good as our IITians but they manage to do better research than us. Now u must understand who is to be blamed. Yes profs, sometimes the system also. But IITs are autonomous and have enough money. So the system hardly comes their way of research. Our profs need to be professional and just should not be complacent.

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bechara indian
Re: Agree with Jairam...
by bechara indian on May 26, 2011 12:52 PM
Kapil Sibal wanted to have a control on ITTs and IIMs...He could not do it so Ramesh(he has better image so what he says will be accepted by indians) is brought forward...what an idea sirji..

Mr. ramesh and Kapil, go improve your ministeries first...stop licking italian foot..then complain IITs and IIMs

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